How can I stop the 'Welcome to Windows NT' screen during setup?
January 8, 2000
A. Normally when a user logs on for the first time a splash screen isdisplayed welcoming the new users. This can be disabled in a number of ways.
Method 1
Copy the I386 directory structure from the Windows NT installation CD to adistribution server
Create the Unattend.txt file as normal
In the I386 directory on the distribution server rename the fileWelcome.ex_ to Welcome.bak
C:> rename welcome.ex_ welcome.bakCreate a backup of the file Txtsetup.sif file (which is also in the I386directory) to Txtsetup.bak
Edit Txtsetup.sif and place a ; in front of the welcome.exe line, so theline
;welcome.exe=1,,,,,,,1,0,0Save the modified file.
Create a backup of Dosnet.inf (again in the I386 directory) to dosnet.bak
Edit Dosnet.inf and again place a ; in front of the welcome.exe line, sothe link
;d1,welcome.exeSave the modified file
Perform the unattended installation from the distribution share
The above just stops the installation of the welcome.exe image and sostopping it from executing. An alternative is to create a registry script thatruns during installation which disables the Welcome dialog.
Method 2
As before copy the I386 directory from the NT CD to a distribution server
Create an unattend.txt file as per normal
Create a directory called $oem$ under the I386 directory on thedistribution server
In the $oem$ directory create a file called cmdlines.txt and enter thefollowing lines:
".regedit /s nowelcom.reg"Again in the $oem$ directory create a file called nowelcom.reg with thefollowing lines (keep the blank line):
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion ExplorerTips]
"Next"=hex:03,00Copy the file regedit.exe from the I386 directory into the $oem$ directory
Perform the unattended installation from the distribution share
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