Slashdot DownSlashdot Down
The popular news site Slashdot is offline this morning.
April 30, 2008
The tech news hub Slashdot, one of our favorite daily reads, is offline this morning. Netcraft's uptime monitoring shows that the site has been unavailablefor about three hours from its monitoring stations around the world. The site, which has millions of daily readers, is rarely down for that long.
UPDATE: Slashdot is back up again, just before 9 Eastern. As Emily Litella would say .... "Never mind!" We weren't the only ones who missed our morning fix of Slashdot. While it lasted, the downtime was also noted by The Register and Pingdom.
UPDATE 2: "Some planned downtime from our provider apparently didn't come back up quite as planned," explains Slashdot co-founder Rob "CmdrTaco" Malda.'s sites are hosted by Savvis.
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