SQL Server Centric .NET Code GeneratorSQL Server Centric .NET Code Generator
Information on a free .NET and SQL code generation tool that builds a full set of stored procedures, webforms, or .NET classes for your use.
January 16, 2005
Looking for a quick-n-dirty way to generate SQL or .NET code from a data model? OlyMars is an interesting freeware, ‘beta’ project released by developer evangelist Pascal Belaud of Microsoft France. In the words of the website, it …”allows instant generation of both SQL and .NET code providing a complete library of stored procedures, .NET classes and ready-to-use Windows/Web form controls (including associated documentation).” That’s quite a powerful set of features for what is, essentially, a free product.
Be sure to check out Pascal’s weblog as well at http://blogs.msdn.com/olymars. He has lots of free code samples in VB.NET, C#, and Transact-SQL. He also fully describes the add-ons and bug fixes he has made on the product.
Give OlyMar a whirl and tell me what you think.
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