Troubleshooting with NCR: Timesaving Tips from NCR Experts

Demoting a PDC to a BDC, accessing NT's Server's FTP service with a Netscape browser, and more.

ITPro Today

September 30, 1997

11 Min Read
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Tips from NCR Experts

I took an NT Server that was acting as a Primary Domain Controller (PDC) offline, and the Backup Domain Controller (BDC) became the PDC. When I brought the original PDC back up, both domain controllers acted as the PDC. How can I fix this problem?

You need to demote the original PDC to the BDC. To demote the original PDC,follow these steps:

1. Go to Control Panel, Services;select Net Logon; and click Stop. Alternatively, go to the original BDC and stopthe NetLogon service at the DOS prompt, with the command

net stop netlogon

2. Click Start, Programs,Administrative Tools, and select Server Manager. Choose the machine name of theoriginal PDC and then select Demote To Backup Domain Controller from theComputer drop-down menu. Completing this step will change the original PDC to aBDC.

3. Go to Control Panel, Services;select Net Logon; and click Start. Alternatively, you can restart the NetLogonservice on the original BDC at the DOS prompt, with the command

net start netlogon

4. Resynchronize the domain fromServer Manager.

(You can promote the original PDC to PDC using Step 2. You need to demotethe current PDC to a BDC immediately after this step.)

If this process does not work (possibly because of securityID--SID--corruption), you can perform the following steps. However, try thisresolution as a last resort; Microsoft does not support it. Using the Registryeditor incorrectly can cause serious systemwide problems, and you may need toreinstall NT to correct them.

1. Physically go to the domaincontroller that you do not want to be the PDC, and log on as Administrator.

2. To start the Registry editor, clickStart, Run; enter regedt32 in the Open box; and click OK.

3. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITY.By default, the Administrator has Special Access rights on the SECURITY key. Youneed to change these rights to Full Control. To make this change, implement thefollowing steps:

a. Select Security, Permissions from the menu bar.

b. Select the Administrator's name.

c. In the Type of Access drop-down box, choose Full Control andselect the Replace Permission on Existing Subkeys check box. Thisconfiguration gives the Administrator full control over the SECURITY key and allsubkeys.

d. Return the SECURITY key permissions to Special Access at the end of thisprocess. Select the Administrator's name, and under Special Access, Other,select WRITE DAC and READ CONTROL. Return to this step after changing theRegistry value in Step 5.

4. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESECURITYPolicyPolSrvRo.This key has the field : REG_NONE.Double-click this field to edit its values.

5. Change the value from 03000000 to02000000, and exit the Registry. Changing this value sets the machine as a BDCinstead of a PDC.

6. Reboot the server.

7. Resynchronize the domain, fromServer Manager.

I have found that the Windows NT Server FTP service does not functioncorrectly when I access it with Netscape browser software. The error typicallyoccurs when the home directory is a subdirectory rather than the root directoryof a drive. I frequently get the error message "Can't find the file in the root directory." What causes this error?

This error probably occurs because you have the NT FTP service configured tooutput DOS-style directories, and Netscape uses UNIX conventions when itnavigates. This configuration explains why the error typically does not occurwhen your home directory is the root of a drive and you are accessing a file.

To fix this problem, you need to configure the service to output UNIX-styledirectories. Run regedt32 (the NT Registry editor) to add or modify theMsdosDirOutput Registry value at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE on SYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesftpsvcParameters.

To add the value, follow these steps:

1. Select Edit, and then Add Value.

2. In the Value Name box, enter thename exactly as follows: MsdosDirOutput.

3. In the Data Type drop-down box, setthe data type to REG_DWORD.

4. Click OK.

5. When prompted for the string, enter0 for UNIX listings.

6. Click OK.

7. From Control Panel, Services, stopand restart your FTP Server service (you don't need to reboot).

If you're running Internet Information Server (IIS), you don't need tomodify the Registry. To make this change, start IIS, click the FTP serverproperties, go to the Directories tab, and select UNIX under Directory ListingStyle.

