JSI Tip 7980. How can I export Active Directory user data to a delimited file?

Jerold Schulman

April 27, 2004

2 Min Read
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Using DSQUERY, an Active Directory command-line tool, I have scripted UserCSV.bat to export user data to a semi-colon delimited file.

The syntax for using UserCSV.bat is:

usercsv CSVFileName Attribute1 [Attribute2 ... AttributeN]

where CSVFileName is the path and file name you want the data exported to, and each Attributei is an attribute name (see What attribute names can I use with the user filtered dsquery command?).

NOTE: If an attribute data value contains a semi-colon, it will be exported as a colon.

NOTE: Multi-line attributes, like streetAddress, and multi-valued attributes, like MemberOf, cause DSQUERY heading/data mis-alignment. If you must use one of these attributes, make it the last attribute specified.

NOTE: The case of the attribute name is NOT important, sAMAccountName, SAMACCOUNTNAME, and samaccountname work equally well.


To export the User Name, Distinguished Name, Display Name, Country Name, Postal Code, City, State code, Home Phone, and Street Address, use:

UserCSV "%UserProfile%My DocumentsExport.csv" sAMAccountName distinguishedName displayName co postalCode l st homePhone streetAddress

The Export.csv file might contain:

"sAMAccountName";"distinguishedName";"displayName";"co";"postalCode";"l";"st";"homePhone";"streetAddress""Administrator";"CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM";;;;;;;"SUPPORT_388945a0";"CN=SUPPORT_388945a0,CN=Users,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM";"CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US";;;;;;"test";"CN=test,CN=Users,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM";"My Display Name";"United States";"30338";"Atlanta";"GA";"14561239876;"123 Smith St""USER_OU_TEST";"CN=OU TEST,OU=OU_TEST,DC=JSIINC,DC=COM";"OU TEST";"United States";"30004";"Alpharetta";"GA";"19876543210";"1 South Main St."

UserCSV.bat contains:

@echo offif {%2}
{} @echo Syntax: UserCSV CSVFile Attribut1 [Attribute2 ... AttributeN]&exit /bsetlocalset CSVFile=%1if exist %CSVFile% del /q %CSVFile%if exist "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2" del /q "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2"set /a cnt=0set attr=%2set attr=%attr:"=%set line="%attr%"set dsquery=dsquery * domainroot -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(sAMAccountName=*))" -attr %attr%:AttrLoopshiftif {%2}
{} goto Exportset /a cnt=%cnt% + 1set attr=%2set attr=%attr:"=%set line=%line%;"%attr%"set dsquery=%dsquery% %attr%goto AttrLoop:Export@echo %line%>"%TEMP%UserCSV.TM1"set /a max=%cnt%set dsquery=%dsquery% -Limit 0set first=Yfor /f "Tokens=1* Delims=:" %%t in ('%dsquery%^|Findstr /l /n /v /c:"*$"') do ( set line=%%u call :Export1 )call :quiet>nul 2>&1endlocalexit /b 0:quietsort "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2" /O "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM3"copy "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM1"+"%TEMP%UserCSV.TM3" %CSVFile%if exist "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM1" del /q "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM1" if exist "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2" del /q "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2"if exist "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM3" del /q "%TEMP%UserCSV.TM3" goto :EOF:Export1if "%line:~0,2%" NEQ "  " goto :EOFset line=%line:~2,9999%if "%first%" EQU "N" goto Export2set first=Nset line=%line%#####set headtab=0000set /a cnt=0set /a seq=0:headset /a seq=%seq% + 1call set char=%%line:~%seq%^,1%%if "%char%" EQU " " goto head1goto head:head1set /a seq=%seq% + 1call set char=%%line:~%seq%^,5%%if "%char%" EQU "#####" goto head9call set char=%%line:~%seq%^,1%%if "%char%" EQU " " goto head1set /a point=%cnt% * 8call set pos=%%headtab:~%point%^,4%%set /a pos=10000%pos%%%10000set /a len=%seq% - %pos% -1set /a len=%len% + 10000set /a nxt=%seq% + 10000set headtab=%headtab%%len:~1,4%%nxt:~1,4%set /a cnt=%cnt% + 1goto head:head9set headtab=%headtab%2047########goto :EOF:Export2set /a cnt=0set query=:Export3set /a seq=%cnt% * 8set /a cnt=%cnt% + 1call set char=%%headtab:~%seq%^,8%%if "%char%" EQU "########" goto Export6set /a pos=10000%char:~0,4%%%10000set /a len=10000%char:~4,4%%%10000call set char=%%line:~%pos%^,%len%%%set char="%char%"set char=%char:   =%:Export4set work=%char:  "="%if %work% NEQ %char% set char=%work%&goto Export4set char=%char: "="%if %char% EQU "" goto Export5if %char% EQU " " goto Export5set char=%char:;=:%set query=%query%;%char%goto Export3:Export5set query=%query%;goto Export3:Export6set work=%query:~1,9999%@echo %work%>>"%TEMP%UserCSV.TM2"

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