Fine-Grained Permissions in Analysis ServicesFine-Grained Permissions in Analysis Services
Find out if you can delegate permission to a Window user or group to process an Analysis Services cube or dimension without also granting permissions to view the data in the cobe or dimensions.
June 21, 2005
As an administrator for a SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services instance, can I delegate permission to a Windows user or group to process an Analysis Services cube or dimension without also granting permissions to view the data in the cube or dimension?
In SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services, administrative permissions don't have this kind of granularity. A Windows user either is an administrator with full control over all objects and able to view all data or has no administrative permissions at all. SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services will let you grant a Windows user or group permission to process a cube or dimension (or view object metadata) without granting permission to view the data in the cube or dimension.
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