Windows IT Library UPDATE--June 16, 2004

Learn about new eBooks. Plus, Tony Stevenson reviews "Developing Microsoft Office Solutions: Answers for Office 2003, OfficeXP, Office 2000, and Office 97."

ITPro Today

June 15, 2004

12 Min Read
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1. Book Review
- Developing Microsoft Office Solutions: Answers for Office 2003,Office XP, Office 2000, and Office 972. New from Windows IT Library
- Design-Time Integration
- MARS, Asynchronous Commands, and ObjectSpaces3. New Books in Print
- CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
- Office 2003 XML4. New eBooks
- A Guide to DNS and Windows 2000
- Building the Small Business Infrastructure
- Preemptive Email Security and Management5. Windows IT Library Top Five
- Microsoft Windows NT Server Administrator's Bible: Option PackEdition
- The Microsoft Outlook E-Mail and Fax Guide
- A+ Certification: How to Pass Your Exams
- Microsoft Windows NT Secrets: Option Pack Edition
- The Administrator's Guide to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5==== Sponsor: MKS Toolkit--Sanity While Working in Windows ====
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==== 1. Book Review ====Developing Microsoft Office Solutions: Answers for Office 2003, OfficeXP, Office 2000, and Office 97Author: Ken Bluttman
Publisher: Addison Wesley Professional
Published: December 2003
ISBN: 0-201-73805-8
Soft cover, 608 pages
Price: $49.99Don't be put off by the title of Ken Bluttman's book, "DevelopingMicrosoft Office Solutions: Answers for Office 2003, Office XP, Office2000, and Office 97," just because you think it's a book aboutprogramming--the book isn't about conventional programming. Instead,Bluttman's focus is to teach you the steps involved in creating customsolutions using the Microsoft Office suite of applications such asExcel, Access, and PowerPoint. As a Windows or systems administrator, you might still wonderwhether this book is relevant to what you do every day. In answer,Bluttman reminds us that, if you were to casually stroll into anyoffice anywhere in the world, odds are that "you'll see MicrosoftOffice running on everyone's desktop--from assistants to managers,from directors to corporate officers." But the widespread use and popularity of Microsoft Office isn'twhat's important. What really matters is the enormous amount offunctionality that Microsoft has packed into the Office applications.In his book, Bluttman talks not just about using the different Officeproducts in their "basic off the shelf fashion: Word for writingdocuments and Excel or PowerPoint for creating spreadsheets andpresentations." Rather, he rightly makes the claim that there is "somuch more power behind these Office products. Under the hood aresophisticated technologies that, when applied, elevate Office tounprecedented custom, productive uses." Bluttman says that using thesetechnologies make it "possible to create killer apps in just afraction of the time it takes with traditional programming tools." Forthat reason alone, this book is relevant to you. Bluttman explains how you can create your own customized solutionsto problems without having to rely on, or to wait for, your company'steam of application developers to deliver what you need. In addition,you can use the book to solve problems for other people in yourcompany. By doing so, you'll gain their trust and confidence, andenhance your own credibility. As Bluttman says, "a satisfied usercommunity is the best measure of success." As the book's subtitle suggests, Bluttman addresses the followingreleases of Microsoft Office: Office 2003, Office XP, Office 2000, andOffice 97. Although most of the book applies to all versions ofOffice, the author devotes chapter 10 "XML and Office" and chapter 11"Introduction to InfoPath" exclusively to Office 2003. InfoPath isimportant because you can deploy it to create distributable forms forcapturing data in a structured manner. The book's publisher ( ) offers the chapter aboutInfoPath as a sample of the book's contents. Bluttman has divided his book into three parts: Office Development,Office Technologies, and Case Studies. An appendix lists usefulresources, including Web sites and books that have been grouped intothe following categories: XML resources, Office development; ASP,VBScript, JavaScript, and HTML; Microsoft technologies; and technicaleducation, support, and peer-to-peer discussion. In the Office Development section, the author devotes separatechapters to solution development for Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint,and Outlook. Each of these chapters follows the same structure. Thediscussion begins with the objects, properties, and methods associatedwith that particular product. For example, in the chapter about Word,you learn that you can use the properties of the Application object(the highest level object in Word) to set or retrieve informationabout a particular Word document (or Word itself). A case in point isthe ScreenUpdating property, which toggles the screen refresh betweenon and off. Each chapter, with the exception of the chapter devoted toAccess, concludes with a discussion about the product's events. Anexample of a Word event is the DocumentBeforePrint event. As the namesuggests, Word executes coding for this event just before printing adocument. In the Office Technologies section, Bluttman discusses thosetechnologies that Microsoft has integrated with Office. The fivechapters in this section tackle common Microsoft Office objects, suchas file search and file dialogs; Microsoft forms; XML and Office;smart tag functionality; and InfoPath. In the Case Studies section, you'll find practical examples of howyou can apply Office technology. This section consists of fivechapter-length case studies, some of which are based on real projectsthat Bluttman himself has been involved in, while the others arehypothetical. The purpose of the hypothetical case studies, Bluttmansays, is to "showcase how new Office 2003 technologies are likely tobe integrated into future solutions." If you've failed to make the most out of Office in the past, don'tdelay any longer. The core Office products--Word, Excel, Access,PowerPoint, and Outlook--are, as Bluttman says, "mature, stable, andfeature rich. Building solutions on top of such a foundation makes forsophisticated applications that do not share the distribution problemsor incompatibility issues associated with traditional tool-basedsolutions." Tony Stevenson
