Windows IT Pro UPDATE--Axim X50v Raises Pocket PC Bar--October 26, 2004

Paul Thurrott reviews the Axim X50v and Paula Sharick discusees the latest Windows hotfixes.

ITPro Today

October 26, 2004

26 Min Read
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This email newsletter comes to you free and is supported by the following advertisers, which offer products and services in which you might be interested. Please take a moment to visit these advertiser's Web sites and show your support for Windows IT Pro UPDATE. Manage Email, PSTs & Public Folders (Free Trial) Got Space? Get Control with Northern Storage Suite.


1. Commentary
- Axim X50v Raises Pocket PC Bar 2. Hot Off the Press
- Yahoo, Adobe Link Web Services 3. Keeping Up with Win2K and NT
- Understanding Application Problems in Windows XP SP2 4. Resource
- Tip: What's the maximum size of a Dfs namespace? 5. New and Improved
- Recover Deleted Files
- Distribute and Manage Software ==== Sponsor: Manage Email, PSTs & Public Folders (Free Trial)====
Having trouble accessing PST Files? Looking for a cost-efficient email management solution? Mail Attender Enterprise gives you the ability to automatically manage PST files (network accessible and local), Public Folders and Mailboxes from a central location. Perform keyword searches to retrieve information, implement retention policies, address compliance issues, compress attachments, compact PSTs, archive data to a secure storage device and view email statistics across your enterprise. Management is transparent to end-users and can be applied to certain users or groups. With Mail Attender Enterprise, you will decrease administration time, reclaim storage space and reduce liabilities. Download a FREE TRIAL and instantly view statistics like total message/attachment count, size, and type across your entire Exchange information store!


==== 1. Commentary: Axim X50v Raises Pocket PC Bar ====
by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, [email protected] It's been a few months since I've reviewed a laptop for Windows IT Pro UPDATE, but this week's subject--the stunning Dell Axim X50v Pocket PC--threatens to forever blur the line between full-fledged Windows XP-based portables and PDAs. The Axim X50 is the first Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (SE)-based family of PDAs to offer both a VGA 640 x 480 screen--twice the resolution of most PDAs--and the software improvements Microsoft made to its latest Pocket PC OS. The almost surreally powerful X50 is hobbled only by Microsoft's lazy approach to updating its Pocket PC software. If Microsoft would just get on the ball, the Axim--and a coming generation of similar Pocket PCs--could replace notebooks for many business travelers. The Axim X50

From a hardware perspective, the Axim X50v is the most powerful PDA currently available, with a 624MHz processor (The midlevel X50 has a 550MHz processor, and a low-end model features a 416MHz processor). It also includes the aforementioned VGA screen which, thanks to Windows Mobile 2003 SE, you can use in either portrait or landscape mode. And unlike Dell's inexpensive Axim X30 line, the X50 supports dual expansion slots, with both Secure Digital (SD) and CompactFlash (CF) slots. Thanks to today's Crazy Eddie pricing on memory cards, you can outfit the X50 with an astonishing amount of storage. For example, I added a 1GB SD card and a 4GB CF-based microdrive to the review unit for less than $300. Amazing. However, these expansion capabilities will likely go unused by many people, thanks to the equally incredible amount of onboard technology. The X50v and midlevel X50 include 128MB of ROM storage and 64MB of RAM, and features integrated 802.11b-based wireless and Bluetooth radios. The low-end model sports 64MB of ROM, 64MB of RAM, and Bluetooth, but not 802.11b wireless. From a form-factor perspective, the X50 is the spiritual successor to the excellent HP iPAQ 4155 Pocket PC, which debuted last fall. Like the 4155, the X50 includes a curved bottom end that makes holding the device more comfortable. However, the X50 is slightly longer, thanks to its 3.7-inch screen, and is arguably more attractive, with black and silver highlights. I found using the device in landscape mode to be slightly more awkward than using it in the more typical portrait mode. Finally, in another a bid toward notebook replacement, the X50 supports VGA out with an optional VGA presentation bundle, which would make the device perfect for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations on the road, if the company ever creates a Pocket version of that application (third-party solutions are available). And like most Dell handhelds, you can equip the device with an optional high-capacity battery for longer battery life away from home. I didn't test either of these options. The X50v is the fastest handheld I've ever tested, and the bundled version of Windows Media Player (WMP) 10 Mobile--along with the aforementioned additional storage--means that I can leave the iPod and its accompanying cables at home when I travel. However, the Axim doesn't offer a digital camera option or come in a Pocket PC Phone Edition version, which would further reduce the number of devices you need to cart around. The screen on the device is so clear that many observers thought it was fake, and the onscreen text display is amazingly good. Windows Mobile 2003 SE: What Went Wrong?

