JSI Tip 2159. What weighs 25 pounds, is 12 inches wide, and is worth its' weight in gold?

Jerold Schulman

March 15, 2000

9 Min Read
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NOTE: See Where have the Windows 2000 Resource Kit tools gone?

The Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit is now available.

In addition to the printed material, the CD-ROM contains: 

The Tools Help contains the following invaluable tools:

- A -   ActivePerl.exe   Add Users to a Group (Usrtogrp.exe)   Addiag.exe: Application Deployment Diagnosis   Addusers.exe: Add Users   ADSI Administration Scripts (Remote Administration Scripts)   Apimon.exe: API Monitor   AppleTalk network device ANaLYZeR (Atanlyzr.exe)   Application Deployment Diagnosis (Addiag.exe)   Application Security (Appsec.exe)   Applications as Services Utility (Srvany.exe)   Appsec.exe: Application Security   Associate.exe   Atanlyzr.exe: AppleTalk network device ANaLYZeR   Atmarp.exe: Windows ATM ARP Server Information Tool   Atmlane.exe: Windows ATM LAN Emulation Client Information   Auditpol.exe   Autoexnt.exe: AutoExNT Service   Automated Installation Tool (Sysdiff.exe)   - B -   Batch File Wait (Sleep.exe)   Browmon.exe: Browser Monitor   Browser Client Context Viewer (W3Who.dll)   - C -   Cachemov.exe: Offline Files Cache Mover   Cconnect.exe: Con-Current Connection Limiter   Certificate Enrollment Module for Routers (Mscep.dll)   Chklnks.exe: Link Check Wizard   Choice.exe: User Input for Batch Files   Ckymunge.dll: Cookie Munger   Cla.msc: Cybersafe Log Analyst   Clear Memory (Clearmem.exe)   Clearmem.exe: Clear Memory   Clipboard Viewer (Netclip.exe)   Clip.exe: Clip To Clipboard   Clipboard Organizer (Cliptray.exe)   Clippool.exe   Cliptray.exe: Clipboard Organizer   Cluster Verification Utility   Clusrest.exe: Cluster Quorum Restore Utility   ClusterSentinel   Clustool.exe: Microsoft Cluster Tool   Cmdhere.inf: Command Prompt Here   Command-Line Service Controller (Netsvc.exe)   Command Prompt Here (Cmdhere.inf)   Common Open Policy Service Local Policy Module (Copslpm.exe)   Compress.exe: File Compress   Con-Current Connection Limiter (Cconnect.exe)   Confmgr.htm: IP Multicast Conference Management Tool   Console User Manager (Cusrmgr.exe)   Cookie Munger (Ckymunge.dll)   Copslpm.exe: Common Open Policy Service Local Policy Module   Counter List (Ctrlist.exe)   Counters.chm: Windows 2000 Performance Counters   CPU Stress Utility (Cpustres.exe)   CPU Usage by Processes (Qslice.exe)   Cpustres.exe: CPU Stress Utility   Crystal Reports for Windows 2000 Resource Kit by Seagate Software   Create File (Creatfil.exe)   Creatfil.exe: Create File   Ctrlist.exe: Counter List   Cusrmgr.exe: Console User Manager   CVU (Cluster Verification Utility)   Cybersafe Log Analyst (Cla.msc)   - D -   Daylight Saving Time Update Utility (Timezone.exe)   Defptr.exe: Default Printer   Delete File and Reparse Points (Delrp.exe)   Delprof.exe: User Profile Deletion Utility   Delrp.exe: Delete File and Reparse Points   Delsrv.exe   Designed for Windows Logo Program Web site   Dh.exe   Dhcmp.exe: DH Compare   DHCP Objects (Dhcpobjs.exe)   DHCP Server Locator Utility (Dhcploc.exe)   Dhcploc.exe: DHCP Server Locator Utility   Dhcpobjs.exe: DHCP Objects   Directory Disk Usage (Diruse.exe)   Directory Services Store (Dsstore.exe)   Diruse.exe: Directory Disk Usage   Disk Alignment Tool (Diskpar.exe)   Disk Manager Diagnostics (Dmdiag.exe)   Diskmap.exe   Diskpar.exe: Disk Alignment Tool   Diskuse.exe   Dmdiag.exe: Disk Manager Diagnostics   Dommon.exe: Domain Monitor   Drive Share (Drmapsrv.exe)   Drivers.exe: List Loaded Drivers   Drmapsrv.exe: Drive Share   Dsstore.exe: Directory Services Store   Dump Configuration (Dumpcfg.exe)   Dump Event Log (Dumpel.exe)   Dump FSMO Roles (Dumpfsmos.cmd)   Dumpcfg.exe: Dump Configuration   Dumpel.exe: Dump Event Log   Dumpfsmos.cmd: Dump FSMO Roles   Dupfinder.exe: Duplicate File Finder   Duplicate File Finder (Dupfinder.exe)   Dureg.exe: Registry Size Estimator   - E -   Efsinfo.exe: Encrypting File System Information   Elogdmp.exe: Event Log Query Tool   Empty Working Set (Empty.exe)   Empty.exe: Empty Working Set   Encrypting File System Information (Efsinfo.exe)   Enumerate Properties (Enumprop.exe)   Enumerating Remote Access Users (Rasusers.exe)   Enumprop.exe: Enumerate Properties   Event Log Query Tool (Elogdmp.exe)   Event Logging Utility (Logevent.exe)   Exctrlst.exe: Extensible Performance Counter List   Exetype.exe: Finding the Executable Type   Expand.exe: File Expansion Utility   Exploration Air   Extract.exe: Extract Cabinet   - F -   Fcopy.exe: File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queuing   File Access Permissions per User (Perms.exe)   File Compress (Compress.exe)   File Copy (Rdpclip.exe)   File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queuing (Fcopy.exe)   File Locator (Where.exe)   File Spy (Filespy.exe)   File-In-Use Replace Utility (Inuse.exe)   Filespy.exe: File Spy   Findgrp.exe: Find Group   Finding the Executable Type (Exetype.exe)   Floplock.exe: Lock Floppy Disk Drives   Forfiles.exe   Freedisk.exe   Ftedit.exe: FT Registry Information Editor   - G -   Get Type Version Information (Gettype.exe)   Getmac.exe   Getsid.exe   Gettype.exe: Get Type Version Information   Global.exe   Gp.chm: Windows 2000 Group Policy Reference   Gpolmig.exe: Group Policy Migration   Gpotool.exe: Group Policy Verification Tool   Gpresult.exe: Group Policy Results   Group Copy (Grpcpy.exe)   Group Policy Migration (Gpolmig.exe)   Group Policy Verification Tool (Gpotool.exe)   Group Policy Results (Gpresult.exe)   Grpcpy.exe: Group Copy   GUID to Object (Guid2obj.exe)   Guid2obj.exe: GUID to Object   - H -   Hardware Compatibility List Web site   Heapmon.exe   Htmlfltr.exe: HTML Text Filter   HTML Text Filter (Htmlfltr.exe)   HTTP Command (Httpcmd.exe)   HTTP Monitoring Tool (Httpmon.exe)   Httpcmd.exe: HTTP Command   Httpmon.exe: HTTP Monitoring Tool   - I -   IAS Parse Tool (Iasparse.exe)   Iasparse.exe: IAS Parse Tool   Ierk5.chm: Internet Explorer 5 Resource Kit   IFilter Test Suite (Ifilttst.exe)   Ifilttst.exe: IFilter Test Suite   Ifmember.exe   IIS Host Helper Service (Iishostsvc.exe)   IIS Migration Support Documents   IIS Migration Wizard (Iisv5migrationutility_x86.exe)   IIS Permissions Wizard Template Maker   