SQL Server Magazine UPDATE, June 30, 2005--Microsoft Integration Technologies

Brian Moran talks about a new white paper from Microsoft about the company's integration technologies, learn about SQL Server's rounding secrets, get the results of our latest instant poll, and more!

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June 30, 2005

1. Perspectives

  • Microsoft's Integration Technologies

2. SQL Server 2005 Watch

  • SQL Server 2005 Roadshow Back by Popular Demand to 15 Cities

3. News & Views

  • Have You Created an Innovative SQL Server Solution?

  • Results of Previous Instant Poll: SQL Server Magazine

  • New Instant Poll: Operating System

4. Events and Resources

  • Get on the 64-bit Bandwagon

  • Back By Popular Demand—SQL Server 2005 Roadshow in a City Near You

  • It Just Got Easier to Network With Your IT Peers!

  • Chapter 8 Available—SQL Server Administration for Oracle DBAs

  • Congratulations to the 4th Annual Best of TechEd 2005 Awards winners!

5. Featured White Paper

  • Instant Recovery and Data Protection for SQL Servers

6. Peer to Peer

  • Hot Tip: SQL Server's Rounding Secrets

  • Hot Article: Bare-Metal Tuning

  • In a Nutshell: DevTeach Days

  • Hot Threads

7. Announcements

  • Check out the SQL Server Magazine Master CD

  • SQL Server Magazine Monthly Online Pass = Quick Answers!

8. New & Improved

  • Identify and Eliminate Performance Problems

  • Get Agentless, Cross-Platform Monitoring and Reporting

  • Support Job Scheduling on 64-Bit

  • Rescue SQL Server Logs

Sponsor: ALERT: Search Engine Hacking/Web App Worms
Web Application Worms utilize a known exploit, apply worm methodology and then leverage the power of search engines to accelerate effectiveness. These attacks mark the beginning of a new generation of worms targeted at web applications. Are your web apps vulnerable? Easily test your applications for over 5,100 web app vulnerabilities and attack methodologies with our complimentary WebInspect 15-day product trial, which delivers a comprehensive risk report!

1. Perspectives

  • Microsoft's Integration Technologies

by Brian Moran, [email protected]

Abraham H. Maslow said, "If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." Maslow might well have been talking about database professionals (myself included) who look at every problem from a data architect's perspective. I can admit that I've done some goofy things with T-SQL to avoid leaving the safe, cozy confines of the database world I know and love. But in the world of Microsoft-based data-integration technologies, it's becoming increasingly hard to know which type of hammer to use. (Go to http://lists.sqlmag.com/t?ctl=D968:7B3DB for a list of more than a dozen different types of hammers.) In the good old days, data integration was simple. We had flat files, bulk copy program (bcp), and the relational engine. You could liven things up and throw in some ASCII, EBCDIC, or binary file representations, maybe even mix in some fixed-length vs.

variable-length file data. Then Microsoft introduced DTS and many other cool data-integration tools.

Today, it takes 17 pages to sift through all the server products and 3-letter acronyms to understand Microsoft integration technologies. I know this because I've read a new 17-page white paper called "Understanding Microsoft Integration Technologies." The white paper is a collaborative effort from the following teams: Microsoft Message Queue Services (MSMQ), Microsoft Indigo, SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS), SQL Server Service Broker (SSB), SQL Server replication, Host Integration Server, and Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000. The document describes the core-use cases for these technologies and practical guidance about when to use which technology.

I won't attempt to steal thunder from the white paper. It's a great read and I recommend it to all data architects, or aspiring data architects. Getting the paper will be the tricky part. The only way I know to get to the paper is by navigating through the blog entry of one of the document's authors. You'll find easy-to-follow instructions at http://lists.sqlmag.com/t?ctl=D963:7B3DB . I could have waited until the document cleared Microsoft legal to recommend it to you, but that can take a while and this is hot-off-the-presses information that should be enjoyed now rather than later.

