KiXtart Logon ScriptsKiXtart Logon Scripts

KiXtart scripts make many of the features you want in your logon scripts possible.

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KiXtart, a freeware scripting language, gives you much of the powerpossible with custom executables. KiXtart scripts make many of the features youwant in your logon scripts possible. KiXtart is available from many Web sites.Pick your favorite Web-based search engine and search for KiXtart to find sitessuch as the KiXtart Archive at SeveralKiXtart Internet sites have not only the KiXtart program but also samplescripts. As of July 23, version 3.38 was the most recent.

Once you've unzipped KiXtart, you'll find numerous files, includingKix32.doc, a users guide. The crucial files are Kix32.exe, Kx32.dll, andKx16.dll. You must copy these three files to the Netlogon share on all yourDomain Controllers that authenticate logons. With this groundwork in place,you're ready to write a KiXtart script and tell NT to use it.

Investigating a Script
You can leverage KiXtart in many ways. Our sample KiXtart script in Listing 1 displays corporate information, sets client machine time, and maps drive letters. This script has been regression tested on both NT Workstation 4.0 and Win95 Ver A. We'll refer to this script by section number as we explain whateach component does:

  • Section 1.

  • Although this section is optional, anyone who haswritten code knows the importance of a good header. Contact information for theauthor and creation date are crucial parts of this section.

  • Section 2.

  • Section 2 is where the action starts. For fun, we'vedisplayed a tree bitmap and the company name. (We have fictitiously assumed thisscript is for a forestry service.)

  • Section 3.

  • A neat feature of NetWare logon scripts is the abilityto display a greeting based on the time of day. Section 3 shows the KiXtartversion.

  • Section 4.

  • A crucial part of any environment is synchronized time.One idea that works well is to pick a server to set all clients' machine time.We refer to this server as the Keystone timeserver. To ensure the Keystoneserver has the correct time, install the time service from the NT Serverresource kit. By default, a plain user does not have the right to change thetime on an NT workstation. To enable users to change the time, give them theright Change the system time.

  • Section 5.

  • The last part of the script maps drive letters tonetwork resources. Section 5 shows this function.

The Big Picture
After you've written the script, you must save it. Your logon script needsto be in the Netlogon share on all your domain controllers that validate logons.If you have directory replication established, you can save the script to yourexport server and it will be distributed automatically. If you are not usingdirectory replication, you must copy the script to each domain controllermanually.

Next, you have to instruct NT to use this script when a user logs on. Youdefine a logon script for a user through User Manager for Domains. The LogonScript Name: field appears when you select the profile button under a user'sproperty sheet. The quickest and easiest method for calling the KiXtart scriptis to specify KIX32.exe as the logon script name. This method works only if youname your script KiXtart.scr. An optional method is available if you do not wantto name your script KiXtart.scr. You must create a batch file that contains thefollowing line:

Kix32.exe "Name of KiXtart Script"

Note that you must substitute the name of your script. If you name yourscript Test.scr, the contents of the batch file are

Kix32.exe Test.scr

Instead of filling in KIX32.exe for the logon script name, you now use thename of the batch file.

Further Information
Additional commands are documented in Kix32.doc. Because KiXtart isfreeware, many people are willing to share their knowledge and scripts. You candownload these scripts from the Web.

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