How can I change the location of the event logs?
March 4, 1999
A. A. In event viewer you will notice that there are 3 different logs, Application, System and Security and each of these are mapped to a .EVT file in the %systemroot%/system32/config directory, however for performance/disk space reasons you may wish to move them and this can be done by performing the following
Start the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
Move to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesEventLog key. Under this key are 3 other sub-keys, Application, Security and System. Select on of them
Under each of the sub-keys is a value called File, double click this value
Edit the value to the location you require and click OK
Repeat for the other 2 log settings
Close the registry editor and reboot the machine for the change to take effect
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