Installing Lotus Domino Server on Windows NTInstalling Lotus Domino Server on Windows NT
Use NT as a platform for Domino Server to run Lotus Notes.
August 31, 1998
It's simple when you know how
Imagine that you're cruising along happily in your Microsoft universe, when a customer asks you to install Lotus Domino Server for a groupware system. You try in vain to convince the customer to use Microsoft Exchange Server but must finally give in. Then you set out to research installing and administering Domino. You head to the computer store, which has every book imaginable about Microsoft products, but little about Domino. When you do find something, it's about Domino development--not installation and administration. Not having the time or money for official training, you simply install Domino several times until you think you have it right.
This scenario isn't a fantasy--it happened to me. The good news is that the story has a happy ending: Installing and using Domino isn't difficult. Domino might look different from anything you've used, but that's because of the product's multiplatform roots. Now that IBM is pushing Domino to replace cc:Mail sites, in the near future you might frequently hear requests like the one I received.
After my initial adventure installing Domino, I became a Certified Lotus Professional (CLP) in Lotus Notes, and I now know the right way to perform this installation. In this article, I'll share my experience to show you the preferred way to install Domino using Windows NT Server as a platform. You can also install Domino on NT Workstation, Windows 95, OS/400, and other platforms. The easiest way to integrate these systems is to install an NT server that's dedicated to running Notes. I'll show you how to install NT Server to serve as a platform for Domino, then I'll walk you through the Domino installation process. Finally, I'll discuss installing the Lotus Notes client. (I assume you will install only one Domino server. If your organization requires multiple servers,you need to hire a CLP to perform your installation. Multiple sites greatly increase the complexity of the Domino installation.)
Installing the NT Server Platform
Installing NT Server as a platform for Domino requires the same NTinstallation you've performed many times before, but with a few minormodifications and considerations. Primarily, you need to ensure that you installthe correct protocols to match the network the system will run on. If thatnetwork uses TCP/IP and you can use a dedicated server, the best protocol to useis pure TCP/IP. If the network is a Novell network using IPX/SPX only, you mightwant to install both TCP/IP and NWLink IPX/SPX to accommodate future growth.
Integration with other server systems needs to be minimal. The bestapproach is to install the NT system as a standalone server that's not part ofany existing domain, and don't use trusts. The server needs to be as secure aspossible, so that a port scan will recognize it only as a Domino server. It'snot necessary to set up user accounts other than what is necessary to administerthe system. Domino will take care of everything else.
The NT server will use Domino's Web Services, so don't install InternetInformation Server (IIS). If you've already installed IIS, you can change theport IIS uses from port 80 to a port such as 8080. This configuration lets youcontinue to run Web-based administration tools for NT Server if necessary, andnot conflict with Domino's Web server.
After you complete the NT Server installation, you need to choose a namefor the Domino server. This name should not be the same name you've given the NTserver on a TCP/IP system, because if you must subsequently move Domino toanother machine, you need to change the server name in Domain Name System (DNS).If you install Domino on an IPX/SPX network, you need to use the same name forthe NT server as you use for the Domino server. For an example installation,I've chosen a domain name of, a host name for the NT server as winnt1,and notes1 as the name of the Domino server.
You might be in a situation in which you must use the NT server forapplications other than Domino. That situation is not as much a technicalproblem as it is a management concern. I believe that any major service shouldhave its own server. If you give intensive processes their own servers, they'llbe less likely to interfere with file and print services, which can bemission-critical to some enterprises. Also, if you must perform maintenance suchas adding memory to a Domino server, you won't have to take down an entire site.Finally, the lighter the load a server carries, the less likely the server is tocrash, all other things being equal.
If you use DNS or Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) for your TCP/IPnetwork, you need to reconfigure them. For DNS, add a host (A) record of domino1to the Domino server's IP address, and a mail exchange (MX) record pointing tonotes1. If the IP address of the Domino server changes, all you need do ischange the host record to point to the new system. For WINS, you can create astatic unique mapping for domino1 to its IP address. You can now ping the servermachine from a client machine.
