JSI Tip 1937. How can I alter the timeout that Internet Explorer uses?JSI Tip 1937. How can I alter the timeout that Internet Explorer uses?
December 29, 1999
When loading a page, IE starts a timer. If the page is not fully loaded at the end of the timeout, you get an error message and the page stops loading.
The default timeout in IE 4.0 SP2, and IE 5.x is 5 minutes. To alter the timeout, use Regedt32 to navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings
On the Edit menu, Add Value name ReceiveTimeout, as a type REG_DWORD. In the DWORD Editor, set the Decimal Radix. Enter the timeout in milliseconds.
Example: To set a 6 minute timeout, enter 360000 (6 minutes * 60 Seconds/Minute * 1000 Milliseconds/Second).
You must shutdown and restart your computer for this change to take effect.
NOTE: If you do get timed out, DO NOT Refresh/Reload. Use you Back button and then the Forward button, to pickup loading where you timed out.
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