Customize the ADFS authentication page with buttons!Customize the ADFS authentication page with buttons!
Customize the ADFS logon page to include custom buttons with links.
April 8, 2016
Q. How can I add custom HTML to the logon page of my ADFS server?
A. As part of the ADFS server customization it is possible to specify some sign-in page description text which is HTML. This can really be anything including a neat looking table showing some useful links like that shown below.
To do this first work out the HTML you want in a standard HTML editor then modify if to be one long string and if you have double quotes as you will need to double them up. Below is an example I use however this should all run on one line.
Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent -SignInPageDescriptionText "Register for Forgot PasswordForgot or Reset Password?Register for Phone / MultiFactorRegister this device"
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