How can I update all profiles on a machine even if they're not currently loaded?

John Savill

November 20, 2005

2 Min Read
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A. In the FAQ "How can I update a registry value for all users on a machine?" at , I explain how to enumerate HKEY_USERS and update each profile with a registry change; however, that change works only for profiles that are loaded. For example, if I have 100 profiles stored on a machine, they're not all loaded all the time under HKEY_USERS. Therefore, my original code would have updated only currently logged-on users or profiles that had processes still running under them or the well-known built-in credentials (NT System, Local Service, and Network Service) that are always loaded. You should test this code to ensure that it behaves as expected, especially if you run it when a user might log on because it could cause a new profile to be created for the user. I typically use this method as part of an OS upgrade scenario when I want to set something initially or outside of Group Policy for the existing profiles on a machine before user logon is possible.

I've created a script that takes a different approach to updating profiles. The code, which you can download at enumerates the "Documents and Settings" folder and, for each subfolder (a profile), mounts the ntuser.dat file, modifies the file, unloads it, then moves to the next subfolder. The code also changes the desktop wallpaper, but you can obviously change the actual "work" that the script performs.

Dim objFSO, oShell, strBasePath, objFolder, objSubFolders, objSubFolder, strRun, nRtnDim strKeyPath, strKeyPathUserconst HKEY_USERS = &H80000003Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")strKeyPath = "Control PanelPowerCfgGlobalPowerPolicy" Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strBasePath = oShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ALLUSERSPROFILE%") strBasePath = left(strBasePath,InStrRev(strBasePath,"")-1)wscript.echo strBasePathDim binValue() strComputer = "." Set objReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "rootdefault:StdRegProv") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strBasePath)Set objSubFolders = objFolder.SubFoldersFor Each objSubFolder in objSubFolders    Wscript.Echo objSubFolder.Name    If objFso.FileExists(strBasePath & "" & objSubFolder.Name & "" & "ntuser.dat") = True Then        strRun = "REG.EXE load " & "HKUTempHive " & Chr(34) & strBasePath & "" & objSubFolder.Name & "" & "ntuser.dat" & Chr(34)        nRtn = oShell.Run(strRun, 1, True)         ' The work portion. Change this to anything task you want to perform.        if objReg.GetBinaryValue(HKEY_USERS, "TempHive" & strKeyPath, "Policies", binValue) = 0 then             objReg.GetStringValue HKEY_USERS, "TempHiveSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer", "Logon User Name", userName             Wscript.Echo "Updating username " & userName             binValue(51)=128             objReg.SetBinaryValue HKEY_USERS, "TempHive" & strKeyPath, "Policies", binValue             objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_USERS, "TempHiveControl PanelDesktop" , "Wallpaper", "D:MultimediaImagesSpacerocks.bmp"            objReg.SetStringValue HKEY_USERS, "TempHiveControl PanelDesktop" , "WallpaperStyle", "2"        end if         ' End of the work portion        strRun = "REG.EXE unload HKUTempHive"        nRtn = oShell.Run(strRun, 1, True)     End IfNext

You should run the script under the system context so that it has write access to everyone's profile (e.g., run it as a scheduled job). Also, instead of enumerating "Documents and Settings," you can enumerate HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList and read the list of profiles.

Thanks to Toby Ovod-Everett for pointing out the limitation in my previous FAQ.

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