JSI Tip 9273. How can I set more than 8 workstations into a user's 'Logon Workstations' from the command line?
April 18, 2005
When you use the NET USER command, the /workstations: switch is limited to defining 8 workstation that a user can log on to.
When you use the DSADD USER or DSMOD USER Active Directory command-line tool, the ability to set the userWorkstations attribute is NOT included.
I have scripted userWorkstations.bat to allow you to set more that 8 workstations into a user's userWorkstations attribute.
The syntax for using userWorkstations.bat is:
userWorkstations UserDN LogonTo UWOK
UserDN is the Distinguished Name of the user you wish to maintain.LogonTo is a sting of NetBIOS computer names, separated by commas, that you wish to allow the user to logging on to.UWOK is a call directed environment variable that will contain a Y if the maintenance was successful, or an N if the maintenance failed.
NOTE: userWorkstations.bat use AdMod.exe, which must be located in a folder that is in your PATH.
NOTE: I don't know what the absolute maximum number of workstations that you can configure is, but I gave up testing after reaching a large number.
userWorkstations.bat contains:
@echo offif {%3}=={} @echo userWorkstations UserDN LogonTo UWOK&goto :EOFsetlocalset UWOK=Nset userDN=%1set LogonTo=%2set LogonTo=%LogonTo:"=%call :quiet>nul 2>&1endlocal&set %3=%UWOK%goto :EOF:quietfor /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('admod -b %userDN% "userWorkstations:-"^|Find "The command completed successfully"') do ( set UWOK=Y)if "%UWOK%" EQU "N" goto :EOFset UWOK=Nfor /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('admod -b %userDN% "userWorkstations:+:%LogonTo%"^|Find "The command completed successfully"') do ( set UWOK=Y)
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