Iishostsvc.exe: IIS Host Helper Service   Iisv5migrationutility_x86.exe: IIS Migration Wizard   Installation Monitor   Installd.com (Ntdetect.com): Startup Hardware Detector   Instsrv.exe: Service Installer   Intfiltr.exe: Interrupt Filter   Internet Explorer 5 Resource Kit (Ierk5.chm)   Internet Explorer Administration Kit   Internet Explorer Web Accessories    Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool (Ipsecpol.exe)   Internet Scanner   Interrupt Filter (IntFiltr.exe)   Inuse.exe: File-In-Use Replace Utility   IP Multicast Conference Management Tool (Confmgr.htm)   Ipsecpol.exe: Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool   - J -   Java/COM Registration Utility (Javareg.exe)   Javareg.exe: Java/COM Registration Utility   - K -   Kerberos List (Klist.exe)   Kerberos Tray (Kerbtray.exe)   Kerbtray.exe (Kerberos Tray)   Kernprof.exe: Kernel Profiler   Kix32.exe: KiXtart 95   Klist.exe: Kerberos List   - L -   L-Bridge (Lbridge.cmd)   Lbridge.cmd: L-Bridge   Leakyapp.exe   Link Check Wizard (Chklnks.exe)   Linkd.exe   List.exe   List Loaded Drivers (Drivers.exe)   Local.exe   Lock Floppy Disk Drives (Floplock.exe)   Logevent.exe: Event Logging Utility   Logoff.exe   Logtime.exe   Lsreport.exe: Terminal Services Licensing Reporter   Lsview.exe: Terminal Services License Server Viewer   - M -   Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts (Setspn.exe)   Mcast.exe   Mcopy.exe: Multiple Copy   Metaedit.exe: Metabase Editor   Mibcc.exe: SNMP MIB Compiler   Microsoft Cluster Tool (Clustool.exe)   Microsoft System Information Extensions (Msinfosetup.exe)   Microsoft Tape Format Verification Tool (Mtfcheck.exe)   Move Users (Moveuser.exe)   Moveuser.exe: Move Users   Mscep.dll: Certificate Enrollment Module for Routers   Msinfosetup.exe: Microsoft System Information Extensions   MSMQ Triggers   Mtc.exe: Multiple Tree Copy   Multiple Copy (Mcopy.exe)   Multiple Tree Copy (Mtc.exe)   Mtfcheck.exe: Microsoft Tape Format Verification Tool   - N -   Near-Future Command Scheduler (Soon.exe)   Net Connections (Netcons.exe)   Netclip.exe: Clipboard Viewer   Netcons.exe: Net Connections   Netset.exe   Netsvc.exe: Command-Line Service Controller   Nlmon.exe: NL Monitor   Now.exe   Ntdetect.com (Installd.com): Startup Hardware Detector   Ntimer.exe: Program Timer   Ntrights.exe   - O -   OEM Support Tools for Windows NT 4.0   Offline Files Cache Mover (Cachemov.exe)   Oh.exe   Oidgen.exe: OID Generator   Oleview.exe: OLE/COM Object Viewer   Os2api.txt: OS/2 API Information   - P -   Page Fault Monitor (Pfmon.exe)   Pathman.exe   Perf Monitor (Wperf.exe)   Perfcheck.dll: Performance Counter Check   PerfMon Chart Setting Editor (Setedit.exe)   Perfmon4.exe: Performance Monitor 4   Perfmtr.exe: Performance Meter   Performance Counter Check (Perfcheck.dll)   Performance Data Block Dump Utility (Showperf.exe)   Performance Data in the Command Window (Typeperf.exe)   Performance Meter (Perfmtr.exe)   Performance Monitor 4 (Perfmon4.exe)   Permcopy.exe   Perms.exe: File Access Permissions per User   Pfmon.exe: Page Fault Monitor   Playback.exe   POSIX Utilities   Prnadmin.dll: Printer Administration Objects   