Denial of Service in Citrix MetaFrame
A vulnerability exists in the Citrix MetaFrame server application that lets an attacker crash the server, resulting in a Denial of Service (DoS).
October 16, 2001
Reported October 16, 2001, byInternet Security Systems.
Citrix MetaFrame XP for Windows 2000
Citrix MetaFrame XP SP1 for Windows 2000
Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 for Windows NT
Citrix MetaFrame 1.8 SP3 for Windows NT
Avulnerability exists in the Citrix MetaFrame server application that lets anattacker crash the server, resulting in a Denial of Service (DoS). An improperhandling of multiple sessions on the Citrix servercauses this DoS condition. By spoofing the protocol thatruns between the MetaFrame client and server, an attacker can start multiplefake sessions with the affected server. These sessions typically pass filenameand other information from client to server before the system has set upencrypted channels. The server lets an attacker start a maximum of approximately52 sessions. After these sessions time out, any new sessions that start cancause the server to crash with a blue screen.
Thevendor, Citrix, recommends that usersinstall the appropriate hotfixesthat the vendor will make available soon.
Discovered by Justine Bone, Glyn Geoghegan, and Paul Davies of InternetSecurity Systems.
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