Download and unzip the files into a folder that is in your PATH.
The readme.txt file contains:
ShellExView v1.13Copyright (c) 2003 - 2005 Nir SoferWeb Site: http://www.nirsoft.netDescription======
Shell Extensions are in-process COM objects which extends the abilitiesof Windows operating system. Most shell extensions are automaticallyinstalled by the operating system, but there are also many otherapplications that install additional shell extension components. Forexample: If you install WinZip on your computer, you'll see a specialWinZip menu when you right-click on a Zip file. This menu is created byadding a shell extension to the system.The ShellExView utility displays the details of shell extensionsinstalled on your computer, and allows you to easily disable and enableeach shell extension.ShellExView can be used for solving context-menu problems in Explorerenvironment. For more information, read the following article:Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlersVersions History
15/07/20051.13* New columns: File Attributes and File Size.* New option: Mark Suspicious Shell Extensions - mark in red color shell extensions with unusual file attribues (hidden/read-only) or with unusual file extensions.21/06/20051.12* New shell extension types: InfoTip Handler, Shell Link, Structure Storage, MetaData.* Multiple shell extensions with the same CLSID are now displayed in separated entries.* Added support for Windows XP style.27/02/20051.11* New shell extension type: URL Search Hook.* Open the CLSID key of the shell extension in RegEdit.* New column: File Extensions.25/11/20041.10* New columns: File Created Time, CLSID Modified Time, Microsoft.* New extensions types: Browser Helper Object, IE Toolbar, Explorer Bar, IE Extensions.* Choose columns dialog-box.* Auto-Size columns.* Find dialog-box.* HTML Reports.* Save as XML file.* Mark disabled items in gray color.* Mark non-Microsoft extensions in pink color.* Ability to translate to other languages.23/08/20031.01Critical bug from previous version (1.00) was fixed: In somecircumstances, after disabling a shell extension and then enabling itagain, the shell extension continued to be disabled, even if ShellExViewshow that it's enabled.05/06/20031.00First Release.License
This utility is released as freeware. You are allowed to freelydistribute this utility via floppy disk, CD-ROM, Internet, or in anyother way, as long as you don't charge anything for this. If youdistribute this utility, you must include all files in the distributionpackage, without any modification !Disclaimer
The software is provided "AS IS" without any warranty, either expressedor implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The author will notbe liable for any special, incidental, consequential or indirect damagesdue to loss of data or any other reason.Using ShellExView
The ShellExView is a standalone executable. It doesn't require anyinstallation process or additional DLLs. Just copy it to any folder youwant, and run it. After you run it, wait a few seconds until ShellExViewloads all shell extensions items.The main window of ShellExView displays the details of all shellextensions in 12 different columns:Extension NameThe name of the shell extension, as it appears in the Registry.DisabledTells you whether the shell extension is disabled.TypeThe type of the shell extension. There are more than 10 different typesof shell extensions. For more information about the types of shellextensions, see the table below.DescriptionDescription of the shell extension item. This information is extractedfrom the DLL file that contains this shell extension.VersionVersion of the shell extension item. This information is extracted fromthe DLL file that contains this shell extension.Product NameThe name of the product that created this shell extension. Thisinformation is extracted from the DLL file that contains this shellextension.CompanyThe name of the company that created this shell extension.My ComputerTells you whether the "My Computer" folder contains this shell extension.This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensions.DesktopTells you whether the "Desktop" folder contains this shell extension.This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensions.Control PanelTells you whether the "Control Panel" folder contains this shellextension. This column is only relevant to "Shell Folder" extensionsunder Windows 2000/XP.FilenameThe filename that contains this shell extension.CLSIDThe CLSID of this shell extension.File Created TimeThe creation time of the extension dll. You can use this field in orderto find out when the extension was installed on your system.CLSID Modified TimeThe Modified Time of CLSID in the Registry. Only available under WindowsNT/2000/XP.MicrosoftSpecifies whether the extension was created by Microsoft ('Yes' value) orby other company ('No' value).File ExtensionsSpecifies a list of file extensions (like .txt, .html) that use thisshell extension.File AttributesSpecifies the attributes of the shell extension file. (H for hidden, Rfor read-only, and so on)File SizeSpecifies the size (in bytes) of the shell extension file.There are more than 10 types of shell extension, here's a smalldescription for each type:Shell FolderProvides special system folders like "Printers", "Fonts", "Recycle Bin",and more...Context MenuProvides the ability to add new items to the context