The X50's ability to display natively in landscape mode is particularly important because the Pocket PC's standard portrait display, with its low-resolution screen, is unsuitable for many tasks, including Web browsing, email, word processing, and spreadsheet work. And with its excellent VGA screen and blazing processor, the X50 should be a natural at these tasks. Sadly, that's not the case. But the blame falls on Microsoft not Dell, because the software giant's latest Pocket PC software version, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, is largely a pathetic update. Yes, Windows Mobile 2003 SE offers the landscape display mode, although I'm surprised to report that many of Microsoft's own utilities don't display scroll bars while in landscape mode, making some options invisible and unreachable. But Microsoft hasn't updated significantly the core Pocket applications--Pocket Inbox, Pocket Word, and Pocket Excel-- for years, and we're still waiting on a Pocket PowerPoint solution. So all that power and display acumen goes for naught, unless you don't mind using the limited applications Microsoft still provides or finding better third-party solutions. This neglect is particularly appalling when you consider that Dell and other companies are now shipping inexpensive Bluetooth- and IR-based keyboards that, when combined with a landscape-positioned Pocket PC, would provide all the notebook-type hardware many people would need on the road. In other words, all the pieces are in place except for that most crucial component--the software. Windows Mobile 2005

On the good news front, I'm hearing rumors that the next version of Windows Mobile--allegedly to be named Windows Mobile 2005 and code-named Magneto--will solve some of these problems. The OS will supposedly feature an embedded Microsoft SQL Server-based database, Direct3D-type graphics capabilities and, perhaps most important, major updates to the Pocket applications. It's about time. Sadly, Windows Mobile 2005 won't ship until next summer, I'm told, and will likely suffer from the most bone-headed decision Microsoft ever made about its Pocket PC software updates: It will permit its hardware partners to distribute only major Pocket PC updates to customers, and often those partners simply choose not to, leaving existing customers in the lurch. For both Microsoft and its partners, I'm sure the matter involves the cost of supporting such updates, but with Pocket PCs quickly encroaching on the performance and capabilities of PCs, I think it's time to revise this strategy. In short, the Axim X50v is the best Pocket PC you can buy, and it's hobbled only by Microsoft's weak software selection. Come on, Microsoft, it's time for you to stop being the bottleneck that prevents your mobile platform from succeeding. Your partners are up to the task. Are you?


==== Sponsor: Got Space? Get Control with Northern Storage Suite. ====
Managing storage is about managing space, people and time. No matter the size of your network, workforce or IT staff, we've got the solution. Northern Storage Suite offers market-leading quota technology, comprehensive reporting and trending, user-driven data management (optional), automated task scheduling for storage optimization and out-of-the-box chargeback. Join us to learn more about implementing an SRM solution that's right for you. Sign up now for a free one-hour Northern Storage Suite webinar on Thursday October 28 at 2 PM EST.


