Build a Network Systems ActiveX control Using VB 5.0 Control Creation Edition

The new VB 5.0 Control Creation Edition makes building ActiveX controls almost as easy as building a typical VB program.

Michael Otey

March 31, 1997

11 Min Read
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Take advantage of VB's new features to streamline your code development

[Editor's Note: VB Solutions is about using Visual Basic (VB) to build avariety of solutions to specific business problems. This column doesn't teachyou how to write VB, but how to use VB as a tool to provide quick,easy-to-implement solutions that you can use right away.]

Each VB Solutions column presents a different utility, but theprograms in three VB Solutions columns ("Building a Network SecurityMonitor," November 1996, "Managing SQL Server with VB," December1996, and "Exporting Data from SQL Server," January 1997) containedone common element: Each program displayed a specific subset of networkedsystems in a drop-down combo box. Instead of rewriting the code to retrieve thenetworked system names in each of these programs, why not create a customcontrol from Visual Basic's (VB's) toolbox? Then you can simply drag the controlto each VB project--and to other projects--in which you need to select from alist of networked systems. You can design the custom control to appear as acombo box automatically filled with a set of networked system names. Betterstill, if the control is an ActiveX control, you can use it with other ObjectLinking and Embedding (OLE)-compliant applications, such as Access or Excel.

Unfortunately, VB 4.0 doesn't come with any built-in controls that have theability to query the network, and you cannot use VB 4.0 to develop ActiveXcontrols. However, the newest version of VB, VB 5.0 Control Creation Edition(VB5CCE), changes everything: Now you can write ActiveX controls using VB.

As of press time, you can download the VB5CCE beta from Microsoft's Website at The VB5CCE beta can give you a goodindication of what the general release version of VB 5.0 is like. VB5CCEdelivers a substantially revised development environment. More important, VB5CCEaddresses one of VB's primary limitations--the inability to create ActiveXcontrols. The sidebar, "A Brief Preview of the Visual Basic 5.0 Development Environment ," page 162, provides additional information about VB5CCE.

An Overview of the Network Systems Control
In this month's column, I'll demonstrate how to use VB5CCE to create aNetwork Systems ActiveX control that automatically retrieves a specific set ofnetworked system names and displays them in a combo box. You can regulate whattype of names the combo box displays by setting the System Type property in theNetwork Systems ActiveX control. You can list all NT systems, all NT Serversystems, all Primary Domain Controllers (PDCs), or all SQL Servers on yournetwork. You can snap the Network Systems ActiveX control into other VB projectsor into any OLE-compliant applications to instantly get a combo box thatdisplays a list of networked systems--without additional coding. Screen 1, page163, shows a very simple VB5CCE example program that uses the Network SystemsActiveX control.

Building the Network Systems ActiveX Control
You can build OLE controls with VB5CCE three ways: You can use the controlsincluded in the VB toolbox (easy), you can subclass a control from one of thestandard Windows controls (more difficult), or you can manually create and drawthe control using VB code (most difficult). Because this column focuses onexpedient solutions, let's build the Network Systems ActiveX control using thecombo box control provided in VB5CCE's toolbox.

When VB5CCE first starts, it presents a project wizard that lets you selectthe type of application to create. You can choose an ActiveX Control project, aStandard EXE project, or a CTLGROUP project. ("A Brief Preview of theVisual Basic 5.0 Development Environment," describes the basic VB5CCEdevelopment environment.) As you might expect, you can use the ActiveX Controlproject wizard to create an ActiveX Control and the Standard EXE project tocreate a standard Win32 program. The CTLGROUP project is a concept new to VB5CCEthat lets you combine one or more ActiveX Control projects and a Standard EXEproject. The CTLGROUP project is quite useful for testing ActiveX controlsbecause you typically run them from another application.

To begin building the Network Systems ActiveX control, select the ActiveXProject, which displays a design Window that contains the UserControl1 ActiveXcontrol template. From a design perspective, UserControl1 is similar to a VB 4.0form: You drag controls from the toolbox to a window in the design environment.The difference is that VB5CCE calls the window UserControl1, instead of Form1.Double-click the combo box icon in the VB5CCE toolbox to put the combo boxcontrol in the UserControl1 window.