Program Timer (Ntimer.exe)   Process and Thread Status (Pstat.exe)   Process Tree (Ptree.exe)   Pstat.exe: Process and Thread Status   Ptree.exe: Process Tree   Pulist.exe   - Q -   Qgrep.exe: Quick Grep   QoS Time Stamp (Timestmp.sys)   Qslice.exe: CPU Usage by Processes   Qtcp.exe   Quickres.exe: Quick Resolution Changer   Quiktray.exe: Quick Tray   - R -   RAS Server Monitor (Rassrvmon.exe)   Raslist.exe   Rassrvmon.exe: RAS Server Monitor   Rasusers.exe: Enumerating Remote Access Users   Rcmd.exe & Rcmdsvc.exe: Remote Command Service   RConsole (Remote Console)   Rdpclip.exe: File Copy   Reduce Trace Data (Reducer.exe)   Reducer.exe: Reduce Trace Data   Regback.exe: Registry Backup   Regdmp.exe   Regentry.chm: Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry   Regfind.exe   Regini.exe: Registry Change by Script   Registry Backup (Regback.exe)   Registry Change by Script (Regini.exe)   Registry Restoration (Regrest.exe)   Registry Size Estimator (Dureg.exe)   Regrest.exe: Registry Restoration   Remapkey.exe: Remap Windows Keyboard Layout   Remote Administration Scripts   Remote Command Service (Rcmd.exe & Rcmdsvc.exe)   Remote Console   Remote Process Kill   Remote Shutdown (Shutdown.exe)   Removeable Storage Database Utility (Rsm_dbutil.exe)   Removeable Storage Integrity Checker (Rsm_dbic.exe)   Removable Storage Manual Configuration Wizard (Rsmconfg.exe)   Robocopy.exe: Robust File Copy Utility   RPC Dump (Rpcdump.exe)   RPC Ping: RPC Connectivity Verification Tool   Rpcdump.exe: RPC Dump   Rshsvc.exe: TCP/IP Remote Shell Service   Rsm_dbic.exe: Removeable Storage Integrity Checker   Rsm_dbutil.exe: Removeable Storage Database Utility   Rsmconfg.exe: Removable Storage Manual Configuration Wizard   Run Extension (Runext.exe)   Runext.exe: Run Extension   - S -   Sc.exe: Service Controller Tool   Scanreg.exe   Sclist.exe   Seagate Software Crystal Reports for Windows 2000 Resource Kit   Security Configuration IIS Templates   SendFile Test Suite (Sendfile.exe)   Sendfile.exe: SendFile Test Suite   Server Manager (Srvmgr.exe)   Service ACL Editor (Svcacls.exe)   Service Controller Tool (Sc.exe)   Service Installation Wizard (Srvinstw.exe)   Service Installer (Instsrv.exe)   Service Monitoring Tool (Svcmon.exe)   Setedit.exe: PerfMon Chart Setting Editor   Setspn.exe: Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts   Setupmgr.exe: Setup Manager   Setx.exe   Show Privilege (Showpriv.exe)   Showacls.exe   Showgrps.exe   Showmbrs.exe   Showperf.exe: Performance Data Block Dump Utility   Showpriv.exe: Show Privilege   Shutdown.exe: Remote Shutdown   Sipanel.exe: Soft Input Panel   Sleep.exe: Batch File Wait   Smart Sketch LE   SNMP MIB Compiler (Mibcc.exe)   Snmpmon.exe: SNMP Monitor   Snmputil.exe: SNMP Browser   Soon.exe: Near-Future Command Scheduler   Srvany.exe: Applications as Services Utility   Srvcheck.exe   Srvinfo.exe   Srvinstw.exe: Service Installation Wizard   Srvmgr.exe: Server Manager   Startup Hardware Detector: Ntdetect.com (Installd.cmd)   Su.exe   Subinacl.exe   Support Online Web site   Svcacls.exe: Service ACL Editor   Svcmon.exe: Service Monitoring Tool   Sysdiff.exe: Automated Installation