JSI Tip 6400. How can a batch file generate a .REG file that contains a REG_EXPAND_SZ data type with variable data?
March 3, 2003
You may occasionally script a batch file that generates a .REG file. When the .REG file contains a REG_EXPAND_SZ data type with constant data, as in tip 5475, you can simply export a model and use it in your script. The 2 lines in tip 5475 that begin with @echo @=hex(2):25,53,79,73,74, is just such an example.
I have scripted RegXSZ.bat for the case when a model export is notconvenient or will not suffice.
The syntax for using RegXSZ.bat is:
Call RegXSZ ["]ValueName["] ["]string["] RegFile
ValueName is the Value Name. If an unnamed Value Name is required, us either "", "@", or @.
string is the textual content, the data value. When specifying the string, the ! ^ & = | " ; , characters should NOT be used as they cause problems with the command interpreter. The % should also NOT be used, except to define special characters. The following table shows the special characters and the 3 character substitute that should be used instead.
Example: To specify a data value that contains "%ProgramFiles%Support ToolsKill.exe", "%22%25ProgramFiles%25Support ToolsKill.exe%22" is just one of the string arguments that could be used. So could %22%25ProgramFiles%25Support%20ToolsKill.exe%22 because I substituted %20 for the space character, eliminating the requirement to encapsulate the String in quote (") marks.
The following table contains a standard US English keyboard and the equivalent 3 character code for each key.
~ | %7e | ! | %21 | @ | %40 | # | %23 | $ | %24 | % | %25 | ^ | %5e | & | %26 | * | %2a | ( | %28 | ) | %29 | _ | %5f | + | %2b | ||
` | %60 | 1 | %31 | 2 | %32 | 3 | %33 | 4 | %34 | 5 | %35 | 6 | %36 | 7 | %37 | 8 | %38 | 9 | %39 | 0 | %30 | - | %2d | = | %3d | ||
Q | %51 | W | %57 | E | %45 | R | %52 | T | %54 | Y | %59 | U | %55 | I | %49 | O | %4f | P | %50 | { | %7b | } | %7d | | | %7c | ||
q | %71 | w | %77 | e | %65 | r | %72 | t | %74 | y | %79 | u | %75 | i | %69 | o | %6f | p | %70 | [ | %5b | ] | %5d | %5c | |||
A | %41 | S | %53 | D | %44 | F | %46 | G | %47 | H | %48 | J | %4a | K | %4b | L | %4c | : | %3a | " | %22 | ||||||
a | %61 | s | %73 | d | %64 | f | %66 | g | %67 | h | %68 | j | %6a | k | %6b | l | %6c | ; | %3b | ' | %27 | ||||||
Z | %5a | X | %58 | C | %43 | V | %56 | B | %42 | N | %4e | M | %4d | %3c | > | %3e | ? | %3f | |||||||||
z | %7a | x | %78 | c | %63 | v | %76 | b | %62 | n | %6e | m | %6d | , | %2c | . | %2e | / | %2f | ||||||||
Space | %20 |
NOTE: Any %nn combination can be used to account for other keyboards, special characters, or hexadecimal codes.
RegFile is the path to the output .REG file. Since there are alwaysdata lines before a Value Name, the file must already exist.
The RegXSZ.bat script returns a $RegXSZ environment variable that is set to Y when the REG_EXPAND_SZ line(s) in the .REG file is successfully created, or N when an error is encountered.
RegXSZ.bat contains:
@echo offset $RegXSZ=Nsetlocal DISABLEDELAYEDEXPANSIONif {%3}
{} goto syntaxset vn=%1set string=%2set RegFile=%3set fnd=Nif not exist %RegFile% goto syntaxset chars= ~@#$*()_+`1234567890-=QWERTYUIOP{}qwertyuiop[]ASDFGHJKL:asdfghjkl;'ZXCVBNM?zxcvbnm,./set charx1=20,7e,40,23,24,2a,28,29,5f,2b,60,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,30,2d,3d,51,57,45,52,54,59,55,49,4f,50,7b,7d,71,77,65,72,74,79,75,69,6f,set charx2=70,5b,5d,5c,41,53,44,46,47,48,4a,4b,4c,3a,61,73,64,66,67,68,6a,6b,6c,3b,27,5a,58,43,56,42,4e,4d,3f,7a,78,63,76,62,6e,6d,2c,2e,2f,ff,set charx=%charx1%%charx2%set vn=%vn:"=%if {%vn%}
{} set vn=@&goto l0if "%vn%"
"@" set vn=@&goto l0set vn="%vn%":l0set string=%string:"=%set work=%string:!=%If not "%work%" EQU "%string%" goto Syntaxset string=%string: =!20%set output=%vn%=hex(2):set /a outcnt=7:l1set /a outcnt=%outcnt% + 1call set work=%%output:~%outcnt%,1%%if {^%work%} EQU {^"} goto l1if not "%work%" EQU ":" goto l1set /a outcnt=%outcnt% + 1set /a incnt= -1:inlset /a incnt=%incnt% + 1call set work=%%string:~%incnt%,1%%if {%work%}
{} goto finishif "%work%" EQU "%%" goto spclif "%work%" EQU "!" goto spclsset fnd=Nset /a charcnt= -1:findloopset /a charcnt=%charcnt% + 1If %charcnt% EQU 87 goto finishcall set char=%%chars:~%charcnt%,1%%if not {^%work%} EQU {^%char%} goto findloopset /a charcnt=%charcnt% * 3call set spcw=%%charx:~%charcnt%,2%%set fnd=Y:outif "%fnd%" EQU "N" goto finishif %outcnt% lss 77 goto out1@echo %output%>>%regfile%set output= #set output=%output:#=%set /a outcnt=1:out1set output=%output%%spcw%,set /a outcnt=%outcnt% + 3goto inl:spclsset /a incnt=%incnt% + 1call set work=%%string:~%incnt%,2%%set /a incnt=%incnt% + 1set spcw=20if "%work%" EQU "%spcw%" set fnd=Y&goto outgoto syntax:spclset /a incnt=%incnt% + 1call set work=%%string:~%incnt%,2%%set /a incnt=%incnt% + 1set spcw=%work%set fnd=Ygoto out:syntax@echo Syntax: Call RegXSZ ["]ValueName["] ["]string["] RegFile (where RegFile must exist).set $RegXSZ=Nendlocalgoto :EOF:finishif "%fnd%" EQU "N" endlocal&set $RegXSZ=N&goto :EOFif %outcnt% EQU 1 goto fin1if %outcnt% lss 78 goto fin1@echo %output%>>%regfile%:fin1set output=%output%00@echo %output%>>%regfile%endlocal&set $RegXSZ=Y
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