==== 2. Hot Off the Press ====
by Paul Thurrott, [email protected] Yahoo, Adobe Link Web Services
Web giant Yahoo and the document and imaging experts at Adobe are teaming up to provide integrated online search and services to their customers. Under terms of the deal, Adobe will begin distributing a specially customized version of Yahoo's free Internet Explorer search toolbar with Adobe Reader, while Yahoo will provide functionality in that toolbar that will let customers save Web pages in Adobe's PDF format. To read the entire article, visit the following URL: ==== 3. Keeping Up with Win2K and NT ====
by Paula Sharick, [email protected] Understanding Application Problems in Windows XP SP2
Application problems that occur on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) fall into two categories: software that isn't compatible with SP2 and software that doesn't function properly until you modify the firewall to enable necessary client-to-server and server-to-client communication. If you're testing SP2 or you've already upgraded and see unexpected behavior or error messages from antivirus software, third-party firewall software, games, and utilities, you might need a vendor-supplied update. The Microsoft article "Programs that are known to experience a loss of functionality when they run on a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer" ( has a lengthy list of programs that aren't compatible with SP2. Either the applications don't install or function properly, or they interfere with normal XP operations. Although not all-inclusive, the list provides a starting point for troubleshooting incompatibilities. To read more about these SP2 problems as well as a Windows Installer problem, smart card-induced system hangs, an annoying Rich Text Format (RTF) print problem, and more, visit the following URL: ==== Announcements ====
(from Windows IT Pro and its partners) IT Security Solutions Roadshow--Best Practices For Securing Your Business from McAfee, Microsoft, and RSA Security
Join us for this free half-day event that will give you the practical hands-on experience you need to help secure your organization. Take your security to the next level with topics such as antivirus, intrusion prevention, vulnerability discovery, management, and more. Attend and enter to win tickets to a professional sports game. Register now! Enter to Win a TiVo at the Windows IT Pro eNewsletter Center
Did you know Windows IT Pro has 12 free email ewsletters to help you find up-to-date, fast information about the topics you care about? Sign up now for any of our email newsletters and be entered for a chance to win a TiVo and a lifetime subscription to TiVo service. The Email Security Center--Your First Line of Defense Against Unwanted Email
The Email Security Center provides valuable tools and expertise to help secure your messaging services against attacks and unsolicited email. Our experts share the latest trends, guidance, and resources for understanding and blocking spam, viruses, and attacks while saving bandwidth, conserving server capacity, and minimizing administration costs. Sign up today! New half-day seminar! The Enterprise Alliance Roadshow
Come and join us for this free event and find out how a more strategic and holistic approach to IT planning helps organizations increase operational efficiency and facilitate the implementation of new technology. Sign up today. Space is limited. ~~~~ Hot Release: (Advertisement) Find Oracle Answers Fast ~~~~
Find answers to your Oracle questions. With over 700 how-to articles and simple tips, you'll discover how to maximize Oracle features and ultimately improve IT productivity and management of your network and database. Get answers now! ==== Instant Poll ==== Results of Previous Poll
The voting has closed in Windows IT Pro's nonscientific Instant Poll for the question, "Does your company plan to implement Windows XP Professional x64 Edition when it becomes available?" Here are the results from the 251 votes:
- 8% All
- 35% Most
- 24% About half
- 24% Very little
- 8% None (Deviations from 100 percent are due to rounding error.) New Instant Poll
The next Instant Poll question is, "Can you access enterprise applications from your mobile computing device?" Go to the Windows IT Pro home page and submit your vote for a) Yes or b) No. ==== 4. Resource ==== Tip: What's the maximum size of a Dfs namespace?
by John Savill, An Active Directory (AD)-integrated Dfs namespace has a maximum size of 5MB, which is approximately 5000 links. A standalone Dfs namespace has a supported limit of 50,000 links. ==== Events Central ====
(A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows IT Pro: ) New! Beware the Exchange Strangler: How a Silent Killer is Taking Names and Bringing Down Email Servers
There is a silent killer stalking Exchange Servers in the form of "directory harvest attacks" that steal email directory names and quickly strangle server performance. In this free Web seminar, learn how to stop this "Exchange Strangler" before it can pilfer your email directory names and bring your email system to its knees. Register now! ==== 4. New and Improved ====
by Angie Brew, [email protected] Recover Deleted Files
Executive Software released Undelete 4.0, a file-recovery utility that replaces the Recycle Bin with a Recovery Bin. The Recovery Bin captures all deleted files, and users can restore their own files from it without administrator intervention. Undelete features a Secure Delete feature that erases confidential files permanently and an Emergency Undelete feature that lets users retrieve files that were deleted before Undelete was installed. Undelete 4.0 costs $29.95 for the home edition, $39.95 for the workstation edition, and $299.95 for the server edition. Contact Executive Software at 818-771-1600. Distribute and Manage Software
New Boundary Technologies released Prism Deploy 6.0, software distribution and management software. Version 6.0's new features include security roles, digital certificate support, permissions deployment, wake on LAN, checkpoint restart, and quick start templates. The product features Smart Update technology that automatically targets computers and deploys software updates according to configuration traits. Prism Deploy lets you apply a digital signature to a package so that clients can install only authorized software. For pricing, contact New Boundary Technologies at 612-379-3805. Tell Us About a Hot Product and Get a T-Shirt!
Have you used a product that changed your IT experience by saving you time or easing your daily burden? Tell us about the product, and we'll send you a T-shirt if we write about the product in a future Windows IT Pro What's Hot column. Send your product suggestions with information about how the product has helped you to mailto:[email protected].