Reposition the control to the upper left corner of the UserControl1 window,and resize the control, as shown in Screen 2. Next, resize the UserControl1window to fit the combo box. You need to resize the window because it can coverother controls or interface objects if it remains larger than the standard combobox control it contains. Because the purpose of this control is to display justa combo box, you don't want the interface to show anything other than the combobox.

Next, rename the ActiveX project by changing the Name property in VB5CCE'sProject window from Project1 (the default name) to NetworkSystems. Changing theproject name identifies the ActiveX control as NetworkSystems.ocx. That's allyou have to do to create the basic interface for the Network Systems control.

Adding a Custom Property
After creating the user interface, the next step is to add customproperties, methods, and events. The simple Network Systems control uses onlyone custom property, SystemType. The SystemType property specifies thetype of networked systems to be displayed in the Network Systems combo box.The SystemType property lets you use the Network Systems control in a variety ofnetwork applications without changing any of the code. For instance, you can setthe SystemType property to retrieve all NT systems on the network, just NTServer systems on the network, or only SQL Server systems on the network. Thisflexibility lets you use the Network Systems control for many differentpurposes.

To add the custom SystemType property, run the ActiveX Control InterfaceWizard from VBCCE's Add-Ins menu. The ActiveX Control Interface Wizard lets youinteractively define the ActiveX control's properties, methods, and events.First, you select the desired properties from a list of default ActiveXproperties. Then you can add the custom properties that you want. Screen 3 showsthe VB5CCE ActiveX Control Interface Wizard dialog box to add the SystemTypeproperty. When the ActiveX Control Interface Wizard finishes, it automaticallyadds the underlying VB code that supports the custom properties, events, andmethods.

Although the ActiveX Interface Wizard simplifies specifying defaultproperties and adding custom properties, the beta version that I used didn'tprovide support for enumerated properties (which let the user select thedesired property value from a list of valid values). By default, the ActiveXControl Interface Wizard made the custom SystemType property a variant datatype. A variant data type property accepts any kind of data the user enters, butit does not display a list of valid properties in the design environment. TheActiveX Control Interface Wizard lets you select several other data types (e.g.,Long, String), but none of these data types support an enumerated list.

To add support for an enumerated list, I had to manually add the enumeration and change the Get and Let methods the ActiveX Control Interface Wizard automatically generated. Listing 1 shows the SystemTypes Enum data type Iadded, and Listing 2 shows the modified Get and Let methods that let me use theSystemTypes Enum datatype as a property.

Oddly, after manually adding the enumeration and modifying the Get and Letsubroutines, the ActiveX Control Interface Wizard displayed the SystemTypes Enumdata type. Perhaps Microsoft will fix this after-the-fact definition problem bythe time it releases the final version of VB5CCE.

Calling the Network API
The next step in creating the Network Systems ActiveX control is adding theNetwork API code to retrieve the list of network names and add them to the combobox. I added the same NetAPI.BAS file that I used in the other VB Solutionsprograms.

To add the NetAPI.BAS file, I selected Add Module from the VB5CCE Projectmenu. Next, I copied the GetServerInfo subroutine from my November NetworkMonitor column into the Network Systems project and called the subroutine fromthe UserControl_Show subroutine. Listing 3 shows the code for theUserControl_Show subroutine.

The UserControl_Show subroutine is a standard VB5CCE subroutine you usuallycall just before you want to display the control. Placing the call to theGetServerInfo subroutine in the UserControl_Show subroutine ensures thatthe Network Systems control's combo box will contain the list of networked namesjust before the user sees the control.

Because the UserControl_Show subroutine is called both at design time andat runtime, the subroutine must determine what to do for each event. Forexample, I didn't want the Network Systems control to query the network when Iused the ActiveX control in the VB design environment because queries addunnecessary overhead and slow down the design environment.