Tool   Sysprep.exe   System Scanner   - T -   Takeown.exe   Tcmon.exe: Traffic Control Monitor   TCP/IP Remote Shell Service (Rshsvc.exe)   Technical Reference to the Windows 2000 Registry (Regentry.chm)   Telephony Location Manager (Tlocmgr.exe)   Terminal Server Capacity Planning Tools   Terminal Services Client Registry Editory (Tsreg.exe)   Terminal Services License Server Viewer (Lsview.exe)   Terminal Services Licensing Reporter (Lsreport.exe)   Terminal Services Version Limiter (Tsver.exe)   Textview.exe: TextViewer   Time Zone Editor (Tzedit.exe)   Time-Ordered Processes (Top.exe)   Timeout.exe   Timestmp.sys: QoS Time Stamp   Timethis.exe   Timezone.exe: Daylight Saving Time Update Utility   Tlocmgr.exe: Telephony Location Manager   Top.exe: Time-Ordered Processes   Total Processors (Totlproc.exe)   Totlproc.exe: Total Processors   Tpc.exe: Third-Party Quality of Service Control Agent   Trace Dump (Tracedmp.exe)   Tracedmp.exe: Trace Dump   Traceenable.exe   Tracelog.exe   Traffic Control Monitor (Tcmon.exe)   Tru Access Manager Limited Edition   Tsreg.exe: Terminal Services Client Registry Editor   Tsver.exe: Terminal Services Version Limiter   Typeperf.exe: Performance Data in the Command Window   Tzedit.exe: Time Zone Editor   - U -   Unattend.doc: Unattended Setup Parameters Guide   Uptime.exe   User Input for Batch Files (Choice.exe)   User Manager for Domains (Usrmgr.exe)   User Profile Deletion Utility (Delprof.exe)   Usrmgr.exe: User Manager for Domains   Usrstat.exe   Usrtogrp.exe: Add Users to a Group   - V -   Vadump.exe: Virtual Address Dump   Vfi.exe: Visual File Information   Virtual Address Dump (Vadump.exe)   - W -   W2000events.mdb: Windows 2000 Events   W2000msgs.chm: Windows 2000 Error and Event Messages Help   W3Who.dll: Browser Client Context Viewer   Waitfor.exe   Web Application Stress Tool   Web Capacity Analysis Tool   Where.exe: File Locator   Whoami.exe   Windows 2000 Error and Event Messages Help (W2000msgs.chm)   Windows 2000 Events (W2000events.mdb)   Windows 2000 Group Policy Reference (Gp.chm)   Windows 2000 Performance Counters (Counters.chm)   Windows ATM ARP Server Information Tool (Atmarp.exe)   Windows ATM LAN Emulation Client Information (Atmlane.exe)   Windows Exit Screen Saver (Winexit.scr)   Windows Load Balancing Server Network Monitor Parsers (Wlbs_hb.dll and Wlbs_rc.dll)   Windows Media Load Simulator (Wmloadsimulator.exe)   Windows NT 4.0 OEM Support Tools   Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit (Winrpsdk15.doc)   Winexit.scr: Windows Exit Screen Saver   Winrpsdk15.doc: Windows Report Tool Deployment Software Development Kit   WINS Administration Tool (Winscl.exe)   WINS Replication Network Monitor Parser (Wins.dll)   Wins.dll: WINS Replication Network Monitor Parser   Winschk.exe   Winscl.exe: WINS Administration Tool   Winsta.exe: WinStation Monitor   WinStation Monitor (Winsta.exe)   Wlbs_hb.dll and Wlbs_rc.dll: Windows Load Balancing Server Network Monitor Parsers   Wmloadsimulator.exe: Windows Media Load Simulator   Wperf.exe: Perf Monitor   - X -   Xcacls.exe   - Y -   No entries   - Z - 
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