New Products - 18 Dec 2006New Products - 18 Dec 2006
Check out new and improved SQL Server-related products.
December 17, 2006
Audit Multiple Data Repositories
Tizor Systems announced Mantra 4.0, an appliance that provides real-time auditing andprotection for all data that resides on a database, a file server, or a mainframe application.Mantra supports major database vendors such as SQL Server and IBM DB2 and nowsupports legacy mainframe database environments. The product includes agentless localauditing technology that tracks all user activity, whether on the network or a local-accessterminal, and is transparent to users. Enhanced reporting capabilities allow for customizable automated-report generation and distribution and support for PDF, HTML, XML,and comma-separated value (CSV) formats. For more information, contact Tizor Systems at 978-243-3200, 800-231-8224, or
Normalize Audit Data from Different Database Platforms
SoftTree Technologies announced updatesto its flagship product, DB Audit Expert, thatprovide new enterprise-class support forcentralized audit repositories. The softwarelets you streamline auditing and compliance operations by using a central repository forSQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, and Sybasedatabases. Unified alerting and reportingcapability lets DB Audit Expert monitor andreport on (including alerting) all data access,updates, data structure modifications, andchanges to security permissions from onelocation. Pricing for DB Audit Expert startsat $329 per database server instance. Formore information, contact SoftTree Technologies at 800-289-9256 or
Integrate BI into SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
Business Objects announced that Crystal Xcelsius Workgroup, a visual design tool that lets you transform company data into interactive presentations and business dashboards, now includes point-and-click connectivity to SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services (SSRS). This capability lets you extract data relationships and project possible future business performance. You can share your dashboards and models through Microsoft Word, Outlook, PowerPoint or via PDF format and distribute them over the Web through Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Contact Business Objects at 866-681-3435 or
Leverage the Power of Microsoft BI
ICS announced that its business intelligence(BI) solution, RSinteract, extends its reachto support SQL Server Analysis cubes andthe SQL Server 2005 Unified DimensionalModel. RSinteract builds on SQL Server 2005Reporting Services (SSRS) to put informationin the hands of nonspecialist users. As a server-based Web application, RSinteract requiresno client software or plug-ins. RSinteract letsbusiness users with a standard Web browserbuild new SSRS reports or customize existingreports on any relational or OLAP data sourcedefined in SQL Server 2005/2000 withoutspecialized training. For more information,contact ICS at [email protected] or
Secure Data and SupportCompliance
Embarcadero Technologies announcedEmbarcadero ER/Studio 7.1, a data architecture and database design solution thatdiscovers, documents, and reuses data assets through visual data models. ER/Studio’simproved identification, classification, andcommunication of policies for sensitivedata help support regulatory complianceand reduce the risk of inappropriate dataaccess. New ER/Studio properties categorize and label data and objects according tothe level of security and privacy that shouldbe applied to them. For more information, contact Embarcadero Technologies at415-834-3131, [email protected], or
Easily Monitor and ManageSQL Server Jobs
Argent Software announced Argent JobScheduler 5.0, software to help manage andmonitor SQL Server jobs. Job Schedulermanages and maintains all SQL Server jobsfrom one interface and uses SQL Serverfor its back-end database storage systemto make historical data and performanceinformation easy to access. You can createcustomized action plans for each job youcreate. Job Scheduler can send email, pager,or Short Message Service (SMS) notifications to you when jobs fail, run late ortoo long, or use too much CPU time. Thesoftware can generate job reports to maphow certain jobs perform over the course ofweeks or months. Job Scheduler is scalable,allowing you to manage 1 or 1000 SQLServer machines. For more information,contact Argent Software at 860-674-1700, [email protected], or
Easily Encrypt DatabaseObjects
Ecatenate announced dbLockdown 2.0,an encryption solution that helps you secureyour SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005Express Edition scripts. dbLockdown’s interface lets you view all database objects acrossyour enterprise and Internet servers. You canthen encrypt stored procedures, views, user-defined functions (UDFs), database triggers,and server triggers in any number of serversand databases. dbLockdown automaticallyarchives each database object it encrypts for easy restoration. dbLockdown also letsyou edit T-SQL scripts for database objects.For more information, contact Ecatenate [email protected] or at
Ensure Continuous Uptimeto Server Farms
ScaleOut Software announced updates to its flagship product, ScaleOut StateServer, which installs as a software service and provides workload data storage for Microsoft .NET server farms. New enhancements ensure continuous uptime in difficult conditions such as server failures. ScaleOut StateServer automatically balances the amount of storage that each server in a farm uses. When a server fails, the ScaleOut StateServer service retrieves the server’s session objects from replicas stored on other servers and creates new replicas. Whenthe server comes back online, it’s able to automatically resume its share ofthe storage workload. For more information,contact ScaleOut Software at 503-643-3422,[email protected], [email protected], or
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