==== Contact Us ==== About the newsletter -- [email protected] About technical questions -- About product news -- [email protected] About your subscription -- [email protected] About sponsoring UPDATE -- [email protected]


This email newsletter is brought to you by Windows IT Pro, the leading publication for IT professionals deploying Windows and related technologies. Subscribe today! View the Windows IT Pro Privacy policy at Windows IT Pro is a division of Penton Media, Inc. 221 East 29th Street, Loveland, CO 80538, Attention: Customer Service Department Copyright 2004, Penton Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you want to receive Windows IT Pro UPDATE in HTML format in the near future, click here: Because of a problem with last week's link, we were unable to process your request, so please click again. Make sure your copy of Windows IT Pro UPDATE doesn't get mistakenly blocked by antispam software! Be sure to add [email protected] to your list of allowed senders and contacts.


This email newsletter comes to you free and is supported by the following advertisers, which offer products and services in which you might be interested. Please take a moment to visit these advertiser's Web sites and show your support for Windows IT Pro UPDATE. Manage Email, PSTs & Public Folders (Free Trial) Got Space? Get Control with Northern Storage Suite.


1. Commentary
- Axim X50v Raises Pocket PC Bar 2. Hot Off the Press
- Yahoo, Adobe Link Web Services 3. Keeping Up with Win2K and NT
- Understanding Application Problems in Windows XP SP2 4. Resource
- Tip: What's the maximum size of a Dfs namespace? 5. New and Improved
- Recover Deleted Files
- Distribute and Manage Software ==== Sponsor: Manage Email, PSTs & Public Folders (Free Trial)====
Having trouble accessing PST Files? Looking for a cost-efficient email management solution? Mail Attender Enterprise gives you the ability to automatically manage PST files (network accessible and local), Public Folders and Mailboxes from a central location. Perform keyword searches to retrieve information, implement retention policies, address compliance issues, compress attachments, compact PSTs, archive data to a secure storage device and view email statistics across your enterprise. Management is transparent to end-users and can be applied to certain users or groups. With Mail Attender Enterprise, you will decrease administration time, reclaim storage space and reduce liabilities. Download a FREE TRIAL and instantly view statistics like total message/attachment count, size, and type across your entire Exchange information store!


