What restrictions are available with Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 and above?What restrictions are available with Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 1 and above?
January 3, 2001
A. With Internet Explorer (IE) 5.x, you have many options for limiting the actions that users can perform (see the table below for a complete list). You can apply these restrictions either to one user by setting the HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions registry key or to all users by setting the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions registry key. If you set a restriction at both the user and the machine level, the machine level setting takes precedence. A value of 1 enables the restriction; a value of 0 disables the restriction.
To add a restriction, perform the following steps:
Start regedit.exe.
Go to either HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions (for a user) or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftInternet ExplorerRestrictions (for all users).
From the Edit menu, select New, DWORD value.
In the table, find the desired value, enter it for the Value name, and press Enter.
Double-click the new value and set it to 1 to enable the restriction. Click OK.
Close regedit.
Value name | Description |
NoToolbarCustomize | Customize the toolbar. |
NoBandCustomize | Customize the band. |
SmallIcons | Force small icons. |
LockIconSize | Change the icon size. |
SpecifyDefaultButtons | Must be set to 1 if you are going to disable any of the default buttons, such as the Back button (Btn_Back). |
Btn_Back | Back button and menu item |
Btn_Forward | Forward button and menu item. |
Btn_Stop | Stop button and menu item. |
Btn_Refresh | Refresh button and menu item. |
Btn_Home | Home button and menu item. |
Btn_Search | Search button and menu item. |
Btn_History | History button and menu item. |
Btn_Favorites | Favorites button and menu item. |
Btn_Folders | Folders Options command on the View menu. |
Btn_Fullscreen | Full Screen command on the Edit menu. |
Btn_Tools | Tools button and menu item. |
Btn_MailNews | Mail and News button and menu item. |
Btn_Size | Edit text size menu item. |
Btn_Print | Print button and menu item. |
Btn_Edit | Edit menu item. |
Btn_Discussions | Discussion button and menu item. |
Btn_Cut | Edit/Cut menu item. |
Btn_Copy | Edit/Copy menu item. |
Btn_Paste | Edit/Paste menu item. |
Btn_Encoding | View/Encoding menu item. |
NoWindowsUpdate | Removes Windows Update from the Tools Menu. |
NoExpandedNewMenu | Expand new menus. |
NoFileUrl | Run link to local file URL. |
NoChannelUI | Channels user interface. |
NoAddingChannels | Add channels. |
NoEditingChannels | Edit channels. |
NoRemovingChannels | Remove channels. |
NoAddingSubscriptions | Add subscriptions. |
NoEditingSubscriptions | Edit subscriptions. |
NoRemovingSubscriptions | Remove subscriptions. |
NoChannelLogging | Channel logging. |
NoManualUpdates | Manual updates. |
NoScheduledUpdates | Update schedules. |
NoUnattendedDialing | Unattended dialing. |
NoChannelContent | Channel CDFs will be delivered but without content. Overrides the per-channel settings. |
NoSubscriptionContent | Subscriptions will be monitored for changes, but content will not be downloaded. |
NoEditingScheduleGroups | Edit schedule groups/create new ones. |
MaxChannelSize | Maximum size in KB of channel elements in the cache. Overrides channel maximums the user sets. |
MaxSubscriptionSize | Maximum size in KB of subscription elements in the cache. Overrides subscription maximums the user sets. |
MaxChannelCount | User can't add more than n channels. Not applied retroactively. Administrators can push more than n. N may not be zero. |
MaxSubscriptionCount | User can't add more than n subscriptions. Not applied retroactively. Administrators can push more than n. N may not be zero. |
MinUpdateInterval | Channels and subscriptions can't be updated more often than this number of minutes. |
UpdateExcludeBegin | Number of minutes from midnight where schedule changes are excluded. Zero is not valid. |
UpdateExcludeEnd | End of a range in which to exclude schedule updates. May be lower than UpdateExcludeBegin. |
UpdateInNewProcess | Subscriptions will be updated in a separate process, making the system more stable but slightly slower. |
MaxWebcrawlLevels | Site subscriptions will be limited to MaxWebcrawlLevels - 1. Zero disables the restriction. |
MaxChannelLevels | Channel subscriptions that contain LEVEL tags will be limited to MaxChannelLevels - 1. Zero disables the restriction. |
NoSubscriptionPasswords | Prevents the entering and caching of passwords. |
NoBrowserSaveWebComplete | Only save as .HTML, .HTM, or .TXT. |
NoSearchCustomization | Customize search. |
NoSplash | Start-up splash screen |
NoFileOpen | File/Open menu item (IE only). |
NoFileNew | File/New menu item (IE only). |
NoBrowserSaveAs | File/save as menu item (IE only) |
NoBrowserOptions | Tools/Internet options menu item (IE only). |
NoFavorites | Favorites menu item (IE only). |
NoSelectDownloadDir | Select download directory (IE only). |
NoBrowserContextMenu | Browser context menu (IE only). |
NoBrowserClose | Close browser (IE only). |
NoOpeninNewWnd | New browser window (IE only). |
NoTheaterMode | Theater mode (IE only). |
NoFindFiles | Find files dialog (IE only). |
NoViewSource | Edit/View source menu item (IE only). |
RestGoMenu | View/Go to menu item (IE only). |
NoToolbarOptions | Toolbar options (IE only). |
AlwaysPromptWhenDownload | Always prompts when downloading (IE only). |
NoHelpItemTipOfTheDay | Tip of the day (IE only). |
NoHelpItemNetscapeHelp | Netscape help (IE only). |
NoHelpItemTutorial | Tutorial (IE only). |
NoHelpItemSendFeedback | Send feedback (IE only). |
NoNavButtons | Navigation buttons (IE only). |
NoHelpMenu | Help menu item (IE only). (There is a known problem with this not working with IE 5.01 SP1, and a fix is available.) |
NoBrowserBars | Browser bars (IE only). |
NoToolBar | Tool bar (IE only). |
NoAddressBar | Address bar (IE only). |
NoLinksBar | Links bar (IE only). |
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