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2. SQL Server 2005 Watch

SQL Server 2005 Roadshow Back by Popular Demand to 15 Cities
Based on the great success of the spring series, the "Get Ready for SQL Server 2005 Roadshow" is coming to 15 additional cities July 26 through September 22. Database administrators, developers, and business intelligence (BI) professionals can learn first-hand how to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 in this one-day intensive course, produced by SQL Server Magazine and the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and sponsored by Microsoft.

The roadshow includes three content tracks: administration, development, and business intelligence. Training companies for this series are Hitachi Consulting, Scalability Experts, and Solid Quality Learning. The roadshow dates are:

Portland, July 26
Seattle, July 28
Kansas City, August 9
St. Louis, August 11
Minneapolis, August 16
Washington, D.C., August 18
Phoenix, August 23
Denver, August 25
Atlanta, August 30
Tampa, September 1
Los Angeles, September 8
Detroit, September 13
Philadelphia, September 15
Cincinnati, September 20
Columbus, September 22

"We've had overwhelming positive response to the first series of the roadshow, which visited 7 cities in April and May," said Michele Crockett, associate publisher of SQL Server Magazine. "Some cities were sold out weeks before the event. We're excited about expanding this event and bringing it to SQL Server professionals in 15 more cities during July, August, and September. The roadshow is an excellent opportunity for DBAs, developers, and BI professionals to get answers to their questions about how an upgrade to SQL Server 2005 will affect their database environment."

The full-day course will include technical presentations by premier sponsors, as well as keynote presentations about SQL Server 2005 innovations by Microsoft technical representatives. The registration fee for the roadshow is $99, which includes a full day of technical content, breakfast, lunch, a one-year subscription to SQL Server Magazine, a one-year membership to PASS, an attendee bag, roadshow T-shirt, and the opportunity to win prizes from various sponsors.

For more information, including the complete agenda and registration information, visit

Sponsor: Webinar: Protect Your MS-SQL Servers
Complete protection of MS-SQL requires a high-availability solution as well as a disaster recovery plan. Please join us for this webinar which will identify the business needs and challenges facing companies today in a MS-SQL environment. We will uncover the latest trends in data protection for MS-SQL to help ensure your business is protected at all times. Additionally, we will share some tips on enhanced backup and improving business continuity. Please click here to view the webinar from NSI Software:

3. News & Views

  • Have You Created an Innovative SQL Server Solution?

If so, you qualify to enter this awards program. SQL Server Magazine is organizing its 4th annual Innovator Awards Program. An awards committee, designated by SQL Server Magazine, will review all entries and select one grand-prize winner, 3 runners up, and honorable mentions if appropriate. The grand-prize winner will win a free trip to the 2005 SQL Server Magazine Connections Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 7-10, a special trophy, and a write up in the January 2006 issue. Contest ends August 1, so fill out an entry form today to get the recognition you deserve for your innovative solution. Click here:

Results of Previous Instant Poll: SQL Server Magazine"Do you subscribe to SQL Server Magazine?" Here are the results from the 85 votes (deviations from 100 are due to a rounding error):

  • 73% Yes

  • 2% No, but I plan to

  • 9% Not personally, but I read a pass-around copy at work

  • 15% No

New Instant Poll: Operating System
"What OS are you running SQL Server on?" Go to the SQL Server Magazine home page (http://lists.sqlmag.com/t?ctl=D977:7B3DB ) and submit your vote for

  • Windows Server 2003

  • Windows XP Professional

  • Windows 2000 Server or Professional

  • Windows NT Server or Workstation

  • Windows 9x or Me

4. Events and Resources

  • Get on the 64-bit Bandwagon

Find out all you need to know about 64-bit computing and why your next computer will be 64-bit! Join industry expert Mike Otey as he compares 32-bit and 64-bit technology and reveals the best platform for high performance. You'll also learn how to successfully migrate and manage the two. Register now to learn the most important factors and best uses of 64-bit technology.

