Windows IT Library UPDATE--March 17, 2004

Every administrator needs to know about Adobe Acrobat--find out about an Acrobat reference you'll want to have. Also, learn about our new additions to the Windows IT Library.

ITPro Today

March 16, 2004

10 Min Read
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White paper: Secure multi-forest, multi-org deployments

Security Administrator


* Book Review
- Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF Bible* New from Windows IT Library
- Transformation
- Small Office Networking * New Books in Print
- Security Warrior
- MCSE Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directoryand Network Infrastructure Exam 70-297 Study Guide & DVD TrainingSystem* New eBooks
- Best Practices for Managing Linux and UNIX Servers.
- The Expert's Guide for Exchange 2003: Preparing for, Moving to,and Supporting Exchange Server 2003 - Content Security in the Enterprise--Spam and Beyond * Windows IT Library Top Five
- A+ Certification: How to Pass Your Exams
- Microsoft Windows NT Server Administrator's Bible: Option PackEdition
- Microsoft Windows NT Secrets: Option Pack Edition
- The Microsoft Outlook E-Mail and Fax Guide
- Undocumented Windows NT==== Sponsor: Aelita Software ==== Best Practices for Designing a Secure Active Directory: Multi-orgExchange Edition compares single and multi-org Exchange designs with afocus on Active Directory security and operational efficiency. Findout the pros and cons of each design and how to protect Exchangeaccording to your company's security policy. Learn why a singleorganization is the simplest to administer but may not provide thelevel of security required by some companies. Multi-org designs with acorporate network separated into several forests carries higheradministrative and support costs, and complicates collaboration andmessaging. However, the multi-org provides maximum security and offersthe highest level of security isolation. Get your free white papertoday.


