JSI Tip 0004 - Bypass the WinNT Logon Prompt.

Jerold Schulman

December 31, 1996

1 Min Read
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If you want to autolog a user, both TweakUIand the Resource Kit utility AUTOLOG.EXE will do it foryou. To configure this using the registry, edit:


Set the DefaultDomainName, DefaultPassword(must be non-blank), and DefaultUserName. Set AutoAdminLogonto 1 (all are type REG_SZ). If you ever want to logon asa different user, hold down the shift key as you logoff.

If you implemented Tip025, undo it.

Note:Yourpassword is stored in plain text in the registry and can be seenby someone with the authority to view a remote registry.

NOTE: See tip 3513.

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