  • Back By Popular Demand—SQL Server 2005 Roadshow in a City Near You

Get the facts about migrating to SQL Server 2005. SQL Server experts will present real-world information about administration, development, and business intelligence to help you implement a best-practices migration to SQL Server 2005 and improve your database-computing environment. Attend and receive a 1-year membership to PASS and 1-year subscription to SQL Server Magazine. Register now!

  • It Just Got Easier to Network With Your IT Peers!

Windows IT Pro forums are easier to use, searchable, and complete with RSS feeds so that you'll always receive the latest discussion topics instantly! Check out the new and improved Windows IT Pro forums today.

  • Chapter 8 Available—SQL Server Administration for Oracle DBAs

Databases have assumed a role of primary importance in many businesses. This highly visible role is complete with multiple responsibilities and demands. In Chapter 8, you'll discover the availability- and scalability-related features of Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server and the requirements and features that can help you increase availability and scalability. Plus—you'll learn three key backup and recovery features related to availability and scalability. Download your free copy now!

  • Congratulations to the 4th Annual Best of Tech Ed 2005 Awards winners!

Windows IT Pro and SQL Server Magazine presented awards to Windows and SQL technology vendors in 12 categories and one overall winner at the Best of Tech Ed Awards in Orlando. The field included more than 260 entries and products were evaluated based on their strategic importance in the market, competitive advantage, and value to the customer. Click here to learn all of the Best of Tech Ed 2005 winners

  • See the complete Windows IT Pro Network guide to Web and live events.


  • Instant Recovery and Data Protection for SQL Servers

Depending on your environment, your Microsoft SQL Server may be your most critical application. In this free white paper, learn the data protection strategies you need to really protect your database, compare the costs, evaluate alternatives, and more!

6. Peer to Peer

  • Hot Tip: SQL Server's Rounding Secrets

by Brian Moran, [email protected]

Looking at the examples in Listings 1 and 2, I don't understand why SQL Server rounds certain decimal values. The first number after the decimal data type is the precision setting, which defines the total number of digits the integer can have. The second number is the scale setting, which defines the total number of digits to the right of the decimal place. Listing 1 returns the result set

   .00357175      .003571750

However, if I change the decimal definitions to (19,9), as Listing 2 shows, SQL Server truncates the data and rounds the result to the sixth decimal place as follows:

   .00357175      .003572

Given that the final answer requires 8 decimal places and I've set the scale to 9, why does SQL Server round the result?

  • See the example listings and read the answer to this question today at


  • Hot Article: Bare-Metal Tuning

If you spend any time on the SQL Server Magazine discussion forums or Microsoft SQL Server newsgroups, you'll see a lot of questions about hardware setup and configuration. In fact, many of the performance problems that IT professionals encounter result from simple ignorance of good hardware design. Kevin Kline has spent many years as a DBA and developer, but it wasn't until he was specifically tasked with configuring enterprise-class servers that he learned to resolve many of the key difficulties in building well-tuned SQL Server from the bare metal on up. In his July focus article "Bare-Metal Tuning," Kevin Kline gives you tips you can use to maximize SQL Server performance before you ever install the software. Read this article today and post your comments at

  • In a Nutshell: DevTeach Days

Kevin Kline got to know some interesting speakers and learn some interesting things at DevTeach. Don Kiely led some good security sessions, Peter Debetta spoke mostly about programming topics relating to SQL Server, Randy Dyess is a prolific author who writes about database security and T-SQL, and Julia Lerman is a .NET MVP and one of the INETA directors who's a prolific and informative blogger on .NET programming issues. There are a lot more speakers to learn from at DevTeach. Check out http://lists.sqlmag.com/t?ctl=D96E:7B3DB to learn more about them. Let Kevin know what you think today at

  • Hot Threads: Check out the following hot threads, and see other discussions in our 30 SQL Server forums.