==== 1. Commentary: Axim X50v Raises Pocket PC Bar ====
by Paul Thurrott, News Editor, [email protected] It's been a few months since I've reviewed a laptop for Windows IT Pro UPDATE, but this week's subject--the stunning Dell Axim X50v Pocket PC--threatens to forever blur the line between full-fledged Windows XP-based portables and PDAs. The Axim X50 is the first Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition (SE)-based family of PDAs to offer both a VGA 640 x 480 screen--twice the resolution of most PDAs--and the software improvements Microsoft made to its latest Pocket PC OS. The almost surreally powerful X50 is hobbled only by Microsoft's lazy approach to updating its Pocket PC software. If Microsoft would just get on the ball, the Axim--and a coming generation of similar Pocket PCs--could replace notebooks for many business travelers. The Axim X50

From a hardware perspective, the Axim X50v is the most powerful PDA currently available, with a 624MHz processor (The midlevel X50 has a 550MHz processor, and a low-end model features a 416MHz processor). It also includes the aforementioned VGA screen which, thanks to Windows Mobile 2003 SE, you can use in either portrait or landscape mode. And unlike Dell's inexpensive Axim X30 line, the X50 supports dual expansion slots, with both Secure Digital (SD) and CompactFlash (CF) slots. Thanks to today's Crazy Eddie pricing on memory cards, you can outfit the X50 with an astonishing amount of storage. For example, I added a 1GB SD card and a 4GB CF-based microdrive to the review unit for less than $300. Amazing. However, these expansion capabilities will likely go unused by many people, thanks to the equally incredible amount of onboard technology. The X50v and midlevel X50 include 128MB of ROM storage and 64MB of RAM, and features integrated 802.11b-based wireless and Bluetooth radios. The low-end model sports 64MB of ROM, 64MB of RAM, and Bluetooth, but not 802.11b wireless. From a form-factor perspective, the X50 is the spiritual successor to the excellent HP iPAQ 4155 Pocket PC, which debuted last fall. Like the 4155, the X50 includes a curved bottom end that makes holding the device more comfortable. However, the X50 is slightly longer, thanks to its 3.7-inch screen, and is arguably more attractive, with black and silver highlights. I found using the device in landscape mode to be slightly more awkward than using it in the more typical portrait mode. Finally, in another a bid toward notebook replacement, the X50 supports VGA out with an optional VGA presentation bundle, which would make the device perfect for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations on the road, if the company ever creates a Pocket version of that application (third-party solutions are available). And like most Dell handhelds, you can equip the device with an optional high-capacity battery for longer battery life away from home. I didn't test either of these options. The X50v is the fastest handheld I've ever tested, and the bundled version of Windows Media Player (WMP) 10 Mobile--along with the aforementioned additional storage--means that I can leave the iPod and its accompanying cables at home when I travel. However, the Axim doesn't offer a digital camera option or come in a Pocket PC Phone Edition version, which would further reduce the number of devices you need to cart around. The screen on the device is so clear that many observers thought it was fake, and the onscreen text display is amazingly good. Windows Mobile 2003 SE: What Went Wrong?

The X50's ability to display natively in landscape mode is particularly important because the Pocket PC's standard portrait display, with its low-resolution screen, is unsuitable for many tasks, including Web browsing, email, word processing, and spreadsheet work. And with its excellent VGA screen and blazing processor, the X50 should be a natural at these tasks. Sadly, that's not the case. But the blame falls on Microsoft not Dell, because the software giant's latest Pocket PC software version, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, is largely a pathetic update. Yes, Windows Mobile 2003 SE offers the landscape display mode, although I'm surprised to report that many of Microsoft's own utilities don't display scroll bars while in landscape mode, making some options invisible and unreachable. But Microsoft hasn't updated significantly the core Pocket applications--Pocket Inbox, Pocket Word, and Pocket Excel-- for years, and we're still waiting on a Pocket PowerPoint solution. So all that power and display acumen goes for naught, unless you don't mind using the limited applications Microsoft still provides or finding better third-party solutions. This neglect is particularly appalling when you consider that Dell and other companies are now shipping inexpensive Bluetooth- and IR-based keyboards that, when combined with a landscape-positioned Pocket PC, would provide all the notebook-type hardware many people would need on the road. In other words, all the pieces are in place except for that most crucial component--the software. Windows Mobile 2005

