Configuration Manager client deployment troubleshootingConfiguration Manager client deployment troubleshooting
Solve problems with Configuration Manager client push deployments.
November 18, 2015
Q. I'm having trouble with Configuration Manager Client push in 2012, how can I get information why the client deployments fail?
A. Configuration Manager 2012 uses a consolidated tracking of client push deployments through the CCM.LOG and a new database v_CP_Machine which has basic error code information about client deployments however the best data is still in the CCM.LOG file. To view the CCM.LOG file use the Configuration Manager Trace Log Tool (CMTrace) which is part of the Configuration Manager Toolkit ( Open the CCM.LOG file in the tool which will highlight errors as shown below. Read the detail of the logs to understand why the installation fails. In the example below the administrative shares were not available on the client because the file sharing filewall extensions were disabled.
Below is an example of querying the database for last error code of each machine the client was pushed to.
Select Name, LatestProcessingAttempt, LastErrorCode From v_CP_Machine Order By LastErrorCode
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