Want to write an Advanced Function ("script cmdlet?") Here's how.

I'm off to speak at the Wisconsin IT Symposium this week, so I thought I'd offer a beefy article to tide you over. This isn't meant to be so much a USEFUL Advanced Function as it is an all-in-one demo of what Advanced Functions can look like

Don Jones

April 26, 2010

10 Min Read
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I'm off to speak at the Wisconsin IT Symposium this week, so I thought I'd offer a beefy article to tide you over.

This isn't meant to be so much a USEFUL Advanced Function as it is an all-in-one demo of what Advanced Functions can look like. Notice:

  • Comment-based help, producing properly-formatted help when you run "Help Get-Info"

  • Support for -whatif and -confirm parameters (added by "SupportsShouldProcess()")

  • Support for ByValue and ByPropertyName parameter binding of pipeline input

There are some additional examples at the end; remove those and save this as a .psm1 file to create a Script Module!

I'll have several upcoming articles about how to construct this type of function... just wanted to share the final product in the meantime :). 



03.Retrieves operating system and BIOS information from one or more remote computers.


05.Get-Info retrieves operating system and service pack version information, along with BIOS serial number information, from one or more remote computers. It uses WMI to retrieve this information, so the appropriate firewall ports must be opened.


07.The output objects have properties for OS Version, OS Build Number, Service Pack version, and BIOS Serial Number. The computer name is also included in its own property.


09.Because WMI is used, computers are processed sequentially. Unreachable computers will incur a timeout of approximately 30 seconds.


11.Bind pipeline input by value

12.'localhost','win-por9tp458l7','not-online' | Get-Info


14.Use parameter

15.Get-Info -computername 'localhost' -errorlog 'errors.txt'


17.Bind pipeline input ByPropertyName - assumes CSV file has a "computername" column

18.Import-Csv inventory.csv | Get-Info -errorlog 'retries.txt'

19..PARAMETER ComputerName

20.One or more computer names.

21..PARAMETER ErrorLog

22.Path and filename where you wish unreachable computer names to be logged.

23..PARAMETER ErrorBehavior

24.'Log' or 'Ignore,' depending on what you want to happen when a computer cannot be reached.


26.function Get-Info {

27.    [CmdletBinding()]

28.    param(

29.        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,HelpMessage='Computer name(s) to target')]

30.        [string[]]$computername,


32.        [Parameter(HelpMessage='Path and filename of file for unreachable computer names')]

33.        [string]$errorlog = 'unreachable.txt',


35.        [Parameter(HelpMessage='What to do when connection errors occur')]

36.        [ValidateSet('Log','Ignore')]

37.        [string]$errorbehavior = 'Log'

38.    )

39.    BEGIN {

40.        del $errorlog -erroraction 'SilentlyContinue'

41.    }

42.    PROCESS {

43.        try {

44.            $skip = $false

45.            $os = Get-WmiObject win32_operatingsystem -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction 'Stop'

46.            $bios = Get-WmiObject win32_bios -ComputerName $computername -ErrorAction 'Stop'

47.        } catch {

48.            $skip = $true

49.            if ($errorbehavior -eq 'Log') {

50.                $computername | Out-File $errorlog -append

51.            }

52.        }

53.        if (-not $skip) {

54.            $obj = New-Object PSObject

55.            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty ComputerName $computername

56.            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty OSVersion ($os.caption)

57.            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty OSBuild ($os.buildnumber)

58.            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty SPVersion ($os.servicepackmajorversion)

59.            $obj | Add-Member NoteProperty BIOSSerial ($bios.serialnumber)

60.            Write-Output $obj

61.        }

62.    }

63.    END {}



66.# bind pipeline input by value

67.'localhost','win-por9tp458l7','not-online' | Get-Info


69.# use parameter

70.Get-Info -computername 'localhost' -errorlog 'errors.txt'


72.# bind pipeline input ByPropertyName

73.# assumes CSV file has a "computername" column

74.Import-Csv inventory.csv | Get-Info -errorlog 'retries.txt'

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