Administration: Database Corruption
T-SQL: Disorder Rows In Table After Disorder
Performance: Slow Query Performance In Transaction
Development: Select Data For Previous Month
DTS: ODBC Connection Job Failures
Replication: Replication and Hard Drive Defragmentation

7. Announcements

  • Check out the SQL Server Magazine Master CD

The SQL Server Magazine Master CD goes a step further by offering portable access to the entire SQL Server Magazine article database—more than 2300 articles! The newest issue includes bonus SQL Server 2005 content and if you sign up now, you'll save 25%. This is a limited-time, risk-free offer, so subscribe now:

  • SQL Server Magazine Monthly Online Pass = Quick Answers!

Sign up today for your Monthly Online Pass and get 24/7 online access to the entire SQL Server Magazine article database, including exclusive subscriber-only content. That's a database of over 2300 SQL Server articles to help you get all the answers you need, when you need them. Sign up now for just $5.95 per month:

8. New & Improved

by Raquel Harper, [email protected]

  • Share Your Story and Get a T-Shirt!

Have you used a product that saved you time or made your job easier? Tell us how your favorite product solved a SQL Server problem for you, and if we print your submission in the magazine's Hands On department we'll send you a SQL Server Magazine t-shirt. Send your email today to [email protected]!

  • Identify and Eliminate Performance Problems

VERITAS announced that VERITAS i3, service-management software that detects database performance problems, now supports SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft.NET. The new release lets users monitor, analyze, and fine-tune their applications before bottlenecks affect database service levels. The software provides a complete view of application performance, detects problems, and helps users identify the most effective solution for each problem. The product also provides key application, database, analysis, and system and storage statistics data to provide a smooth migration to SQL Server 2005. For Microsoft .NET, the tool provides visibility into .NET applications using .NET's framework so that you can isolate and eliminate costly performance problems before they affect end users. VERITAS i3 for .NET and SQL Server 2005 will be available in July 2005. Pricing starts at $1000 per CPU for SQL Server and $1500 per CPU for .NET. For more information, contact VERITAS at 800-327-2232 or 650-527-8000.

  • Get Agentless, Cross-Platform Monitoring and Reporting

Heroix announced Heroix Longitude, a new agentless monitoring and reporting product. The product monitors and alerts you about the availability and performance of remote systems and applications. Longitude collects more than 250 crucial operational metrics on six platforms, letting IT personnel assess the status of vital applications. Users can also see application performance at macro and micro levels so that they can address problems immediately. The product provides more than 125 prepackaged reports and graphs, takes only 15 minutes to deploy, and requires little configuration. For pricing, product availability, and other information, contact Heroix at 617-527-1550, or 800-229-6500.

  • Support Job Scheduling on 64-Bit

Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. announced that ActiveBatch V5, the latest release of its job scheduling and management system, now supports Microsoft's 64-bit OSs, Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition and Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. The software provides a single scheduling point for OSs, platforms, and applications. Users can manage large, complex production environments through the product's scheduling and triggering of jobs and plans by events, data, or date and time. ActiveBatch V5 is also suitable for systems running AMD Opteron or Athlon 64 processors, as well as Intel Xeon chips. In addition, Advanced Systems Concepts offers a Java-based wireless client application, ActiveBatch Wireless Client for Blackberry, so IT professionals can work with ActiveBatch through their mobile devices. For pricing, product availability, and other information, contact Advanced Systems Concepts at 800-229-2724.

  • Rescue SQL Server Logs

Red Gate Software announced SQL Log Rescue, software that lets you undo and redo individual SQL Server database transactions, protecting users from losing data and eliminating downtime. The tool examines backup files and live transaction logs to ensure full data recovery. Simplifying investigation of SQL Server log files, the product lets you use filtering and search tools to identify problems. You can view details of all transactions, including those involving text and image data, and undo and redo them with scripted SQL. For example, if a table is accidentally dropped, the product will recover all the data in seconds. SQL Log Rescue is available as a standalone product for $295 or as part of a discounted bundle with SQL Backup for $490. A fully functional trial version of the software is available for download. For more information, contact Red Gate Software at 866-733-4283 or [email protected].

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