Your NT server is ready to become a Domino server. Let's install version4.6a of the Domino software, which is the most current release available.
Installing Domino Server
Let's walk through the Domino Server installation, and I'll explain theoptions I choose. When you begin installing the software, the installationprogram prompts you to choose installation options. I always go to the Customize feature, which Screen 1 shows. You can select your installation directories now. When I install NT Server, I partition the drive space in a C drive for processes and applications, and I place all the data on a D drive. Doing so makes for easier data backup. I install the Domino program files in the c:otes directory and put the data directory in d:otedata. When I run backups, I might run a backup only on the total D drive. Continue with the installation, which will complete by copying the necessary files.
To begin configuring the server, start the Domino administration program. The first screen in the program will ask whether this is the first Domino Server in your organization. Select First Server. The next option is to choose the Quick and Easy or the Advanced Setup option. Choose Advanced Setup to verify that all settings match what your network requires.
The Server Audience screen in Advanced Setup gives you several options for user connections, as Screen 2, page 144, shows. You can allow HTTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), and other protocols. Select those options you want to give your users access to. (Server Audience is one reason why it's best not to install other services on the NT Server--you would duplicate many of those services in this option.)
The final set of options in Advanced Setup, Administration Settings,provides details about your installation, as Screen 3, page 144, shows. First, the Organization Identity calls for your Organization Name, or company name; Domain Name, which is your Internet domain name; and Certifier Name, which, again, is your company name. When you provide your company name, shorter is better. For example, a company named Cooper, Smith, Jones & Company can be shortened to CSJ&C. The Certifier Password must be a password that your Notes administrator can remember and use.
In the next set of options on the Administration Settings list, New Server Identity, you set the server's name. This name in my example is The Administrator's Identity options pertain to the network or Notes administrator. This password must also be easy to memorize.
In the Network Options list, you can customize and use only TCP/IP throughthe Port Setup dialog box, as Screen 4 shows. You will need to turn off NetBIOSover IP, and possibly change the TCP/IP name in the Net Address column to matchyour Domino server name if that name is not already displayed.
The final set of settings options in the Administration Settings listpertains to remote access to Domino. If you will be using these settings, Isuggest finding a CLP who can work with you on configuring them. (They are toocomplicated to explain here.) You can configure these settings after the rest ofthe installation is complete.
Click Finish to create the server files, and select Exit to Workspace toenter Administration Panel. In this interface, you can complete most of yourNotes administration work. (You enter Administration Panel from the Notesdesktop by clicking File and selecting Tools, Server Administration.) Now youcan configure Domino to work as an NT service. In the c:otes directory, runthe executable file ntsvinst-c. Let this file complete, then click ControlPanel, select Services, and make sure Domino Server is configured to startautomatically by clicking Lotus Domino Server, then Startup. Under Startup Type,select Automatic.
Next, enable a process called Shared Mail. This process conserves space onthe server by saving carbon-copied messages in a central location, rather thanin each person's mailbox. Edit the notes.ini file in the system root directory(c:winnt) by adding the line
at the end of the file. Save and exit.
Now you can start the Domino service from the Services icon in ControlPanel. Select Lotus Domino Service and click Start. The Domino interface willappear, from which you can see status messages on the server (e.g., you canwatch users connect or mail being routed). Your Domino Server is now installed,and it's time to add your users.
Return to Administration Panel, from which you will register individualusers. You must repeat the following registration process for each user. Clickthe people icon, and select Register Person. A prompt will ask for verificationthat you have licensing and then will ask for the Certifier Password you enteredin Administration Settings. After you enter the password, you see the RegisterPerson dialog box, which Screen 5 shows. Leave the options in this dialog box attheir defaults.
