JSI Tip 10443. How can I generate a time that is 2 minutes in the future and is suitable for using with the AT command?
John Savill
April 26, 2006
1 Min Read
I have scripted AT2.bat to generate a time that is 2 minutes in the future, and is suitable for using with the AT command.
NOTE: If you install Soon.exe, the near-future command scheduler, you don't need this tip.
The syntax for using AT2.bat is:
[call] AT2 TPlusTwo
Where TPlusTwo is a call directed environment variable that will contain a time, that istwo minutes in the future, and suitable for using with the AT command.
AT2.bat contains:
@echo offif {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: AT2 Time&goto :EOFsetlocalset vb="%TEMP%AT2_%RANDOM%.vbs"@echo.Wscript.Echo DateAdd("n", "2", (now))>%vb%for /f "Tokens=1*" %%a in ('cscript //nologo %vb%') do ( set tm=%%b)set tm=%tm: =%del /q %vb%endlocal&set %1=%tm%
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