Replacing or upgrading applications within the NT operating environmentsometimes invalidates an NT service pack. What causes this problem, and how canI fix it?

During the replacement or installation of a software component (such as SQLServer or Systems Management Server--SMS), the files needed for the upgrade comefrom the application source, which may predate the service pack. During theapplication installation, some of the files the service pack installed may beoverwritten with older versions from the application source. Reapplyingthe service pack after an upgrade or software product installation will correctthis condition.

My server hangs approximately once every two months and displays thefatal message, "NT Blue Screen Error ... STOP 0x0000007F (0x00000000,0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Unexpected_Kernel_Mode_Trap."What causes this problem?

An incorrect version of BHNT.SYS causes this problem when you use theNetwork Monitor on a Windows NT Server 3.51 system with SMS 1.1. If NT isinstalled on a FAT partition and the Network Monitor is not startedautomatically, you can reapply the latest service pack to the system.Alternatively, you can perform the following steps:

1. Go to the system32directory, and find the file BHNT.SYS. Rename this file BHNT.OLD.

2. Go to the latest service pack,uncompress the BHNT.SYS file, and place the file in the system32 directory.

3. Reboot the system.

My Sound Blaster 16 sound card works fine with Windows 95, but itdoesn't work with Windows NT 4.0. What can I do?

Win95 detects Plug and Play (PnP) devices, but NT 4.0 does not. Therefore,you must manually install the Sound Blaster card driver to use it.

Go to select the Creative Labs Sound Blaster 1.x, Pro, 16 driver from the list.Accept the default settings. To add the driver in NT, click Start, Settings,Control Panel, Multimedia. On the Devices tab, click Add. When you're prompted,shut down and restart the system.

I'm trying to install Windows NT Workstation 4.0 on an ISA PC, but NTdoesn't see my hard disk. What can I do?

If the system you're installing NT on does not support Logical BlockAddressing (LBA), make sure the partition where you want to install NT is lessthan 540MB. You may also be able to get an updated BIOS from your PCmanufacturer to include LBA.

If your system supports LBA, make sure that Auto Detect is not enabled. Getthe hard disk specifications for cylinders, heads, and sectors--this informationis usually on the label of the hard disk. In your hardware setup, configure yourcomputer to use a custom-defined hard disk with the cylinders, heads, andsectors to match your disk.

After updating to Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3), I started gettingintermittent blue screens of death. I tried to uninstall SP3, but even afterreinstalling NT I still have the service pack files on my system. How can Iremove them without reformatting the disk?

If you selected the uninstall option when you applied the service pack, youcan run Update.exe from the service pack and select Uninstall a previouslyinstalled Service Pack. If you cleared the uninstall option when youinstalled the service pack, the files you need for the uninstall aren'tavailable to you. To remove the unwanted service pack, execute the followingsteps:

1. On the same system, install NT 4.0in a new directory.

2. Apply SP3, and select the Uninstalloption. This step will create a hidden directory under your NT root directory,$NtServicePackUninstall$.

3. Copy the $NtServicePackUninstall$directory from the second install to the original .Boot the original install of NT, run Update.exe from SP3, and selectUninstall a previously installed Service Pack. This step will use the$NtService PackUninstall$ files to replace the current files. It will alsoremove all indications that you are running NT 4.0 SP3.

I'm trying to add Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) to my WindowsNT 4.0 server, but my server doesn't offer the option. I have a second NT 4.0server that already has PPTP. Why isn't this option available on my otherserver?

An error is in the %SystemRoot%System32Oemnxppp.inf file that NTinstallation supplies. It does not include the option to add PPTP to aMicrochannel Architecture (MCA) server. Edit the Oemnxppp.inf file to addMCA to the [PlatformsSupported] section as follows:


OptionType = NetTransport





"Jazz-Internal Bus"






I have two Windows NT servers, but the larger one is booting veryslowly. At the blue Kernel initializing screen, one dot appears, and then thesystem hangs. The boot eventually completes, but takes as long as 40 minutes.Why?

