Social Fitness Service inKin Announces Mobile AppsSocial Fitness Service inKin Announces Mobile Apps

Run strictly as a web-based service for the past several months, inKin is now introducing mobile apps.

Rod Trent

April 14, 2016

2 Min Read
Social Fitness Service inKin Announces Mobile Apps

Microsoft recently announced and delivered social attributes for its mobile Health app, providing leaderboards and challenges for friends willing to connect their Health accounts to Facebook. I talk about that feature addition in Walkthrough: Microsoft Band’s Leaderboard and Activity Challenges.

But, before Microsoft provided this capability for Microsoft Band owners, inKin was already doing it. I first talked about inKin back in January. inKin connects to the Microsoft Health account and syncs the Band-collected data into its own service to provide self-styled leaderboards, personal fitness dashboards, and duels. Up until now, the service has been entirely web-based – the exact opposite of what Microsoft provides. Microsoft’s capabilities are available solely through its Microsoft Health smartphone app, which is most times sluggish. One of my biggest complaints about Microsoft’s capabilities is the

Today, inKin is announcing that it is expanding its service to mobile devices, offering iOS and Android apps – and then, promising that a Windows 10 Mobile app is still in the works. There’s no promise as to a date for the Windows 10 Mobile version, but the iOS and Android editions are available today.

inKin on iOS

inKin on Android

In my opinion inKin is much better social fitness offering than what Microsoft is currently offering. Obviously, Microsoft’s version is new and will get better over time, but right now, inKin’s is more polished, offers more in the way of challenges, and of course, provides the coveted web-based dashboard – which Microsoft does not. inKin started as a web app which allowed the service to percolate through feedback and testing and has now branched out into mobile. If you’re looking to increase your fitness output and don’t mind a stiff challenge or two, you should definitely give inKin a shot.

In addition to the Microsoft Band, inKin also supports other trackers including: Fitbit, Garmin, Jawbone, Misfit, Withings, iHealth, Lumo, and The Moves app. You can connects as many different trackers to the service as you want and you can even set different goals for each connected device.

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