On the good news front, I'm hearing rumors that the next version of Windows Mobile--allegedly to be named Windows Mobile 2005 and code-named Magneto--will solve some of these problems. The OS will supposedly feature an embedded Microsoft SQL Server-based database, Direct3D-type graphics capabilities and, perhaps most important, major updates to the Pocket applications. It's about time. Sadly, Windows Mobile 2005 won't ship until next summer, I'm told, and will likely suffer from the most bone-headed decision Microsoft ever made about its Pocket PC software updates: It will permit its hardware partners to distribute only major Pocket PC updates to customers, and often those partners simply choose not to, leaving existing customers in the lurch. For both Microsoft and its partners, I'm sure the matter involves the cost of supporting such updates, but with Pocket PCs quickly encroaching on the performance and capabilities of PCs, I think it's time to revise this strategy. In short, the Axim X50v is the best Pocket PC you can buy, and it's hobbled only by Microsoft's weak software selection. Come on, Microsoft, it's time for you to stop being the bottleneck that prevents your mobile platform from succeeding. Your partners are up to the task. Are you?


==== Sponsor: Got Space? Get Control with Northern Storage Suite. ====
Managing storage is about managing space, people and time. No matter the size of your network, workforce or IT staff, we've got the solution. Northern Storage Suite offers market-leading quota technology, comprehensive reporting and trending, user-driven data management (optional), automated task scheduling for storage optimization and out-of-the-box chargeback. Join us to learn more about implementing an SRM solution that's right for you. Sign up now for a free one-hour Northern Storage Suite webinar on Thursday October 28 at 2 PM EST.


