JSI Tip 6179. STOP 0x0000007B after you remove Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum edition from Windows 2000?

Jerold Schulman

January 5, 2003

7 Min Read
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NOTE: The text in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article is provided so that the site search can find this page. Please click the Knowledge Base link to insure that you are reading the most current information.

Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q810897 contains:


When you restart the computer after you remove Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum edition, you may receive a STOP error message (on a blue screen) that is similar to the following:
*** STOP: 0x0000007B (0xF741B84C, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICENote This behavior may also occur when you reinstall Roxio Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum edition.


This issue may occur if the PrtSeqRd.sys UpperFilter driver registry entry that was added by Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum Setup is not removed when you remove Easy CD Creator 5 Platinum.

When you remove the program, the PrtSeqRd.sys driver file is removed, but the UpperFilters entry may remain in the registry, which generates the STOP error when you start Windows.


To resolve this issue, use the following methods in the order that they appear. Try the next method only if the preceding method does not resolve this issue.WARNING: If you use Registry Editor incorrectly, you may cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that you can solve problems that result from using Registry Editor incorrectly. Use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Method 1: Use a Backup Registry System Hive to Edit the Registry

  1. Use the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to start the computer.

  2. If you need a third-party hard disk controller, press S tospecify an additional device, and then insert the floppy disk that contains thecorrect driver for the hard disk controller.

  3. Press R to repair a Windows 2000 installation.

  4. Press C to use the recovery console.

  5. Log on to the Windows installation that you want and typethe Administrator password.

  6. Change to the%windir%System32Config directory. To do this,type the following command at the C:Winnt prompt(where C: is the drive andWinnt is the directory where Windows 2000 isinstalled), and then press ENTER:
    chdir system32config

  7. Type ren system system.old, and thenpress ENTER.

  8. Type copyC:winntrepairsystem,and then press ENTER. The following information appears:

    1 file(s) copied.

  9. Type exit, and then press ENTER toquit the recovery console and restart Windows.

    If Windows does notstart successfully, go to the "Method 2: Disable the Easy CD Creator Services"section of this article.

  10. Log on to Windows asAdministrator.

  11. Click Start, click Run,type regedt32 in the Open box, and thenclick OK.

  12. Click the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, and then click Load Hive on theRegistry menu.

  13. Go to the C:WinntSystem32Config folder, click System.old, and then clickOpen.

  14. In the Key Name box, typetest, and then click OK.

    Theoriginal System hive is loaded under the current HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive as test.

  15. Go to the following registry subkey:

  16. In the right pane of Registry Editor, clickLowerFilters, and then click Delete on theEdit menu. Click Yes to confirm thedeletion.

  17. In the right pane of Registry Editor, clickUpperFilters, and then click Delete on theEdit menu. Click Yes to confirm thedeletion.

  18. Go to the following registry subkey:

  19. In the right pane of Registry Editor, double-clickUpperFilters.

  20. In the Data box, delete the PrtSeqRd.sys entry, and then click OK. If you are prompted toallow Registry Editor to remove the empty string, clickOK.

  21. Go to the following registry subkey:

  22. Disable the services that correspond to the followingregistry subkeys, if they are present, by changing the Startvalue to 4:
    To do this, click a subkey (for example, click Cdr4_2K), double-click Start in the right pane ofRegistry Editor, type 4 in the Databox, and then click OK.

  23. Repeat steps 15 through 22 for all other ControlSet00 entries (such as ControlSet002) under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEtest registry subkey.

  24. Unload the System.old registry hive:

    1. Click test, and then click Unload Hive on the Registry menu.

    2. Click Yes to confirm the unloading of the test key and all its subkeys.

  25. Quit Registry Editor, and then reload the original registrySystem hive:

    1. Shut down Windows, and then use the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to start the computer.

    2. If you need a third-party hard disk controller, press S to specify an additional device, and then insert the floppy disk that contains the correct driver for the hard disk controller.

