Windows IT Pro Community Forum, June 2012
In this installment, a reader laments Windows’ habitual need to reinvent itself. Another agrees with B. K. Winstead about the annoyance that is carrier bloatware. Another reader offers a recommendation for a free security tool. And yet another thinks that Microsoft was right all along about Server Core.
May 20, 2012
Windows 8 Equals More Clicks
I’ve been developing software for 12 years. When I took over this company after being a software trainer for four years, I wrote down a mantra: "Fewer clicks equals less tech calls." That statement is a fact. I can prove it by looking up any call log to Dell or HP or Toshiba. Look at what issues get the most calls; they generally involve the tasks with the most clicks.
My car has buttons to control the radio on the steering wheel now. But the actual radio still has knobs, too. The world likes tradition; the world likes comfort. Don't try to push your idea on the masses. Let them migrate at will. You always need to leave the old layout intact, with options to turn on the new layout for geeks or others who might be interested.
Most people aren't geeks. They have zero interest in learning new systems. They just want to use a computer and get things done. Why would we change how we start our cars or unlock our doors, if it doesn’t involve reducing the time it takes to complete the task? That’s the way to lose customers.
In 1995, I bashed Windows for changing the word directory to folder. A coder commented, "I would welcome any change that reduces the number of letters in a term that’s used millions of times a day." I thought about it and said, “Wow, you’re right!”
OSs should have skins. That way, you could use the same skin for the rest of your life without ever having to relearn how to drive a car. The general population doesn’t like change, especially when it's something personal and something that’s used many times a day. Change is for a small group of individuals. Geeks just need options in Control Panel for geekifying their computers, but they should always be turned off by default. The geek will know where to find them and how to turn them on. The average person would never be interested enough to search for the options and turn them off. They should be off by default. Aero is ridiculous—nobody needs or wants it. It serves no purpose except to confuse people with what they're seeing.
Oh, the Ribbon idea is terrible, inefficient, impossible to train on, and completely non-intuitive. Menus, menus, menus … they’ve worked in restaurants for millennia. Menus are logical. I always know that File is first, Edit is second, View is third, and Help is last. So simply standardized, and perfectly intuitive.
The Ribbon is a bad idea, and Windows 8 is partially a bad idea. Windows Me was confirmed as a bad idea a decade ago. And Windows Vista? Vista is actually a good OS that kept the user experience intact. I will stick to that for as long as possible.
—John Becker
Carrier Bloatware
I want to thank B. K. Winstead for his article “Carrier Bloatware: The Android Plague.” I learned a hard lesson after I bought my Droid Charge: Always check how much run-time memory a phone has before buying it. My phone, because of the Samsung and Verizon bloatware, is only good for people who don't buy apps or those that root the phone and remove the bloatware. I chose the latter.
—Paul Springer
Thanks for writing! It’s always great to hear from readers. And thanks for the app suggestions you left in the article comments—“Startup Manager (to limit what runs), Advanced Task Manager (to kill tasks that shouldn't be running), and SystemPanel (the best utility app ever!).” I’ve heard of them but haven’t tried them. I probably should. Honestly, as I wrote that article, I had to rein in my desire to rail against the carriers. I firmly believe something needs to be done about this problem, but the carriers have all the power as things stand. Perhaps a groundswell of consumer anger will occur eventually.
—B. K. Winstead