ADO.NET Security Recommendations
ADO.NET Security Recommendations concentrates on the following areas. Authentication Modes Connection String OptionsAuthentication ModesUse Windows Authenticati
April 14, 2004
ADO.NET Security Recommendations concentrates on the following areas.
Authentication Modes
Connection String Options
Authentication Modes
Use Windows Authentication over SQL Authentication
1. Security is easier to manage
2. User names and Passwords are not needed in Connection Strings
3. Logon Security Improves through password expiration periods, minimum lengths and account lockout after multiple invalid logon request.
4. Passwords are not sent as clear text over network
Avoid Impersonation in the Middle-Tier for better connection Pooling
Consider 2 Accounts for Impersonation - One account for Reads and Other for Writes
Windows Authentication takes longer to Open pooled connection than SQL authentication
Connection String Options
Connection string can be stored in
1. XML Configuration files
2. UDL file for OLEDB Provider
3. COM+ Catalog for serviced components
4. Windows registry
5. Custom files
Use Windows Authentication It does not require password to be stored.
Encrypt connection string in XML
Can restrict access to connection string stored in registry by using ACLs and encrypting Data
Set Persist Security Info to false to avoid security-sensitive details, such as the password from being returned by means of ConnectionString property of the SQLConnection or OleDbconnection.
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