menu of particularfile type.Drag & Drop HandlerProvides the ability to add new items to the context menu that appearswhen you drag a file with right mouse button.Icon HandlerProvides the ability to dynamically assign icons to file objects.Copy Hook HandlerThis type of shell extension is called when a file is moved, copies,renamed or deleted.Drop HandlerProvides the ability to control the "Drop" behavior of files.Data HandlerProvides the ability to copy files/objects to the clipboard.Property SheetProperty Sheet dialog boxes.Search HandlerProvides the ability to create a system search engine (Like the standard"Search For Files or Folders" module)Column HandlerProvides the ability to add new columns to the details view of Explorerwindow.ThumbnailProvides the ability to display images in "Thumbnail" view.Browser Helper ObjectProvides the ability to customize and control the Internet Explorerbrowser.IE ToolbarProvides the ability to add new toolbars into Internet Explorer (likeYahoo! Toolbar)Explorer BarProvides the ability to add Explorer bars to Internet Explorer.URL Search HookBrowser extension stored under SoftwareMicrosoftInternetExplorerURLSearchHooks.SystemAll other types of shell extensions that ShellExView utility cannotrecognize are categorized as "System" type.Disable/Enable Shell Extensions
The ShellExView utility allows you to disable and enable the shellextensions components on your system. In order to disable or enable ashell extension item, select the desired item, and from the File menu (orfrom the pop-up menu) select the appropriate option - "Enable SelectedItems" or "Disable Selected Items".Here's 2 examples of useful things that you can do with this feature:* Context Menu: Some applications, like WinZip, CuteFTP, and others, add some items to the context menu when you right-click on a file in explorer window. If you disable the appropriate shell extension, you won't get these additional menu items. In order to locate the desired shell extension item: 1. Sort the extensions list by the "Type" column and look at all "Context Menu" items. 2. Search the application that creates the menu you want to disable. The icon near each item can help to locate the desired shell extension.* Shell Folder: When you enter into some special folders like "History" and "Temporary Internet Files", you don't see the real file system, but the a virtual folder that the shell extension create for you. If you want to watch the real file system inside "History" or "Temporary Internet Files", you can disable the appropriate shell extension items.Add/Remove special folders to "My Computer" and "Desktop" folders
Some special shell folders like "Printers", "Recycle Bin", "ScheduledTasks", "Network and Dial-up Connections", "Mobile Device", and otherscan be added (and be removed) to "My Computer", "Desktop", and even to"Control Panel" (Only in Windows 2000) by using the ShellExView utility.For Example: Under Windows 2000, you can add the "Printers", "RecycleBin", and "Scheduled Tasks" folders to "My Computer". In order to dothat, select the item that you want to add or remove (You can only use"Shell Folder" items) and from the File menu, select the appropriateadd/remove option.Be aware that you cannot add any shell folder to "My Computer" or"Desktop" folders. For example: adding the "Administrative Tools" folderto "My Computer" won't work properly as you might expect.Mark Suspicious Shell Extensions
Most shell extensions use standard file extensions (.dll, .ocx or .cpl)as well as they usually don't turn on their system attribues(read-only/hidden/system). If ShellExView detect shell extension withunusual file extension or with unusual attribute (e.g: shell extensiondll that is marked as hidden in the file system), it'll be marked in redcolor. It's recommended to deeply check these unusual shell extensions toinsure that they are not unwanted malicious programs that penetrated intoyour system.Command-line options
/stext Save the list of shell extensions into a regular text file./stab Save the list of shell extensions into a tab-delimited text file./stabular Save the list of shell extensions into a tabular text file./shtml Save the list of shell extensions into HTML file./sverhtml Save the list of shell extensions into vertical HTML file./xml Save the list of shell extensions into XML file./NoLoadSettingsRun ShellExView without loading your last settings. (window position,columns size, etc. )Translating ShellExView to the languages
In order to translate ShellExView to other language, follow theinstructions below:1. Run ShellExView with /savelangfile parameter: shexview.exe /savelangfile A file named shexview_lng.ini will be created in the folder of ShellExView utility.2. Open the created language file in Notepad or in any other text editor.3. Translate all string entries to the desired language. Optionally, you can also add your name and/or a link to your Web site. (TranslatorName and TranslatorURL values) If you add this information, it'll be used in the 'About' window.4. After you finish the translation, Run ShellExView, and all translated strings will be loaded from the language file. If you want to run ShellExView without the translation, simply rename the language file, or move it to another folder.Feedback
===If you have any problem, suggestion, comment, or you found a bug in myutility, you can send a message to [email protected]