JSI Tip 5329. What Application Event IDs can the Windows 2000 Fax service log?JSI Tip 5329. What Application Event IDs can the Windows 2000 Fax service log?
May 19, 2002
The Windows 2000 Fax service can log the following Application Event IDs:
Error name: MSG_FAX_SERVICE_STARTEDEvent ID: 8193Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: The fax service is started.
Error name: MSG_FAX_PRINT_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8194Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: Received %1 printed to %2.
Error name: MSG_FAX_PRINT_FAILEDEvent ID: 8195Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Cannot print %1 to %2. The following error occurred %3.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SAVE_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8196Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: Received %1 saved to %2.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SAVE_FAILEDEvent ID: 8197Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Cannot save received %1 to %2. The following error occurred: %3.
Error name: MSG_FAX_INBOX_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8198Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: Received %1 routed to local inbox: %2.
Error name: MSG_FAX_INBOX_FAILEDEvent ID: 8199Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Unable to route %1 to local inbox %2. The following error occurred: Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) error.
Error name: MSG_FAX_RECEIVE_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8202Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: %1 received. From: %2. CallerId: %3. To: %4.Pages: %5. Transmission time: %6.Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8204Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Fax sent. Sender: %1. Billing code:%2. Sender company: %3.Sender department:%4. Recipient name: %5.Recipient number: %6.Receiver CSID: %7. Pages: %8. Transmission time: %9. Device name: %10.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_BUSY_ABORTEvent ID: 8205Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Send failed. The number was busy. This fax will not be sent, as the maximum number of retries has been reached. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_BUSY_RETRYEvent ID: 8206Severity: WARNINGLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: Send failed. The number was busy. Another attempt will be made to send this fax. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_NA_ABORTEvent ID: 8207Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Send failed. There was no answer. This fax will not be sent, as the maximum number of retries has been reached. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_NA_RETRYEvent ID: 8208Severity: WARNINGLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Send failed. There was no answer. Another attempt will be made to send this fax. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SERVICE_STOPPED Event ID: 8213Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: NONEEvent text: The fax service is stopped.
Error name: MSG_FAX_ARCHIVE_SUCCESSEvent ID: 8214Severity: INFORMATIONALLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: Sent %1 archived to %2.
Error name: MSG_FAX_ARCHIVE_FAILEDEvent ID: 8215Severity: ERRORLevel: NONEEvent text: Unable to archive %1 to %2. The following error occurred: %3.
Error name: MSG_FAX_RECEIVE_FAILEDEvent ID: 8218Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Unable to receive fax. Unspecified fatal error returned from fax device provider.
Error name: MSG_FAX_RECEIVE_NOFILEEvent ID: 8220Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Unable to receive fax. Cannot create receive fax file %1.
Error name: MSG_NO_FAX_DEVICESEvent ID: 8222Severity: ERRORLevel: MAXIMUMEvent text: No fax devices were found.
Error name: INITIALIZATION/TERMINATIONEvent ID: 8222Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: No fax device were found.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_FATAL_ABORTEvent ID: 8225Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Send failed. An unspecified error occurred. This fax will not be sent, as the maximum number of retries has been reached. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_FATAL_RETRYEvent ID: 8226Severity: WARNINGLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Send failed. An unspecified error occurred. Another attempt will be made to send this fax. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_USER_ABORTEvent ID: 8227Severity: ERRORLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Send canceled. There was no dial tone. Another attempt will be made to send this fax. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_FAX_RECEIVE_USER_ABORTEvent ID: 8228Severity: WARNINGLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Receive canceled.
Error name: MSG_FAX_SEND_NDT_ABORTEvent ID: 8229Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Send failed. There was no dial tone. This fax will not be sent, as the maximum number of retries has been reached. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7.
Error name: MSG_SEND_NDT_RETRYEvent ID: 8230Severity: WARNINGLevel: MEDIUMEvent text: Send failed. There was no dial tone. Another attempt will be made to send this fax. Sender: %1. Billing code: %2. Sender company: %3. Sender dept.: %4. Recipient name: %5. Recipient number: %6. Device name: %7
Error name: MSG_FAX_RECEIVE_FAIL_RECOVEREvent ID: 8232Severity: ERRORLevel: MINIMUMEvent text: Receive failed due to a transmission error. Microsoft Fax Service was able to recover a portion of the received fax into %1. From: %2. CallerId: %3. To: %4. Recovered pages: %5. Total pages: %6. Transmission time: %7. Device name: %8.
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