==== 2. Hot Off the Press ====
by Paul Thurrott, [email protected] Yahoo, Adobe Link Web Services
Web giant Yahoo and the document and imaging experts at Adobe are teaming up to provide integrated online search and services to their customers. Under terms of the deal, Adobe will begin distributing a specially customized version of Yahoo's free Internet Explorer search toolbar with Adobe Reader, while Yahoo will provide functionality in that toolbar that will let customers save Web pages in Adobe's PDF format. To read the entire article, visit the following URL: ==== 3. Keeping Up with Win2K and NT ====
by Paula Sharick, [email protected] Understanding Application Problems in Windows XP SP2
Application problems that occur on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) fall into two categories: software that isn't compatible with SP2 and software that doesn't function properly until you modify the firewall to enable necessary client-to-server and server-to-client communication. If you're testing SP2 or you've already upgraded and see unexpected behavior or error messages from antivirus software, third-party firewall software, games, and utilities, you might need a vendor-supplied update. The Microsoft article "Programs that are known to experience a loss of functionality when they run on a Windows XP Service Pack 2-based computer" ( has a lengthy list of programs that aren't compatible with SP2. Either the applications don't install or function properly, or they interfere with normal XP operations. Although not all-inclusive, the list provides a starting point for troubleshooting incompatibilities. To read more about these SP2 problems as well as a Windows Installer problem, smart card-induced system hangs, an annoying Rich Text Format (RTF) print problem, and more, visit the following URL: ==== Announcements ====
(from Windows IT Pro and its partners) IT Security Solutions Roadshow--Best Practices For Securing Your Business from McAfee, Microsoft, and RSA Security
Join us for this free half-day event that will give you the practical hands-on experience you need to help secure your organization. Take your security to the next level with topics such as antivirus, intrusion prevention, vulnerability discovery, management, and more. Attend and enter to win tickets to a professional sports game. Register now! Enter to Win a TiVo at the Windows IT Pro eNewsletter Center
Did you know Windows IT Pro has 12 free email ewsletters to help you find up-to-date, fast information about the topics you care about? Sign up now for any of our email newsletters and be entered for a chance to win a TiVo and a lifetime subscription to TiVo service. The Email Security Center--Your First Line of Defense Against Unwanted Email
The Email Security Center provides valuable tools and expertise to help secure your messaging services against attacks and unsolicited email. Our experts share the latest trends, guidance, and resources for understanding and blocking spam, viruses, and attacks while saving bandwidth, conserving server capacity, and minimizing administration costs. Sign up today! New half-day seminar! The Enterprise Alliance Roadshow
Come and join us for this free event and find out how a more strategic and holistic approach to IT planning helps organizations increase operational efficiency and facilitate the implementation of new technology. Sign up today. Space is limited. ~~~~ Hot Release: (Advertisement) Find Oracle Answers Fast ~~~~
Find answers to your Oracle questions. With over 700 how-to articles and simple tips, you'll discover how to maximize Oracle features and ultimately improve IT productivity and management of your network and database. Get answers now! ==== Instant Poll ==== Results of Previous Poll
The voting has closed in Windows IT Pro's nonscientific Instant Poll for the question, "Does your company plan to implement Windows XP Professional x64 Edition when it becomes available?" Here are the results from the 251 votes:
- 8% All
- 35% Most
- 24% About half
- 24% Very little
- 8% None (Deviations from 100 percent are due to rounding error.) New Instant Poll
The next Instant Poll question is, "Can you access enterprise applications from your mobile computing device?" Go to the Windows IT Pro home page and submit your vote for a) Yes or b) No. ==== 4. Resource ==== Tip: What's the maximum size of a Dfs namespace?
by John Savill, An Active Directory (AD)-integrated Dfs namespace has a maximum size of 5MB, which is approximately 5000 links. A standalone Dfs namespace has a supported limit of 50,000 links. ==== Events Central ====
(A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows IT Pro: ) New! Beware the Exchange Strangler: How a Silent Killer is Taking Names and Bringing Down Email Servers
There is a silent killer stalking Exchange Servers in the form of "directory harvest attacks" that steal email directory names and quickly strangle server performance. In this free Web seminar, learn how to stop this "Exchange Strangler" before it can pilfer your email directory names and bring your email system to its knees. Register now! ==== 4. New and Improved ====
by Angie Brew, [email protected] Recover Deleted Files
Executive Software released Undelete 4.0, a file-recovery utility that replaces the Recycle Bin with a Recovery Bin. The Recovery Bin captures all deleted files, and users can restore their own files from it without administrator intervention. Undelete features a Secure Delete feature that erases confidential files permanently and an Emergency Undelete feature that lets users retrieve files that were deleted before Undelete was installed. Undelete 4.0 costs $29.95 for the home edition, $39.95 for the workstation edition, and $299.95 for the server edition. Contact Executive Software at 818-771-1600. Distribute and Manage Software
New Boundary Technologies released Prism Deploy 6.0, software distribution and management software. Version 6.0's new features include security roles, digital certificate support, permissions deployment, wake on LAN, checkpoint restart, and quick start templates. The product features Smart Update technology that automatically targets computers and deploys software updates according to configuration traits. Prism Deploy lets you apply a digital signature to a package so that clients can install only authorized software. For pricing, contact New Boundary Technologies at 612-379-3805. Tell Us About a Hot Product and Get a T-Shirt!
Have you used a product that changed your IT experience by saving you time or easing your daily burden? Tell us about the product, and we'll send you a T-shirt if we write about the product in a future Windows IT Pro What's Hot column. Send your product suggestions with information about how the product has helped you to mailto:[email protected].


==== Contact Us ==== About the newsletter -- [email protected] About technical questions -- About product news -- [email protected] About your subscription -- [email protected] About sponsoring UPDATE -- [email protected]


This email newsletter is brought to you by Windows IT Pro, the leading publication for IT professionals deploying Windows and related technologies. Subscribe today!

View the Windows IT Pro Privacy policy at Windows IT Pro is a division of Penton Media, Inc. 221 East 29th Street, Loveland, CO 80538, Attention: Customer Service Department Copyright 2004, Penton Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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