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June 10, 2008
A. Run the Server 2008 or Vista built-in Tasklist command with the /svc switch to view the services running in each Svchost instance, as the following example demonstrates. You'll notice that a list of services is shown for each Svchost instance.
You would enter
UsersAdministrator.SAVTSTDC01>tasklist /svc
The output would be:
Image Name PID Services==============
============================================System Idle Process 0 N/ASystem 4 N/Asmss.exe 500 N/Acsrss.exe 568 N/Awininit.exe 620 N/Acsrss.exe 632 N/Aservices.exe 672 N/Awinlogon.exe 704 N/Alsass.exe 720 KeyIso, ProtectedStorage, SamSslsm.exe 728 N/Asvchost.exe 896 DcomLaunch, PlugPlaysvchost.exe 956 RpcSssvchost.exe 996 WinDefendsvchost.exe 424 AudioSrv, Dhcp, EventLog, lmhostssvchost.exe 540 gpsvcsvchost.exe 548 AeLookupSvc, Appinfo, BITS, CertPropSvc, EapHost, IKEEXT, iphlpsvc, LanmanServer, MMCSS, ProfSvc, RasMan, Schedule, seclogon, SENS, SessionEnv, ShellHWDectection, Themes, Winmgmt, wuauservSLsvc.exe 12 slsvdsvchost.exe 1028 EventSystem, FDResPub, LanmanWorkstation, netprofm, nsi, SCardSvr, SstpSvc, W32Timesvchost.exe 1088 AudioEndpointBuilder, hidserv, Netman, UmRdpService, UxSms, WdiSystemHost, WPDBusEnum, wudfsvcsvchost.exe 1112 TabletInputServicesvchost.exe 1176 CryptSvc, Dnscache, KtmRm, NlaSvc, TermService, WinRMsvchost.exe 1272 Wlansvcaudiolog.exe 1388 N/Asvchost.exe 1424 BFE, DPS, MpsSvcsvchost.exe 1488 WebClienttaskeng.exe 1600 N/Aspoolsv.exe 1728 Spooler
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