The VB5CCE built-in Ambient Object contains a UserMode property thatsignals whether the control is being used in design time or runtime. In Listing 3, you can see the code that checks the UserMode of the Ambient Object to determine whether the control is in design mode or run mode. If the UserMode is true, the Network Systems control is in run mode and UserControl_Show calls the GetServerInfo subroutine to query the network for the connected system names.

Listing 4 presents the GetServerInfo subroutine. I explained theGetServerInfo subroutine in the November VB Solutions column, so in this columnI won't detail how the NetServerEnum API works. Instead, let's look at what Ihad to change in GetServerInfo to use it as part of an ActiveX control.

In the original version of this code, I set the server type via a globalconstant. For greater flexibility, the Network Systems ActiveX control uses theSystemType property instead of a constant. Either you set the SystemTypeproperty in design mode, or program code sets it at runtime and passes theproperty to the Network API.

At callout A in Listing 4, you can see where the subroutine calls theGetHexServerType function to retrieve the server type from the SystemTypeproperty, and places the information in the lServerType variable. The seventhparameter of the NetServerEnum API uses the lServerType variable to specify thetype of network systems the NetServerEnum API returns. The NetServerEnum APIrequires a hexadecimal value for the lServerType parameter. The GetHexServerTypefunction, shown in Listing 5, converts the user-friendly values the SystemTypeproperty displays to the hexadecimal values the NetServersEnum API requires.

Finally, the GetServerInfo subroutine must load the list of network systemnames returned by the NetServerEnum API into the combo box control. You can seethat section of code at B in Listing 4. Although this combo box is part of anActiveX control, the VB code to work with the combo box is nothing unusual. Youstill use the VB AddItem method to add the system names to the combo box.

After I added the code to retrieve the names of the networked systems, Iclosed the design window, which automatically added the new Network Systemscontrol to the VB5CCE toolbox. As you can see, incorporating existing VB codeinto a VB5CCE ActiveX control requires only minor changes. Learning about thenew VB5CCE development environment and its paradigm for building ActiveXcontrols took more time than moving the code from the original VB 4.0 project tothe new VB5CCE project.

Creating a Test Program for the Network Systems Control
You can use VB5CCE to create more than just ActiveX controls. You can alsouse VB5CCE to create standard Win32 programs.

VB5CCE's new CTLGROUP project feature can combine both ActiveX projects andStandard EXE projects, so testing the ActiveX controls you create is easy. I puttogether the simple test program shown in Screen 1 to test the Network SystemsActiveX control.

To create the test program, I selected Add Project from the File menu todisplay the VB project wizard. From the project wizard, I selected a StandardEXE project. The project wizard displayed a standard VB form in the designwindow and added a Standard EXE project into VB's project window.

After creating this new project, I changed the Name property to TestNetwork Systems Control. I double-clicked the Network Systems control in theVB5CCE toolbox to add the Network Systems control to the VB Form.

Next, I changed the SystemType properties to show all NT systems. Then Iadded the other text box and button controls to help me test the control.Finally, I clicked the Run icon on the VB5CCE toolbar to run the test programand the new Network Systems control.

Adding the New Control to Your VB 4.0 Projects
Once you create the Network Systems control, you can add it to any of yourVB projects to display a combo box that lists your networked systems. You add anActiveX control the same way you add any other custom control--you use theCustom Controls option from VB 4.0's Tools menu.

However, I built the Network Systems control using VB5CCE, so the VB5CCEruntime program, msvbvm50.dll, must be present for an application program to usethis control. You must use caution when you deploy programs and controls createdwith beta products because the development platform can change.

Although I haven't experienced any problems with the Network Systemscontrol, you need to remember that beta products have not yet completed thequality assurance and testing procedures that released products have completed.

As you can see, the new VB5CCE makes building an ActiveX control almost aseasy as building a typical VB program. In addition, the new developmentenvironment's use of project groups lets you easily build test containers foryour VB5CCE ActiveX controls.

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