Windows NT Server: An Open Platform?Windows NT Server: An Open Platform?
Openness mean choices, interoperability, and lots of competition.
May 31, 1996
If choices define openness, Windows NT Server may soon be the preferred "open"application server platform. IBM, Oracle, and Netscape are all creating NTrivals for taking over back-office functions--messaging, systems management,host connectivity, database, Web servers, and more. This rivalry is great for NTand its users because Microsoft delivers its best products when it feelsthreatened.
IBM recently introduced seven software servers (a.k.a. Eagle): Lotus Notes,DB2/NT, Internet Connection Server (ICS), Transaction Server (CICS, Encina),Systems Management Server (System View and Tivoli), Communications Server (SNAconnectivity), and Directory/Security Server. The application servers will runon OS/2, AIX, and NT, which IBM believes is a competitive advantage overMicrosoft's BackOffice, which runs only on NT. Notes, DB2, and ICS work on NTnow, and the rest will by the end of 1996.
Oracle's InterOffice for NT includes messaging, calendar/scheduling,directory services, document management, workflow, and database. This combinedoffering is going after the groupware market that products such as Lotus Notesoriginally defined. Oracle's Web Server and strategic partnerships with ComputerAssociates (CA-Unicenter) for systems management mean Oracle lacks only the hostconnectivity component. If Oracle can build momentum in the NT market, itssuccess in the database market can help the company catch up with the otherplayers.
Netscape continues to make strategic alliances and develop products tocompete for the back office. Its current product offerings include messaging,Web servers with Informix's database server, and other products that compete inthe groupware market. Netscape is focusing on the hottest segment of theapplication server market--the I-net (Internet and intranets). However, thecompany lacks host connectivity, systems management, and a standalone databasemanagement system (DBMS). So, on the one hand, while Netscape's giving Microsoftsome competition on the I-net, it won't replace all of BackOffice any time soon.On the other hand, Netscape thinks that SNA Server is irrelevant and SMS is asecond-rate product, so Netscape believes it's focusing on the real backoffice.
Does corporate IT really buy the whole BackOffice suite? Most IT shops seeBackOffice as a strategic direction from Microsoft and buy individualcomponents. At the same time, many ISVs are standardizing on the entire suitebecause they can build on Microsoft's foundation and emphasize the unique partof their solution. Will BackOffice achieve the success of Microsoft Office,which claims the majority of the office automation market? That's Microsoft'shope, and it's why other vendors must hedge their bets with application serversuites on NT.
If you define openness as the number of server OSs your software supports,Microsoft BackOffice is doomed. I believe openness means choices,interoperability, and lots of competition. With these major companies competingfor our NT business, we all win.
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