JSI Tip 8080. The Windows Server 2003 Active Directory lastLogonTimeStamp attribute is replicated across all domain controllers.

Jerold Schulman

May 26, 2004

1 Min Read
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Since the lastLogonTimeStamp attribute is replicated across all domain controllers in your domain, instead of querying lastLogon on every domain controller, you can use a single query to find all users and computers that have, or have not, logged on within a specified time.

NOTE: To use this functionality, your Windows Server 2003 domain must be at the Windows Server 2003 domain functionality level.

There are certain cases when the lastLogonTimestamp attribute is NOT updated:

  • Certificate mapping through IIS.

  • Username and password authentication through IIS.

  • .NET Passport mapping through IIS.

  • All Service-for-User (S4U) authentication paths.

NOTE: If the lastLogonTimestamp attribute has never been updated, it has a null value.

NOTE: You can use CvtFileTime.bat to convert a non-null lastLogonTimestamp data value to a date and time.


Report all users who logged on today before 06:00@echo offsetlocalcall univdateset /a yy=10000%yy%%%10000if %yy% LSS 9 set yy=200%yy%if %yy% LSS 99 set yy=20%yy%set /a mm=100%mm%%%100if %mm% LSS 9 set mm=0%mm%set /a dd=100%dd%%%100if %dd% LSS 9 set dd=0%dd%set today=%mm%/%dd%/%yy%set query=dsquery * domainroot -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User))" -attr sAMAccountName lastLogonTimeStamp -L -limit 0For /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('%query%') do ( set work=%%a call :parse)endlocalgoto :EOF:parsefor /f "Tokens=1*" %%i in ('@echo %work%') do ( set attr=%%i set data=%%j)if {%data%}=={} goto :EOFif "%attr%" EQU "sAMAccountName:" goto usrcall CvtFileTime %data% lltsif not "%today%" EQU "%llts:~0,10%" goto :EOFif not "%llts:~11,5%" LSS "06:00" goto :EOF@echo %user% %llts%goto :EOF:usrset work=%data%                           #set user=%work:~0,25%

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