Visual Warehouse 1.0

IBM's Visual Warehouse 1.0 for Windows NT addresses information distribution problems for organizations with lots of data, especially for organizations that distribute data across databases on different platforms.

Wylie Wong

September 30, 1997

6 Min Read
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IBM's Visual Warehouse for Windows NT (VWNT) addresses informationdistribution problems for organizations with lots of data--especially fororganizations that distribute data across databases on different platforms(mainframes, UNIX systems, PC clusters, etc.). VWNT uses a database-warehouse(see, "Database Warehousing,") approach toprovide information to users, and it includes IBM's DB2 database software.Because IBM's DB2 database server is the backbone of IBM's database offerings onall its hardware platforms, this inclusion comes as no surprise. Although VWNTis relatively new, DB2 has a solid track record.

The Core
VWNT consists of five main parts: DB2, VWNT desktop, VWNT server, VWNTagent, and DataGuide. DB2 is a full copy of IBM's DB2 database server for NT.DB2 is necessary for the VWNT and the DataGuide databases it uses. NT can mineinformation from a variety of databases, including DB2, Oracle, Sybase, andMicrosoft SQL Server. NT can also use nonrelational databases, such as InternetMail Server (IMS) and MVS flat files, as data sources. Check IBM's Web site( for an extensive list of database sources.

The VWNT desktop is the front-end application that manages the VWNTdatabase (as shown in Screen 1). This database holds source database information(also called tables or files), destination database information(also called business views, as shown in Screen 2), extractionprocedures, schedules (as shown in Screen 3) and other related information.

The desktop component manages the VWNT server which, in turn, coordinatesone or more VWNT agents. These agents extract information from the sourcedatabases (as shown in Screen 4). Destination databases are DB2, and the VWNTdesktop shows these agents (as shown in Screen 5).

DataGuide maintains a meta-directory for VWNT. You can have the extractiontools automatically create it. In brief, DataGuide helps users find informationin the warehouse. DataGuide includes both user and manager aspects, which letmanagers limit user access to information. As noted, DB2 databases store all ofthe DataGuide information.

After VWNT puts information into the destination database, a clientapplication can use it. Clients typically use Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)to access business views, but clients can use any tool, such as MicrosoftAccess, to access the destination database. DataGuide lets database managersorganize databases in groups, so users can easily select, drill down in, and usedatabases. In addition, you can associate predefined queries and reports withDataGuide entries, which lets you access information even without front-endapplications.

These five VWNT components can run on a single server, but administratorsusually distribute them among servers in a much larger network. For example, anagent might be on a corporate network where it can access source databases athigh speeds and send consolidated and summarized information to a branch officeover a low-speed communications link. Similarly, you can distribute destinationdatabases so they can send one extraction to many locations--this capability ishandy with temporary or low-speed connections to remote sites and when theextraction occurs at night during low utilization.

VWNT comes with Lotus Approach 96 for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 (it alsoruns on NT). Approach 96 is a database front-end application that uses ODBC toaccess information. Approach can also use DB2 client software to directly accessDB2 servers. Approach 96 supports queries. It also supports scripting throughLotusScript and SQL Assistant for creating stored queries. The Approach packageincludes a single copy for the database manager, and you must buy additionallicenses for end users.

VWNT's performance depends on the source and destination database serversand their location on the network with respect to the VWNT agent. The VWNTserver uses TCP/IP to communicate with its agents, and both the server andagents run on NT Server systems. Many database managers consolidate largedatabases infrequently and coordinate this task with other events, includingbackup. VWNT's agent and server performance usually do not come into play herebecause the time needed to process the data is much greater than placing theresults into the destination database.

Installation and Documentation
VWNT is definitely a tool for the seasoned database manager. Patience and aknack for reading are a plus when working with IBM's documentation andinstallation procedures. Follow the installation procedures to the letter, andyour system will be running in a few hours. If you dive right in, you may needto call tech support.

VWNT's printed documentation focuses on low-level installation andplanning. Only the Lotus Approach documentation targets end users. Thedocumentation assumes database managers will present customized access andoperation information or instruction to users. This assumption means databasemanagers will have added work, but this requirement is not unreasonable giventhe variety of environments in which you can use VWNT. Still, IBM needs toprovide a Web-based overview and tutorial. The product has online documentation,but its depth varies from detailed to superficial. And VWNT doesn't offer onecoordinating online document or accessible printed user documentation.

VWNT installation and configuration require many steps. Installationwizards are accessible throughout, but one wizard for the whole product does notexist. You must install DB2 first, followed by VWNT, and then DataGuide. Youinstall VWNT agents and underlying communication support only once, butinstallation can be complicated for someone not familiar with databases,communications, and NT Server.

VWNT includes sample database sources and database warehouse businessviews, and I recommend that managers work with these tools extensively beforeusing VWNT with real data. Although the samples are small compared withdatabases in real installations, they are large enough to require about an hourto install them after a complete installation of VWNT.

Don't expect VWNT to drop into place in a couple days. Proper planning andinstallation can take weeks or even months. Aspects such as network bandwidthutilization might not show themselves until well after installation. VWNTprovides statistical information about its internal operation, such as how longan extraction takes. You can combine this information with network monitoringinformation to solve complex loading problems.

Pros and Cons
VWNT's ability to work with almost every major database server means thatyou'll want to consider it for any installation needing a database warehouse,regardless of where the data currently resides. VWNT can consolidate informationfrom a variety of sources, making it the ideal interface between legacy systemsand easy-to-use, front-end database applications such as Lotus Approach.

VWNT's cost of nearly $25,000 is low for a warehouse product, but more thanthe database server's price. VWNT is obviously not a solution for one databaseserver in a small organization however if your organization depends oninformation, VWNT is definitely worth considering. Also consider IBM'sconsulting services if you are new to database warehousing.

VWNT is a workhorse in its present state, but IBM could improve itsdocumentation and installation through Web integration tools. VWNT can probablyhandle any database warehouse job you throw at it. The hard part is figuring outwhat data you want and then implementing the VWNT business views.

Visual Warehouse 1.0

Contact: IBM * 520-574-4600 or 800-426-3333Web: less than $25,000System Requirements: Windows NT Server 4.0

About the Author(s)

Wylie Wong

Wylie Wong is a journalist and freelance writer specializing in technology, business and sports. He previously worked at CNET, Computerworld and CRN and loves covering and learning about the advances and ever-changing dynamics of the technology industry. On the sports front, Wylie is co-author of Giants: Where Have You Gone, a where-are-they-now book on former San Francisco Giants. He previously launched and wrote a Giants blog for the San Jose Mercury News, and in recent years, has enjoyed writing about the intersection of technology and sports.

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