==== Book Review ====
Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF Bible
Author: Ted Padova
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Published: September 2003
ISBN: 0764540475
Paperback, 953 pages
Price: $44.99 PDF has become the defacto format for publishing and accessinginformation on the Internet and on intranets. As many of us alreadyknow, Adobe Systems' free Adobe Reader software reads PDF files. Butunfortunately, as Ted Padova explains in the opening pages of his book"Adobe Acrobat 6 PDF Bible," many people don't take advantage of AdobeAcrobat's functionality. "Adobe Reader is only one small component ofAcrobat," Padova writes. "Other programs included in the suite ofAcrobat software provide you with tools for creating, editing,viewing, navigating, and searching Portable Document Formatinformation." Padova's objective in writing the third edition of "Adobe Acrobat 6PDF Bible" was to show readers how to use the latest release of theAcrobat software and to improve their productivity with its features.According to Padova, the importance of PDF can't be overstated."Almost every software manufacturer includes last-minute notes, usermanuals, and supporting information in PDF format on CD-ROM installerdisks," he says. Padova's book is a useful guide to this dynamicsoftware. Part I, "Welcome to Adobe Acrobat Professional," gives a quickoverview of Acrobat. In addition to providing insight into thetechnology's capability, this section also covers the distinctionsbetween the different Acrobat viewers, how to view and navigate PDFdocuments within Acrobat, and the steps to follow when searching thecontents of PDF files. After Part I, Padova jumps into core PDF concepts. In Part II andPart III, he discusses converting documents to PDFs and editing PDFs.Windows administrators will appreciate Chapter 6, "Exporting to PDFfrom Authoring Applications." In particular, Windows administratorswill value this chapter's discussion of PDFs and Microsoft Word,Excel, and Publisher. Did you know that you can use Acrobat for effective workgroupcollaboration? In Part IV, "PDF Interactivity," Padova points out thatAcrobat "provides you with the ability to comment and markup PDFdocuments and share your annotations with users dynamically on Websites or through file exchanges on servers or via e-mail." Forexample, a Windows or network systems administrator can use Acrobat toset up a review and comment environment to gather feedback about anaspect of a system's environment. Part V, "PDF Publishing," discusses security and a host of PDFpublishing topics, including PDFs and the Web, PDFs and presentations,PDFs and eBooks, printing, and distribution of PDF documents. One ofthe most powerful features of Acrobat is its ability to publish PDFdocuments that you can secure with password protection by using arange of security methods and encryption tools. The security featureslet you prevent unauthorized users from opening and modifyingdocuments. Part VI, "Acrobat PDF Forms," discusses forms, special PDF filesthat contain data fields that act as placeholders. Users enter therequired information into placeholders when filling out the forms. Inthe three chapters in Part VI, Padova illustrates the use of thevarious Acrobat Forms tools and what's involved in working with aform's data. The first of the book's two appendices lists the contents of thebook's companion CD-ROM: a PDF version of the book, sample videos, theaddresses of Web sites at which you can find additional Acrobat tipsand tools, and information about how to obtain useful third-partyplugins that you can use to extend Acrobat's built-in features. Thesecond appendix contains sets of handy keyboard shortcuts for basiccommands, accessing tools, editing tools, and search tools. Like other books in John Wiley & Son's "Bible" series, "AdobeAcrobat 6 PDF Bible" is a comprehensive, practical guide written by anauthor who's an expert on the book's topic. Whether you already havesome experience with PDF, are keen to learn more about it, or justneed a good PDF reference book, take a look at "Adobe Acrobat 6 PDFBible." After you've read it, you'll know how to take advantage of thesoftware's capabilities. Tony Stevenson
[email protected]
Windows IT Library Guest ReviewerFor more book reviews, visit the Windows IT Library Web site. Sponsor: Security Administrator ==== Try a Sample Issue of Security Administrator!
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==== Announcements ====Windows & .NET Magazine Connections
Windows & .NET Magazine Connections features speakers fromMicrosoft and other top independent experts. Complete details aboutworkshops, breakout sessions, and speakers are now online. Allattendees will get a chance to win a Florida vacation. Keep yourcompetitive edge by learning from the world's best experts. Go onlinenow to register. Up for 2 New Web Seminars--Business Workflow Process andAuthenticating Email to Stop Spam and Phishing
Unmanaged companywide Access reports and spam issues can lead tosecurity and performance problems, not to mention use up valuableresources. Learn how to consolidate your reports with a reportingservice and find out how to stop spam and phishing to solve theseimportant organizational issues. Register now! our Brief Survey!
Does your company use third-party management tools to manage yourMicrosoft Windows network? If you do, Windows & .NET Magazine wouldlike to hear from you about your preferences. Please respond to ourshort survey regarding Windows management tools and we'll enter you ina drawing to win one of two $50 gift certificates. New from Windows IT Library ====Transformation
After reading this chapter from "Graphics Programming with GDI+,"you'll know all about transformation concepts such as shearing,rotation, scaling, and translation and about matrix operations inimage processing. Office Networking
In this chapter from "Samba-3 by Example: Practical Exercises toSuccessful Deployment," you'll learn about small-business networkingthrough a real-world business example. You'll find out how to confrontexpense, implementation, administration, scalability, and mobilityconcerns. Plus, you'll get in-depth answers to FAQs aboutsmall-business networking. New Books in Print ====Security Warrior
According to Cyrus Peikari and Anton Chuvakin, the authors of"Security Warrior," you can defend yourself better if you understandyour enemy. This book tells you how the an system attacker mightintrude your system. Covering topics from reverse engineering toMicrosoft SQL Server attacks and common attacks against UNIX andWindows systems, this book prepares you for battle. Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory andNetwork Infrastructure Exam 70-297 Study Guide & DVD Training System
You'll get classroom-style learning with this new study guide thatincludes instructor-led DVDs and Web-based practice exams. The guidecovers all Microsoft exam objectives so that you can pass the exam onyour first try. New eBooks ====Best Practices for Managing Linux and UNIX Servers
This eBook will educate systems managers about how to best approachthe complex realm of Linux and UNIX management and performancemonitoring. The book concentrates on core issues such as configurationmanagement, accounting, and monitoring performance with an eye towardcreating a long-term strategy for sustainable growth. You can downloadthe first chapter at the following URL: Expert's Guide for Exchange 2003: Preparing for, Moving to, andSupporting Exchange Server 2003
This eBook will educate Microsoft Exchange Server administratorsand systems managers about how to best approach the migration to andoverall management of an Exchange Server 2003 environment. The bookconcentrates on core topics such as configuration management,accounting, and monitoring performance with an eye toward migration,consolidation, security, and management. You can download the firstchapter at the following URL: Security in the Enterprise--Spam and Beyond
High-speed Internet access has become ubiquitous across small andlarge enterprises worldwide. Businesses acknowledge that Internetapplications such as email, Web browsing, and Instant Messaging (IM)are an essential medium to communicate with customers, suppliers, andpartners. But with the opportunities that these applications providecome many risks and threats that an organization needs to address.This eBook explores these risks and discusses ways in which you canreduce or eliminate them by limiting inappropriate use of theInternet, eliminating spam, protecting corporate information assets,and ensuring that vital Internet applications are secure and availablefor authorized business purposes. You can download the first chapterat the following URL: Windows IT Library Top Five ====A+ Certification: How to Pass Your Exams
This book walks you through all the skills tested in the ComputingTechnology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ Core Hardware exam and A+OS Technologies exam. Windows NT Server Administrator's Bible: Option Pack Edition
This book provides specific coverage of the Windows NT 4.0 OptionPack add-ons to help you plan, install, configure, manage, optimize,and connect NT Server 4.0 to the Internet. Windows NT Secrets: Option Pack Edition
Packed with the kind of notes, tips, and workarounds that come onlyfrom years of working day in and day out with a product, this bookwill help you optimize the performance, reliability, and security ofyour network. Microsoft Outlook E-Mail and Fax Guide
Written for Microsoft Outlook end users and the administrators whosupport them, this volume explains all the real-world tasks thatyou're likely to encounter when working with Outlook and includes manytimesaving techniques that take you beyond the basics. Windows NT
This book documents what goes on under the covers in Windows NT.Three experts share what they've dug up on NT through years ofhands-on research and programming experience. The authors dissect theWin32 interface, deconstruct the underlying APIs, and decipher theMemory Management architecture to help you understand operations, fixflaws, and enhance performance. Events Central ====
(A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows& .NET Magazine: )New Web Seminar--Realizing the Return on Active Directory
Join Mark Minasi and Indy Chakrabarti for a free Web seminar anddiscover how to maximize the return on your Active Directoryinvestments and cut the cost of security exposures with secure taskdelegation, centralized auditing, and Group Policy management.Register now and receive NetIQ's free "Securing Access to ActiveDirectory-A Layered Security Approach" white paper. Sponsored Link ====Microsoft(TM)
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