Automatically Name Log Files With the Current Date and TimeAutomatically Name Log Files With the Current Date and Time
A script to automatically name log files with the current date and time, which solves the problem of NT Backup overwriting previous days' logs.
January 21, 2002
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When Windows NT Backup writes a log file, the program always uses the same name. This method overwrites previous days' logs and thus leaves administrators wondering whether their backups have been working. To solve this problem, I wrote the script that Listing 1 shows to automatically name log files with the current date and time.
I used ntdate.exe, which is in Jeffrey Harris's freeware AINTX Toolset (available at, and the form of the for /f command that parses command outputs. Ntdate provides the parsed system date to the for command.
I put the command file in NT's Scheduler. You can use REM statements (i.e., ::) on the line containing the Ntbackup command to specify whether you want full or incremental backups. This script is for NT 4.0 and includes optional lines to accommodate Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) 4.5.
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