Practice Questions: Alerts and OperatorsPractice Questions: Alerts and Operators
Test your skill on setting SQL Server alerts and operators.
April 12, 2000
1. You configured an alert to use the Net Send option when sending a message to your Windows NT Workstation that a job failed, but you never see a notification. What could be the problem? (Select all correct answers.)
a. You haven't configured SQLMail on the SQL Server machine.
b. You haven't started the Messenger service on your workstation.
c. SQL Server isn't logging the error in the Windows NT event log.
d. SQL Server Agent isn't running on the SQL Server machine.
2. You have an email-enabled pager set up for messaging and SQL Server appears to be sending alerts, but you're not receiving any. What should you check to find the problem? (Select all correct answers.)
a. The date in the Alert Properties dialog box on which SQL Server last sent the alert.
b. The date in the Alert Properties dialog box on which SQL Server last notified the operator.
c. The date in the Operator Properties dialog box on which SQL Server last notified the operator.
d. Whether you selected the Operator Properties dialog box option Operator is available to receive notifications.
e. Whether you selected the Alert Properties dialog box option Operator is available to receive notifications.
3. True or false: SQL Server provides several predefined alerts already set up to notify you in case of fatal error conditions.
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