    3. Press R to repair a Windows 2000 installation.

    4. Press C to use the recovery console.

    5. Log on to the Windows installation that you want, and then type the Administrator password.

    6. Change to the %windir%System32Config directory. To do this, type the following command at the C:Winnt prompt, and then press ENTER:
      chdir system32config

    7. Type ren system system.xxx, and then press ENTER.

    8. Type ren system.old system, and then press ENTER.

    9. Type exit, and then press ENTER to quit the recovery console and restart Windows as usual.

Method 2: Disable the Easy CD Creator Services

  1. Use the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to start thecomputer.

  2. If you need a third-party hard disk controller, press S tospecify an additional device, and then insert the floppy disk that contains thecorrect driver for the hard disk controller.

  3. Press R to repair a Windows 2000 installation.

  4. Press C to use the recovery console.

  5. Log on to the Windows installation that you want, and thentype the Administrator password.

  6. Change to the%windir%System32Config directory. To do this,type the following command at the C:Winnt prompt,and then press ENTER:
    chdir system32config

  7. Type ren system system.xxx, and thenpress ENTER.

  8. Type ren system.old system, and thenpress ENTER.

  9. Change to the%windir%System32Drivers directory. To do this,type the following command at theC:WinntSystem32Config prompt, and then pressENTER:
    chdir C:winntSystem32Drivers

  10. Type ren prtseqrd.sys prtseqrd.old,and then press ENTER.

  11. Type copy diskperf.sys prtseqrd.sys,and then press ENTER.

  12. Disable the following Roxio services, if present:
    To do this, type disableservicename, and then press ENTER, whereservicename is the name of one of the services thatis listed in this step. For example, type disablecdr4_2k, and then press ENTER.

  13. If the following files are present in theC:WinntSystem32Driversdirectory, change their file extensions to .old:
    To do so:

    1. Type dir cdr4_2k.sys, and then press ENTER. If the file name appears, type ren cdr4_2K.sys cdr4_2K.old, and then press ENTER.

    2. Type dir cdralw2k.sys, and then press ENTER. If the file name appears, type ren cdralw2k.sys cdralw2k.old, and then press ENTER.

    3. Type dir cdudf.sys, and then press ENTER. If the file name appears, type ren cdudf.sys cdudf.old, and then press ENTER.

  14. Type exit, and then press ENTER toquit the recovery console and restart the computer. Use the Windows 2000 CD-ROMto start the computer, press ENTER to set up Windows, and then press R torepair the current Windows installation.

Method 3: Edit the System Hive from a Parallel Windows Installation

  1. Perform a parallel installation of Windows. For additional information about how to do this, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
    266465 HOW TO: Perform a Parallel Installation of Windows 2000

  2. Start Registry Editor on the new installation of Windows.Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.

  3. On the Registry menu, click LoadHive.

  4. Go to the %SystemRoot%System32Config folder of theoriginal Windows installation, click the System file, and thenclick Open.

  5. In the Load Hive box, typetest, and then click OK. The originalWindows installation System hive is loaded as a subkey of the current HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key, as test.

  6. Follow steps 15 through 23 of the "Method 1: Use a BackupRegistry System Hive to Edit the Registry" section of this article to edit the test registry subkey.

  7. Unload the test registry subkey. To do so:

    1. Click test, and then click Unload Hive on the Registry menu.

    2. Click Yes to confirm the unloading of the test key and all its subkeys.

  8. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer to theoriginal Windows installation.

  9. If you cannot start the computer to the original Windowsinstallation, use the Windows 2000 CD-ROM to start the computer, press ENTER toset up Windows, and then press R to repair the current Windowsinstallation.


For additional information about how to use the recovery console, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
318752 HOW TO: Install and Use the Recovery Console in Windows 2000

229716 Description of the Windows 2000 Recovery Console

313670 HOW TO: Replace a Driver by Using Recovery Console in Windows 2000
For additional information about how to perform an in-place upgrade of Windows, click the following article numbers to view the articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
290790 Error Messages Are Displayed When You Perform an In-Place Upgrade

306952 What an In-Place Windows 2000 Upgrade Changes and What It Does Not Change
The third-party products that are discussed in this article are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding the performance or reliability of these products.

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