JSI Tip 5189. How do I identify 16-bit programs?
April 17, 2002
In many cases, it is not obvious that a program is 16-bit, which runs in emulation mode on 32-bit Windows NT basedcomputers (Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP).
Most 16-bit programs run without problems, but if a program is causing problems, it may be important to identifywhether it is 16-bit or 32-bit.
To troubleshoot 16-bit programs, see tip 5099.
To identify whether any program is 16-bit or 32-bit:
1. Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the folder that contains the executable (.exe) file.
2. Right-click the .exe file and press Properties.
3. The program is probably 16-bit if there is no Version tab. To be sure, create a shortcut from the .exe file. If the shortcut Properties has a Run in separate memory space check box, it is 16-bit.
To identify whether a running program is 16-bit or 32-bit:
1. Right-click a blank area of the taskbar and press Task Manager.
2. Select the Processes tab.
3. Locate the program in the Image Name column.
4. 16-bit programs run under the virtual DOS machine. The program is indented under Ntvdm.exe. Additionally, a 16-bit Windows program has wowexec.exe indented with it. This is the Windows On Windows (WOW) emulator.
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