JSI Tip 2035. When I print a .SPL file, it prints garbled?.
February 16, 2000
If you are troubleshooting printer problems, or just moving print jobs, the .SPL file may print garbled.
The .SPL file may be in EMF format, but the printer may be set to Always Spool RAW Datatype.
To allow your Windows NT or Windows 2000 computer to print the EMF .SPL file:
1. Start / Settings / Printers.
2. Right-click the printer and press Properties.
3. On the Windows NT General tab or Windows 2000 Advanced tab, press Print Processor.
4. Clear the Always Spool RAW Datatype check box, if it is present/checked, and change the Default Datatype to NT EMF 1.003, 1.006, 1.007 or 1.008.
5. Exit the Printer Dialogue.
6. At a CMD prompt, change to the folder (CD) that contains the .SPL file and type:
copy .spl \
When you are done, you can change the Default Datatype back or set it to the default, RAW.
NOTE: When a Windows NT Client prints to a Windows NT Server, EMF is negotiated, even if the Default Datatype is RAW, assuming:
Always Spool RAW Datatype is NOT checked.
The application supports EMF.
so that Windows NT can return control to the application faster than if EMF was not used.
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