JSI Tip 3358. How do I disable network bindings on an adapter during an unattended setup of Windows 2000?
February 11, 2001
The format of the [Netbindings] entries depends upon the protocol, but in all cases, never use a , between the entries.
The general format of a [Netbindings] entry is:
Network serviceNetwork protocolsNetwork adapter
To disable bindings to MS_MSClient and MS_SERVER:
Disable = "MS_Server MS_NetBt MS_TCPIP AdapterX"
Disable = "MS_MSClient MS_NetBt MS_TCPIP AdapterX"
Where X is the adapter number from the [NetAdapters] section of the answer file.
Disable = "MS_Server MS_NetBeui AdapterX"
Disable = "MS_MSClient MS_NetBeui AdapterX"
NOTE: An adapter-specific entry cannot be provided for IPX/SPX. If you provide one, it won't work.
Disable = "MS_Server MS_Nwnb"
Disable = "MS_Server MS_Nwipx"
Disable = "MS_Msclient MS_Nwnb"
Disable = "MS_Msclient MS_Nwipx"
Disable = "ms_msclient ms_nwnb"
Disable = "ms_nwnb ms_nwipx"
Disable = "ms_server ms_nwnb"
Client for Microsoft Networks
Disable = "MS_MSClient MS_NetBt MS_TCPIP AdapterX"
Disable = "MS_MSClient MS_NetBeui AdapterX"
Disable = "MS_MSClient MS_Nwnb"
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