My Shortcuts try and resolve to UNC paths?
March 4, 1999
A. A. Shortcuts when created are automatically created with an UNC with \ in .lnk file. This is usually a problem if you copy shortcuts to other machines, however there are a number of ways to fix this.
To fix a single shortcut you can use the shortcut.exe program supplied with the Windows NT Resource Kit supplement 1 kit.
To dump out a shortcut use shortcut -u .lnk
To alter the shortcut to not track the machine before you copy it to others use the command
shortcut -c -s -n .lnk
To change the target and working directory on a moved shortcut use
shortcut -c -t d:www.ntfaq.comindex.html -d -n ntfaq.lnk
To disable link tracking for all shortcuts perform the following:
Start the registry editor
Move to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicies
If the Explorer key exists move to it, if not create it using Edit - New Key "Explorer". Select the new key
Create a new value LinkResolveIgnoreLinkInfo of type DWORD (Edit - New DWORD value)
Double click the new value and set to 1
Close the registry editor
Logon and off for the change to take effect
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