JSI Tip 4180. How do I list the folders that have permissions configured for a specific account or group?

Jerold Schulman

October 3, 2001

1 Min Read
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I have scripted FindAcct.bat, which parses the output of CACLS for the account or group you specify.

The usage syntax is:

FindAcct StartPath Account ReportFile



The starting folder or root. Examples:C: or "C:Documents and Settings".


The account or group. Examples:Administrators or "JSIINCJerry".


The full path to the file that contains the report. Example: "%TEMP%FindAcct.txt".

FindAcct.bat contains:

@echo offsetlocalIf {%1}
<h1><a name="_goto_syntax_If_2_" id="_goto_syntax_If_2_">{} goto syntaxIf {%2}</a></h1>
{} goto syntaxIf {%3}=={} goto syntaxset from=%1set from=%from:"=%set group=%2set group=%group:"=%set report=%3if exist %report% del /f /q %report%call :docacls %1for /f "Tokens=*" %%i in ('dir "%from%" /B /AD /S') do call :docacls "%%i"endlocalgoto :EOF:syntax@echo Syntax: FindAcct StartPath Account ReportFileendlocalgoto :EOF:docaclsset folder=%1set folder=%folder:"=%for /f "Tokens=*" %%j in ('CACLS "%folder%"') do call :fndgrp "%%j"goto :EOF:fndgrpset work=%1set work=%work:"=%set perm=%work%for /f "Tokens=*" %%k in ('@echo %%work:%group%^=%%') do set work="%%k"if %work% EQU "%perm%" goto :EOFset perm=%perm%                                                      #set perm=%perm:~0,50%@echo %perm% "%folder%">>%report%

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