JSI Tip 3631. How do I enable the Hibernate feature during an unattended install?
April 26, 2001
The are no parameters that allow you to enable the Hibernate feature during the install.
Here is a workaround:
1. On another Windows 2000 computer, enable the Hibernate feature using Control Panel / Power Options / Hibernate tab / Enable Hibernate Support. Use Regedit to Export the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerPower key to a Hiber.reg file. Edit the Hiber.reg file, leaving only the Heuristics value name:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerPower]"Heuristics"=hex:05,00,00,00,00,01,01,00,0e,6f,00,00,f0,00,00,00,76,00,00,00
2. Boot the Recovery Console and copy the c:hiberfil.sys file to hiberfil.cop. Restart the computer.
3. Copy the Hiber.reg and Hiberfil.cop files to a location that is accessible during the unattended installation, CD-ROM, network share, or another partition on your target computer.
4. Add the following section to your Unattend Answer file:
[GuiRunOnce] Command0="regedit /s hiber.reg" Command1="cmd /c copy hiberfil.cop c:hiberfil.sys" Command2="cmd /c attrib +S +H +A C:hiberfil.sys"
NOTE: You can NOT do this with a Terminal Services computer.
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