The option Add NT User Account(s) is tempting; however, choosing thisoption will not let you add new users to groups or create home directories.Click Continue to bring up the Register Person screen. Most of the settings onthis screen are self-explanatory, such as First Name, Last Name, and Password.Make sure to configure Set Internet Password if you'll be using Internetconnectivity for this system. You can ignore the profile choice. License Typeasks whether the user has a normal Notes license or a Notes desktop license (theNotes desktop license is cheaper but doesn't let the client assign databases).You can leave the Mail menu at the default. Enter the location where you willstore the user ID file, and leave the rest of the options blank.
Storing user IDs securely is important. You can put user IDs in the Nameand Address Book, which is the central database in Notes. The Name and AddressBook contains most of the server configuration information and storesinformation for every user in person documents. The client downloads itsuser ID and removes the file from the server. The file thenexists only where the client places it. You can configure the client to save file in the user's home directory, which will let you recover the file,if necessary, from a tape backup. A better option, however, is to save file on a disk that you store securely. (You can fit many users on onedisk.) Keeping user IDs on a separate disk lets you easily access all your userIDs. If users forget their password, you can copy their file to theirh:otesdata directory, and they'll be back in business with the password youoriginally set up for them. Your best option is to keep user IDs in the Name andAddress Book and on separate disks. That way, you can secure a disk with alluser IDs, and you can easily reinstall clients from the Name and Address Book.
After you've completed the options in the Register Person screen, clickRegister to create the user's ID file and mail file. Now you can add the user to the Name and Address Book. If you choose to store the user's ID file in the Name and Address Book, the ID will automatically attach to the user's person document. You can also write the ID file to a disk. After you've registered all your users, you can install the Lotus Notes client program on their desktops.
Installing the Notes Client
I prefer to install the Lotus Notes client in a read-only applicationsdirectory as a server-based install. I then install the client components in the user's home directory on the server. This way, the server's tape drive will back up important data such as the desktop and user's ID file.
On the network's file server, either use the current applications share or create a new applications share specifically for the Notes client software. From a workstation, run the client installation as a server-based installation. The installation directory is not the same directory you installed Domino on but an applications share users can map to. You can perform the client-based installation from a workstation and map an applications share--for example, M:--and then install to M:/notes.
The client installation options screen is similar to the serverinstallation screen. Select the Notes Workstation option. AdditionalDictionaries (these are international dictionaries) is optional. You will needthe Personal Data Files but not Notes Modems, because your clients will beserver-based. Install Notes Designer ToolBox and associated files on theworkstations of users who work on Domino development. The Help files areoptional, because they'll be on the server. You might want to install Javasupport.
When you start the Notes client for the first time on a workstation, thefirst screen will ask what kind of server to attach to. Specify the Dominoserver. Then you must supply the connection type, which will be LAN. If you'vechosen to keep user ID files on a disk but not in the Name and Address Book, youneed to give the password for the user at the prompt. The program will then showyou the user's name and prompt you for the home server's name and the networktype. The home server is the name of the Domino server. Choose TCP/IP for thenetwork type (unless you have an IPX/SPX-only network, in which case you willchoose NetBIOS). Click OK, and the program will create the default icons for theprogram address books and mailbox file and ask you for the time zone. Your LotusNotes client installation is complete.
After you've completed the client installation and users are mapping to thenew share as necessary, each user can run the workstation installation. To doso, users run the workstation installation program from the applications shareand install the data directory onto their home directory. The workstationinstallation program installs a few files to h:otesdata (assuming H: is thehome directory) and also creates a notes.ini file in the c:windows directory.The program then exits. If you need to let several people use one computer, youmust move the notes.ini file into the h:otes directory. Then adjust theproperties on the Lotus Notes Properties dialog box Shortcut tab so Notes startsin h:otes, as Screen 6 shows.
Finishing Touches
I like to make a few default changes to the desktop. For example, if youclick on an open space on the desktop, you can turn off Server Names (you have only one server) and turn on Unread Messages, which will show you how many unread messages are in each database. You can also add a few default databases such as the Database Catalog and the Notes Help file.
Your users can now use Lotus Notes. You can now hire a Lotus Notesdeveloper to create true groupware applications so your company gets the most from its new investment.
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