Multiple SCSI adapters using the same IRQ may cause your problem. Althoughsharing IRQs is legal, you need to dedicate an IRQ to the controller connectedto the SCSI hard disk that NT boots from. Also, be sure to disable the BIOS onthe controllers that are not connected to this disk.

A drive in my software RAID went bad. I replaced the drive, but when Itried to regenerate the stripe set, I received the error message, "Thedrive cannot be locked for exclusive use. Please check to see if someapplications are currently accessing the drive. If so, close them and try again."

As far as I know, I've stopped all the services that access the drive,but I'm still getting the error. How can I recover my system?

You're on the right track. Some applications can have files on the drivethat your system is still accessing. The drive might have launched theapplication and the application is still open, the application might have leftsome files open, or the application might have created shares that othercomputers access.

If the error still occurs after you shut down all possible services andapplications, try the following steps to eliminate the possibility of anapplication accessing the volume:

1. Log on as Administrator. InAdministrative Tools, Disk Administrator, select the stripe set and click Tools,Assign Drive Letter. Select Do not assign a drive letter.

2. Reboot the server.

3. After logging on, go to DiskAdministrator. Select the stripe set volume, and while pressing the Ctrl key,select Free Space on the replaced drive. Click Fault Tolerance, Regenerate, tobegin regeneration of the stripe set.

4. After regeneration, select thestripe set and click on Tools, Assign Drive Letter. Reassign the original driveletter to the volume.

5. Reboot the server.

I have a domain with several Windows NT workstation clients and one NTPrimary Domain Controller (PDC). I have a network printer connected to an HPJetDirect, which uses the Data Link Control (DLC) protocol. I have the printershared at my server so that everyone can use it.

My problem is that each client can print to the printer, but only oneclient can print at a time. The server locks out all the other clients until theclient that is printing is rebooted. The jobs of the locked-out clients appearto be printing but are actually sitting in the print queue. I'm not getting anyerror messages. What's happening?

You have the clients configured to print directly to the HP JetDirect portand not to the NT shared printer, so the first client to access the printer isin control until the client is rebooted. To fix this problem, you need to removethe DLC protocol and the HP JetAdmin software from each client.

To remove the DLC protocol, go to Control Panel, Network; select the DLCprotocol, and click Remove. Repeat these steps for the HP JetAdmin software.Click OK, and reboot the client. Connect each client to the NT shared printer inControl Panel, Printers.

One of my Windows NT 3.51 workstations has an unusual problem. Someusers can log on and use the workstation with no problems, but when others logon, the system immediately shuts down. The users have their own logon script, sowhy aren't some scripts working?

The user account does not have permissions to the %SystemRoot%System32 directory.To fix this problem, go to the %SystemRoot%System32 directory.You will find that the user accounts that are causingthe shutdowns have restricted permissions. This situation prevents NT fromexecuting. Change the permissions to give all users Read and Execute permissionson the NT files.

My company has offices in several countries, and we recently upgradedeveryone to Windows NT 4.0. Now our offices in South America can't run ourbackup scripts. They get the Spanish equivalent of the error message, "Thecommand line contains an invalid parameter." The same script runs fine on our USservers. Why?

Ntbackup.exe in the Spanish version of NT 4.0 is causing this problem.Fortunately, a fix is already available for it. Apply Service Pack 2 (SP2) orSP3 for NT 4.0, or expand Ntbackup.ex_ from SP2 and replace the original filewith the new expanded one.

Corrections to this Article:

  • "Troubleshooting with NCR," was very informative. However, I found one technical inaccuracy in the first Q&A (promoting a Backup Domain Controller—BDC—when the Primary Domain Controller —PDC—is offline). Step 1 and Step 3 are not required. When the second PDC comes online, its NetLongon service will fail to start; after you demote this machine, the NetLogon service will be started.—Deborah Lester [email protected]

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