Azure Status Dashboard Improved With Personalization and RSSAzure Status Dashboard Improved With Personalization and RSS
The revamped dashboard makes it much easier to quickly identify areas most important to your company.
June 20, 2014
Microsoft has announced several improvements for Microsoft Azure in the last day or so. For one, Azure Web Sites Backup and Restore Hits General Availability, and secondly, Hyper-V Recovery Manager has been Renamed to Microsoft Azure Site Recovery. There are others, but these are the most significant.
One other important update has come to the Azure Service Health Dashboard. In the past, the dashboard provided a long list of Azure services that you had to weed through to locate those areas your company was most impacted by. But, the number of Azure services is growing dramatically and the dashboard really needed to be reimagined to make it useful.
Now, the dashboard has been revamped, allow you to customize the information that is displayed. Through personalization, you can build a dashboard display that shows only those services and regions important to you.
And, once you have your custom dashboard configured, you can grab the RSS feed so you can be notified of alerts and status through your favorite RSS reader.
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