Milestones, Etc. 5.0

Milestones, Etc. 5.0 from KIDASA Software is a 32-bit project-management software package for Windows NT and Windows 95 that lets you organize projects.

Michael P. Deignan

August 1, 1997

3 Min Read
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32-bit project-management software package for Windows Nt and Windows 95

Milestones, Etc. 5.0 from KIDASA Software is a 32-bitproject-management software package for Windows NT and Windows 95 that lets youorganize projects. With this software, you can track your work and betterorganize your time.

Enterprise Features, Etc.
Milestones includes numerous features that advanced users will find helpful.For instance, the software can import and export data in MPX format, letting youinterchange data with Microsoft Project. You can export data as HTML and embeduniversal resource locators (URLs) in your project's milestones for reference.In addition, the software acts as an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) object,so you can embed your project schedules into other documents, such as MicrosoftWord files. With OLE Automation, you can automatically generate schedules fromother company data sources.

The software includes several features to make new users comfortable.Milestones contains a dictionary that lets you spell check the text in projectdescriptions and schedule notes, and contains a wizard to help you set up newschedules quickly. A calendar button gives you access to a pop-up calendar thatlets you graphically select the date when you want to set a schedule point. Thesoftware lets you change the time increments your schedule uses; that way, youcan expand or shrink your schedule on a daily or monthly basis for differentperspectives.

Installing Milestones is painless. The software comes on CD-ROM and floppy;I recommend using the CD-ROM if you have a choice.

When installing from CD-ROM, a script launches an installation screen whereyou can choose to install the software, view movies on how to use the software,or view online manuals using Adobe Acrobat. When you install the software, youprovide basic information about yourself (your name and your company's name), aprogram key, and a serial number. You can choose a typical, compact, or custominstall. I recommend that you select the default values and let the installprogram do the rest.

When you launch Milestones, you open a blank workspace. Across the top ofthe workspace you have a Windows menu bar and toolbar. Below the toolbar, you'llfind a column area, schedule area, and ToolBox, as Screen 1shows. The columnarea is where you enter the steps of your project, such as Buy Cable Conduitshown in Screen 1. The schedule area provides a graphical representation of eachstep's beginning and ending dates. The ToolBox contains a series of tools,symbols, and horizontal/vertical connectors that you can use to create yourschedules. Unfortunately, the ToolBox doesn't provide tool tips for its symbols,forcing you to learn about them from the documentation.

Adding entries to a project is not complicated. Using the Text tool, entera description of the task in the column area. Then select a symbol andhorizontal/vertical connector from the ToolBox, and mark a starting and endingdate in the schedule area. Once the entry is in place, you can double-click anysymbol to pull up the properties associated with either date. You can add moretext, which appears near the symbol.

Milestones claims to make three lines available for text. However, when Itried using more than two lines, lines two and three appeared on top of oneanother. You can change the symbol characteristics, such as size and color, andprevent a task from starting until a prerequisite task is complete.

A Bargain Compared with the Competition
Considering the product's numerous features and its flexibility, Milestonesis a bargain compared with other competitive project-management products. Forexample, Microsoft Project and Computer Associates' SuperProject cost severalhundred dollars more. However, I found the product had some rough edges, such asnot redrawing the screen after critical operations.

The company's Web site offers a demonstration version of the software(without the ability to save your projects). If you need some affordableproject-management software, give Milestones a closer look.

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