Obtaining the Extensions and More InformationObtaining the Extensions and More Information
Here’s where you can download the Win32::API::Prototype, Win32::API, Win32::GUI, and Win32::Console extensions and find more information about them.
January 2, 2001
I briefly covered several extensions this month. Here's where you can download the extensions and find more information about them.
Win32::API. The Win32::API extension comes with most builds of ActivePerl's Win32 Perl. You can download ActivePerl from ActiveState Tool (http://www.activestate.com). You can also use the Perl Package Manager (PPM) to download and install this extension. Run the PPM Perl script by typing
ppm install win32-api
at the command line.
For information about the Win32::API functions I discuss this month, check out the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) Web site (http://msdn.microsoft.com). In addition, I cover these functions in my book Win32 Perl Programming: The Standard Extensions (New Riders Publishing/Macmillan Technical Publishing, 1999).
Win32::API::Prototype. You can find the Win32::API::Prototype extension in the Code Library on the Windows Scripting Solutions Web site (http://www.winscriptingsolutions.com). You can also use PPM to automatically download and install the extension from my Web site. Type
ppm install location=http://www.roth.net/perl/packages/win32-api-prototype
at the command line.
Some versions of PPM have problems installing many extensions and modules such as Win32::API::Prototype. If you have problems, create the directory perlsitelibwin32api, then copy the prototype.pm file into this directory.
Win32::GUI and Win32::Console. You can download the Win32::GUI and Win32::Console extensions from Dada's Perl Lab (i.e., Aldo Calpini's Web site—http://dada.perl.it).
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