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Windows IT Library Guest ReviewerFor more book reviews, visit the Windows IT Library Web site. Sponsor: Get 2 Sample Issues of Windows & .NET Magazine! ====
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How are you evaluating, distributing, and installing softwarepatches? This free Webcast discusses the importance of patchmanagement and establishing a patch-management process by usingWindows and Office Update as a patch-management tool in yourenvironment. Register now! ==== 2. New from Windows IT Library ====Design-Time Integration
This chapter from "Windows Forms Programming in Visual Basic .NET"tells you how to manipulate the standard components, such as menus andan image list, that you'll find in Visual Basic .NET. Also, you'llfind out how to design custom components, and you'll learn about codeserialization and host-form integration., Asynchronous Commands, and ObjectSpaces
In this chapter from "A First Look at ADO.NET and System.XML v.2.0," you'll find out about ADO.NET 2.0's features for accessing andupdating data. You'll learn about Multiple Active Results Sets (MARS),which let you open more than one results set over the same connectionand access the sets concurrently. You'll also discover how to useasynchronous access to the results of multiple commands over the sameconnection instance, and ObjectSpaces technology, which lets youdefine data as instances of a class but handle that data like otherintrinsic data types. 3. New Books in Print ====CYA: Securing Exchange Server 2003 & Outlook Web Access
This book contains easy-to-access coverage of just about everydocumented Exchange Server 2003 security setting. Topics include anintroduction to Exchange 2003 security, Windows and Exchange 2003security best practices, delegating and controlling permissions inExchange 2003, SMTP security, securing the Outlook Web Access (OWA)server, combating spam, and protecting against viruses. 2003 XML
This book explores the relationship between XML and MicrosoftOffice 2003, examining how the various products in the Office suiteboth produce and consume XML. Beginning with an overview of the XMLfeatures included in the various Office 2003 components, "Office 2003XML" provides quick and clear guidance to anyone who needs to importor export information from Office documents into other systems. 4. New eBooks ====A Guide to DNS and Windows 2000
Windows 2000 and Active Directory (AD) brought DNS into themainstream. Win2K completely incorporated TCP/IP for all aspects ofnetworking, allowing Windows network administrators to drop the oldNetBIOS protocol that Windows NT used as a transport and for nameresolution. With NetBIOS gone, Win2K moved to TCP/IP's DNS protocolfor network name resolution. Microsoft didn't stop halfway in adoptingDNS and TCP/IP: DNS is an essential part of AD, and AD completelydepends on a functional DNS implementation. To use DNS effectively,you need to understand its core components. This eBook provides abasic foundation for understanding DNS. the Small Business Infrastructure
A small to midsized business's needs are different than the needsof larger companies. For these smaller organizations, this eBook helpsyou plan your IT infrastructure to get the most out of your systemswhile minimizing the costs involved. Beginning with an overview ofMicrosoft Small Business Server 2003 and a Windows Decision Pointquiz, this eBook helps you decide which Windows version is right foryour needs. In addition, you'll learn advanced techniques for keepingcrucial servers up to date, how to use terminal services to remotelyadminister your systems, and how to lower your licensing and operatingcosts by using a free database solution called MySQL. Email Security and Management
This eBook offers a preventive approach to eliminating spam andviruses, stopping directory harvest attacks, guarding content, andimproving email performance. Individual chapters cover the variousalternatives for stopping spam and viruses and the alternative"preemptive" approach to email security and management; the varioustechniques for filtering spam and viruses from email messages; theproblem of unwanted email coming from Denial of Service (DoS) anddirectory harvest attacks and how to deal with the problem; thecrucial concerns in managing and controlling email content, withdiscussions about the inbound and outbound email controls you need toprotect proprietary information and meet regulatory mandates; and howan email security and management solution can enhance the visibilityof a user's email management to improve performance and availability. 5. Windows IT Library Top Five ====Microsoft Windows NT Server Administrator's Bible: Option Pack Edition
This book provides specific coverage of the Windows NT 4.0 OptionPack add-ons to help you plan, install, configure, manage, optimize,and connect NT Server 4.0 to the Internet. Microsoft Outlook E-Mail and Fax Guide
Written for Microsoft Outlook end users and the administrators whosupport them, this volume explains all the real-world tasks thatyou're likely to encounter when working with Outlook and includes manytimesaving techniques that take you beyond the basics. Certification: How to Pass Your Exams
This book walks you through all the skills tested in the ComputingTechnology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ Core Hardware exam and A+OS Technologies exam. Windows NT Secrets: Option Pack Edition
Packed with the kind of notes, tips, and workarounds that come onlyfrom years of working day in and day out with a product, this bookwill help you optimize the performance, reliability, and security ofyour network. The Administrator's Guide to Microsoft SQL Server 6.5
This book provides expert technical advice, practical managementguidelines, and an in-depth look at the database administrationaspects of SQL Server 6.5. Events Central ====
(A complete Web and live events directory brought to you by Windows& .NET Magazine: )Email Is a Service--Manage it Like One
True end-to-end management of the messaging infrastructure requiresan integrated, service-oriented approach. This free Web seminarintroduces service-driven management and best practices for managingand monitoring the key elements critical to ensuring email health andperformance, including Exchange, Active Directory, network, andstorage. Sign up today! ==== Sponsored Links ====Argent
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