Dynamic Invocation in C# -Using Reflection

Let us analyse.One very useful feature related to reflection is the ability to create objects dynamically and call methods on them. Class1.cs below has methods that will be dynamically invoked at runt

ITPro Today

April 20, 2004

5 Min Read
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Let us analyse.One very useful feature related to reflection is the ability to create objects dynamically and call methods on them. Class1.cs below has methods that will be dynamically invoked at runtime from the DynamicInvoke.cs.


using System;

class Class1{

       public static String method1()


           return "I am Static method (method1) in class1";


       public String method2()


           return "I am a Instance Method (method2) in Class1";


       public String method3(String s)


          return "Hello " + s;




Save this file as Class1.cs and Compile c:/>csc /t:library Class1.cs.


using System;

using System.Reflection;

class DynamicInvoke


public static void Main(String [] args)



String path =  "Class1.dll"

Assembly a = Assembly.Load(path);


//Invoking a static method

Type mm = a.GetType("Class1");

String i = (String) mm.InvokeMember ("method1",BindingFlags.Default |

BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,null,new object [] {}); Console.WriteLine(i);


//Invoking a non-static method

object o = Activator.CreateInstance(mm);

i = (String) mm.InvokeMember("method2",BindingFlags.Default |

BindingFlags.InvokeMethod,null,o,new object [] {});



//Invoking a non-static method with parameters

object [] par = new object[] {"Tester"};

i = (String) mm.InvokeMember("method3",BindingFlags.Default |






Save this file as DynamicInvoke.cs and Compile c:/>csc DynamicInvoke.cs  and run C:> DynamicInvoke


Happy Coding !!!!

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