JSI Tip 0057 - Explorer shortcut and command line switches.JSI Tip 0057 - Explorer shortcut and command line switches.
January 28, 1997
You can execute explorer from the command line or from a shortcut and use switches to control the view. The syntax is: EXPLORER.EXE [/n] [/e] [,/root,{object}] [[,/select],{sub object}]
/n.................................Opens a new "My Computer" view of the object, even if already open.
/e.................................Opens an "Explorer" view of the object.
/root,{object}................The specified root for the display. Explorer.exe /e,/root,D: will open an "Explorer" view of the D: drive.
/select,{sub object}.......The specified folder or file receives focus. Explorer.exe /select,C:WinNTSystem32Regedt32.exe will open a window view of C:WinNTSystem32 and the NT Registry Editor will receive focus. To do the same with an "Explorer" view, Explorer.exe /e,/select,C:WinNTSystem32Regedt32.exe
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